Weight loss suggestions?

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by tommycee, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. tommycee

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    Sep 2, 2014
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    I'm 13, almost 14, and 5'3. I'm weigh either 135 or 140. I'd like to lose 10 or 15 pounds. I've tried on and off for about 2 years, but nothing worked. What's something I could do for about 30 minutes a day that could help me lose weight? BTW, don't say puberty will make me lose weight, because its only made me gain it.
  2. shinji

    shinji Guest

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Do nothing...

    Just calculate your BMI and start counting calories. Simplest way to lose weight.
  3. Adam1969

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    Dec 4, 2014
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    Lifting weights to build muscle mass will help speed up your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories in the long run. Aerobic exercises is best for burning calories over all though. Any exercise that helps you work up a sweat 30min a day will help you drop weight, as long as you dont start eating more. It is difficult to lose weight at any age and its easier when you're younger but understand that at your age you will be gaining weight that is not fat. Muscle, bone development etc will add to your weight so weight gain should be expected for a long time to come. People your age need this extra weight to grow healthily!

    Any individual will benefit from 20-30 minutes of walking a day. If over time you turn that in to 30-45min of running, cycling, swimming etc daily, it gets pretty easy to drop and keep weight off.

    Regarding diet... very complex topic... but you want to expend/burn more calories than you consume. By doing this the body avoids storing these calories as fat which results in weight loss. The topic of "proper" diet gets VERY complex. Frankly even people who understand these concepts well, seldom live them out entirely, myself included! There are countless theories on how the body uses of carbs-sugars, fats, proteins etc. but crucial to all these concepts is... garbage in = garbage out... or, eat too much food for your metabolism and you WILL get fat! This rule applies to all healthy humans but we all have different caloric needs to survive the day. One individual might actually burn 6,000 calories while another only burns 2,000 a day. We truly are all different in this regard. These are topics that few "diet plans" bother informing consumers about... :tantrum: ...and I believe its near impossible to get healthy without understanding these concepts! It's near impossible anyway but shallow, aggressive commercialism aint helpin matters!

    I have never found it easy to lose weight but commitment to working up a sweat is a tremendous help! Never underestimate the importance of exercise when trying to lose weight!! :thumbsup:

    Did all that come off kind of "gym-coach-like"!? :eusa_doh:

    Oh, at your age... eat more protein and fruits and ride your bike, ski or surf more! Unless you are obese or have a family history of obesity, you are really too young to be thinking about losing weight! Discuss this with your doctor!

    Good luck, sincerely!! :smilewave
    #3 Adam1969, Dec 19, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
  4. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    it's simple, really. commit to a healthy diet. lots of greens, light on the carbs, and avoid processed sugar. regular exercise. the focus on losing that much weight at your age is a bit of a concern, because your body is still growing and so this is something that must be approached carefully. you should definitely speak with a physician about your concern about losing weight. good luck, and remember that you are beautiful! (!)
  5. lilrocket

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    Nov 29, 2014
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    You are still growing, and you should be somewhat careful about being on a calorie deficit at your age as it could very well have a detrimental effect on your growth.

    That said, whilst some weight could be lost healthily, trying to be fit and strong is a better goal. If you start exercising you will get on a healthy calorie deficit without having to change your diet much, and you will build muscle mass and look fitter and grow into your body better. Lifting weights with low rep, high mass exercises, or even just bodyweight exercises and plyometric exercises, fast paced running and sprints that work your anaerobic respiratory system would all be very good for you in terms of improving athleticism -- not aimed at simply burning calories. Aerobic exercises like long distance running is always a staple for just burning weight off, and it can be very good to mix up the activities, but I think most people would prefer to look like a sprinter than a marathon runner and have that athleticism especially at a young age. Any kind of exercise would be great for you, as well as getting into sport and athletics generally!

    Make sure you don't starve yourself. You will end up failing any kind of diet/exercise regimen if you do.
    #5 lilrocket, Dec 20, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
  6. Yosia

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    Jan 26, 2014
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    I am not going to say eat healthily, because as someone who has tried and failed, i believe it would be super hypocritical of me. The way I lost weight was to simply eat less. Obviously still eat a healthy amount, just not as much as you are doing currently, and also drinking lots of water instead of soda greatly helps. Exercise may help to speed weight loss up, but I have never been a fan of exercise :lol:
  7. Brenndo

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    Nov 30, 2014
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    I had major weight problems. At 14 I was 130lbs, at 17 I was 300, then I dropped to 160lbs two years ago... but I have been steady at 190lbs for a year.

    I was anorexic... it happens to guys. Your brain just doesn't function correctly anymore. I was bulimic.

    I'm steady now because I just don't think about food really anymore. I'm not ridiculously skinny but I have very high self esteem now. I don't care what people think. With self esteem came reduced desire to eat.

    I'm also majorly Bipolar... Like 90% I'm fine but then I just go insane for a few months. The constant up and down really messed up my life. Once I started taking control of that, I have felt great.

    I have no idea if any of this relates to you, perhaps it does. I think a lot of people who are overweight have some underlying problems... you need to make yourself happy. Then you might not even care that you're overweight...!
  8. Damien

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    There are two 'enemies' who, if one cuts them out, one can find losing weight much easier, and they are: refined sugar, and white flour. Just cut these two out and half the battle is won, imo. Refined sugar is present not just in sweets but also in large proportions in soft drinks, and in many processed foods. White bread also has little nutritional value, and only serves to push our blood sugar up in an unbalanced way. When I want something sweet, I go with more natural sweet things: dates, fruit, hot milk sweetened with honey or molasses, anything that isn't too concentrated. And make sure your bread / pasta etc is whole grain, not white. Even this alone is a big step. (I'm not doing this to lose weight, just to generally feel healthier and to have more energy, but from what I've heard kicking out refined sugar and white flour products does help to lose weight, too :slight_smile:).
  9. DinelodiiGitli

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Land of Citrus Fruit and Gators.
    The majority of diet plans are junk in my opinion. I truly don't think sugar is the enemy nor carbs otherwise I would be overweight (I used to be as a child but that isn't the case any more). It comes down to listening to your body and calorie management. figure out the proper amount of calories for your "ideal" body weight (this varies) and make sure to keep in mind how much activity you get. Working out can help build muscle and cardio and proper diet will help burn fat.
  10. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    all so true, AND I think that it also makes a difference on brain chemistry. refined sugar and white flour mess it up. getting them out of the system helps the healing process. well, that's just my experience, and my humble opinion. I don't know if anyone else has noticed that.
  11. seeking

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    Sep 24, 2013
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    I don't think you should diet at your age. You are still developing and most likely you will thin out by the time your 19. I didn't loose my baby fat until i was 17/18. I was always thin but i had baby fat still.

    What i do think you should do is join a sports team at your school. They make you run and do weights every day or every other day. I would also just make sure your plate is 75% fruit, veggies, and grains. Red meat i would avoid because it is one of the hardest meats for the body to digest, it also known to slow down the digestive system because of how hard it is for the body to digest. Cow meat is the red meat i see very hard to digest, pork is not as hard for the body to digest. Drink only water, replace your soda and other very sweet beverages with water. Drinking bottle fruit juice has a lot of sugar in it too. For breakfast don't have the traditional american breakfast, if you do have a boil egg, turkey bacon, and bread (that is not white bread). If you decide to not have the traditional breakfast....have some oatmeal and fresh fruits with lime/lemon water.

    Don't eat three big meals a day... eat small meals through out the day. Like at breakfast(which is like 6am for me) oatmeal and fruits....3 hours later celery and peanut butter....2/3 hours later lunch (75% of plate should be fruit, veggies, and grains)...3 hours later a gronola bar....Sports practice...after fruit protein shake and some veggies...3 hours later dinner (75% of plate should be fruit, veggies, and grains).....Then bed time.

    Figure out what your body needs if you need more fiber or protein add that to your diet. Protein from veggies and other sources are better than from a shake and meat.

    Once a week treat yourself to something.

    *you are only suppose to have between 6 to 8 oz of meat a day. Your body cannot digest anymore which overworks the kidney and creates more waste in the body.

    Eating right and exercising is my advice for someone your age. I would not count calories. Your body is still developing and your calorie needs would be different than someone who is not still developing.

    Also remember how your bone structure is. Your perfect weight depends on your bone structure not on your height. That is why their is a range of what someone should be at each height. Think there is like a 20 or 30lb range if i remember correctly.

    ---------- Post added 20th Dec 2014 at 09:36 PM ----------

    Also please talk to your physician about loosing weight. He/she can give better advice and point you to a nutritionist that work with adolescents/teens.
    #11 seeking, Dec 20, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
  12. DawnM

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    Dec 8, 2014
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    I agree here. You're only 13, you've just started to hit puberty. There's a good chance that you'll continue to gain and lose as you continue to grow.

    However, I've bene in your shoes. I've never been a small person. I've always been bigger built and tall. I have borader shoulders than most guys on the football team. Something that will only make this worse is skipping meals or limiting yourself too much. In that situation your body will try and make up for lost calories by holding on to what you do eat. Skip Breakfast, Get Fat

    Try and start small. Do a few push-ups, a few crunchs, or take a walk in that 30 minutes. You aren't looking for quick results, you're looking for something you can keep up in the long run. That's what will help you most.
  13. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    I absolutely agree with seeking, and I think that at your age dieting can be much more dangerous to your health than a few extra pounds. worrying about body image and achieving a look that isn't really natural is one of the diseases of our society. But the one thing that I would say as far as diet is to watch the sugar if that is a part of what you enjoy. soft drinks, candy bars, and even fast foods are not a regular part of a healthy diet (notice I use the word differently here than in the concept of "dieting"). I agree with seeking tht water is an excellent beverage with meals, or any time; really the best beverage that you could drink ever. but if you're not into any of those killer foods in any major way, then growing up will really take care of things and it will pretty much work out on its own. stay active, don't spend life on the couch, and you'll be healthier both physically and mentally. :thumbsup:
    #13 Wildside, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2014