WHERE did you come out?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Wildside, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    I'm struggling with coming out to my wife, and one of the big issues is where, and along with that goes when. I almost came out to her earlier this year while we were having a meal at a Panda Express. I didn't, and when I told a gay friend about it the only thing he said was that would have been a really bad place to come out. We're on a long road trip this weekend. Usually, she does all the talking and doesn't stop to breath, no less let me respond to what she is saying, and forget about me bringing up new topics. But after she talked for a couple hours today, with no radio on in the car, it got quiet and she asked if there was something that I wanted to talk about. I felt like, WELL YEAH there sure is something I want to talk about, I want to tell you I'm gay. But I didn't know if she was waiting for me to bring up that topic, or if that would have completely floored her. Probably the latter, but who knows. So I just responded, "Well, like what?". and she asked if I was thinking about anything, and I said yeah, a lot of things. then more silence, then she turned on the radio. I've been pretty much ready to tell her if I get asked questions along that line. I kind of would like an opportunity to tell her but then wonder if it really is the best thing to do at this stage of life (late 50's, 35 years of marriage). But I just don't know what is best. Anyway, I'm not asking if I should because I know that I should. I'm asking for your stories about WHERE you did it, and if that was a good or bad place to do it, so I can get a sense, when these opportunities present themselves, whether or not to leap in. thanks so much. I appreciate all the help people give on this site! :help::help::help:
  2. Glalie

    Regular Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    Well, I told the first person I came out to in front of the building where most of my college classes were. I knew when I told her that she would be supportive, so I thought the place where I felt most comfortable would be the best place. I don't think that's going to help you much, though.

    You have to take into account who you're telling. It may be something that you've known about for a while, but it could be life changing for her. Since she is your wife of 35 years, and if she doesn't suspect you being gay, I would say a more private venue would be better. That long road trip sounds like it would have been an opportune time. If she gets emotional, you'll want that to happen in a place and at a time where she can process everything and work through the emotions so you can explain your situation and have a legitimate conversation about this.

    I wish you good luck! Coming out is hard, but you can do it! (*hug*)
    #2 Glalie, Dec 13, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2014
  3. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    thanks. I really WANT to believe you that I can do it. I'm not there yet, but I appreciate it when people tell me that it is possible, even for someone who has lived a lie for half a century. I appreciate what you said about the private venue. we do have another day on the trip, but maybe it's not the best place. like you said, she could get emotional, and trapped in a car with me for six hours might be torture for her, and me. sigh. I do that a lot, sigh. So sad. and so happy that the world is different for your generation. I wish nobody would ever again make the mistake of trying to force himself to live a straight life. It never works. It's a lot better for young people today, but I know that it still happens. things are better, but sadly being gay is still not seen by everybody as being the gift that it is. I really do appreciate your story, and your support! :smilewave
  4. Glalie

    Regular Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    For ten years I though every night as I lay my head on my pillow that I would never be able to tell anyone about my same-sex attractions. It was torture. Everyone I knew, family and friends, was fundamentalist Christian, and I knew for sure that they would abandon me when they found out.

    Then, one day, I met an amazing group people at school, simply because I asked a classmate if she'd like to have lunch with me. She said she had a group that she was going to eat with, and I was more than welcome to join them. Six months later, after ten years in the closet, I told that girl who I really was. After all the agony I had gone through, it was as simple as uttering the words, "I'm gay."

    Now I'm telling the friends that I thought would abandon me, and you know what? They still love me. Not all of them agree with it, but they're still in my life, and we're closer now than we've ever been.

    I know your situation is different, but the moral of the story is the same: You most certainly can do it! No matter how long you've had to deal with these feelings, you can tell the people who need to know. I can't promise that it'll work out like you want, but you have the strength!:thumbsup:
  5. Kasey

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    Dec 21, 2013
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    It was my best friends birthday. We were shitfaced in his garage smoking and drinking last April. He wanted to know why I was down... I told him. Glad I was drunk and had the courage to do it or I'd still be a closet case.
  6. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    thanks for the encouragement. just curious, where were you when you told her?
  7. OnTheHighway

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    Oct 9, 2014
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    I was in the kitchen, we were sitting at the table, I gave my ex wife a note, sat with her while she read it. When she was done, I told her I was gay, just repeating what was written in the note. It happened when it felt right for me to tell her. There was nothing more to it.
  8. YuriBunny

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    Jan 10, 2014
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    I'm an introvert; I live in my head.
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    1. Came out to my sister- outside in my backyard
    2. Came out to one friend- on the school bus
    3. Came out to a few other friends- in the school's cafeteria
    4. Came out to my parents- I wrote them a letter and I don't know where they were when they read it. Probably in the living room?
  9. PositivelyMe

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    Oct 30, 2014
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    I have come out to absolutely everyne I'm out to in my dorm room late at night via text message. Except one, which was in the library via text. Texting is easiest for me.
  10. NotSureWhatIam

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    Jan 6, 2014
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    CaMe out to my brother and coworker in my bed via text, came out to my old best friend via text whilst at the gym. Came out to my mom on the couch, came out to everyone else via Facebook lol.
  11. LiquidSwords

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    Oct 10, 2012
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    Sat on a kerb drunk walking home from a night out
    Sat on a wall drunk walking home from a night out
    Sat on my sofa drunk after walking home from a night out
    At a bus stop drunk walking home from a night out
    In a club drunk

    The order gets a bit muddled from here but those were the first few.. first sober coming out was to my sister when we were lying in the garden sunbathing

    Tbh I think my situation is a lot different from yours so I don't really recommend telling your wife when you're smashed

    I'd definitely say do it someplace you can be on your own and when you have enough time to talk about it for as long as you need, those are the most important things otherwise I don't think it really matters that much
  12. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    Lots of great advice, AND I really love reading all the stories. Every one of them is great, they all give me hope, and I am so joyful for everyone for finding a way. I really appreciate that people contributed their stories even when their circumstances are different from mine. It tells me that there are no "right" ways, but at the same time, they are ALL right ways!!! For my situation, LiquidSwords advice to say it in a place, any place, where we can be on our own and have all the time in the world to talk about it. not rushed, not pressured, and yeah, absolutely not smashed!!! LOL!!! :roflmao:
  13. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Hi there! Sorry to read that you are struggling with coming out but at the same time I can see why it isn't the easiest coming out. I can imagine that coming out to your wife will produce additional fears and worries. After all, the two of you have a shared memory and started building a life together. Timing and place would certainly be two things to consider carefully when you try to speak with her.

    Most of my in-person coming outs were in coffee shops and in living rooms.

    Thinking about your situation though, I'd suggest that you try speaking with her at home, or a place where the both of you can listen to each other uninterrupted, and feel that no one else can listen into the conversation.
  14. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    Thanks for the compassion and the solid advice!!! Having the privacy and other advantages of the home does make sense. but you also hit on the coffee shops for other in-person coming outs, which also interests me because obvoiusly while the coming out to the wife is the big one, there are lots of others that I want to come out to. Did you go with the coffee shop venue just because that is where you found yourself much of the time? or were there other more intentional reasons? like maybe, if it didn't go well, you could just walk away more easily? or some other reason?
  15. Mirko

    Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    You're welcome. :slight_smile:

    I think it just happened more or less by accident that I came out a few times in coffee shops. For some reason, when I spoke with a friend, and got together for a coffee, the time just seemed to be the right one. One or two times I did think I could try coming out when I see him/her again for coffee, but didn't 'actively' plan on it, if that makes sense.
  16. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    yup, that definitely makes sense!!! thank you!
  17. JACT

    Regular Member

    Nov 17, 2014
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    A few people

    For me it was in bed at 4:00 AM,
    I had been ready for days but unable to pull the trigger, then on the Friday after thanksgiving after not sleeping all that much, I sensed she was waking and I decided to jump, I mean it felt like I imagine it would feel jumping out of an airplane with a parachute and not even knowing hot to open it.

    the landing was not as hard as I suspected, thankfully, and the relief I felt was so great after so many years of denying it even to myself, it was hard and scary but in the end, worth it.
    hope it goes well for you, for me the early hour was the best, she was not fully awake or at least not at full speed, that allowed me to say all that I needed before she had the chance to overwhelmed me with words, my wife also can speak at a great speed.

    best of luck.
  18. tyler h

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    Jan 20, 2014
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    I can't say that I have a great suggestion for a specific place to come out, but I don't think that a moving vehicle is a specifically great idea. There's a lot going on, and obviously a conversation afterwords, and I think it's best that a large chunk of your attention is not taken away while operating a moving vehicle. You have to be focused on the road.
  19. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    First person I came out to was a fellow college student, and I did it lying on his floor in a very awkward attempt to come on to him. He turned me down. But he was nice about it.

    Here's the thing about the right place and time. It never arrives. If it does, you're never ready for it, and it's gone by the time you realize it, and then you think "Well, I shoudl've done it then...I'll wait until another good time."

    Coming out is mainly something to get beyond. Up until then, you're standing there with the splinter in your finger, freaking out about how much it'll hurt. But it's usually best to just get it over with. :slight_smile:

  20. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    GREAT STORY!!! Of course, it's been a long time since we've slept in the same bedroom, but still, I like how you gave her the news when her mind was still in first gear. Was it like, the two of you had just woke up, and she said, "what time is it?", and you responded "4 a.m., and honey, I'm gay. Can I make you some coffee?" :roflmao:

    ---------- Post added 15th Dec 2014 at 03:54 PM ----------

    Thanks, Tyler. That's really good advice. You know, you hear so much about the danger of distracted driving, and dealing with an emotional bombshell like this while driving could put ourselves and other people on the road at risk. I appreciate your insight, and will cross a moving vehicle off my list. It seems like a "private space," but the fact is that it is a large piece of metal hurtling down the road at 80 MPH (which is the legal speed limit in west Texas!)

    ---------- Post added 15th Dec 2014 at 03:56 PM ----------

    an appropriate analogy for me! Have we met somewhere, Lex? :lol: I ask that, because it seems like you know me. I have always been a big baby about pulling out splinters and ripping off bandages!