I don't think I could ever meet a woman.

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by womaninamber, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    religion is used by too many people as a stick to beat over other people's heads and to justify hatreds, like homophobia. we have a song called "All Are Welcome," and I say that they should change the words to "Few Are Welcome." I accept who I am and I believe that God made me this way because he loves me so much that he wants the best for me, and that some people are just stupid :***:holes and unfortunately too many of them are in positions of power in the church. but then again, there are loving people too. I don't know, I am rambling because I am confused. :eusa_doh:
  2. paris

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    Oct 4, 2013
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    I'm not familiar with psycho drama but it uses role playing, and "healing sentences" are used. Depending on the problem you want to solve the mediator tells you to choose people who role play for you. You may think you choose those people by random but the truth is that you subconsciously choose people with the same/similar problem.
    The interesting part is that even though you don't know other people in the group when you're in their role you know exactly what to do and how they feel about other participants in the constellation. Sometimes I couldn't move and even started to shake uncontrollably because I felt like freezing, or felt so sick that it was hard for me to stand, or felt such a big anger towards someone in the constellation that I'd almost hit them. I don't know how it works but it works. You can also play inanimate things e.g. work, decision, sex... once I was even war (it's a big role).
    I don't know if there's someone trained in family constellations in your area but you could try to google for it if interested. I was lucky to find a woman who trained directly with Hellinger and who's very good. Btw this method helped me to confirm my sexual orientation.
    #42 paris, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
  3. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    Thanks for the explanation. That does sound a lot like what I experienced as psycho drama when I was an impatient at a psych hospital (major depression). I was picked by one young man to play his father, as he worked through some serious issues he had with his father, who had passed away. the staff stood in positions where they could intervene if the exercise looked like it was going to become unsafe. a lot of emotion came out, and it ended with him giving me a big hug and sobbing. from what I could see, it worked for him and for others who took the chance, and participated. that was 17 years ago. I didn't participate because like anything back then, I would have come up with some bullshit issue because I didn't dare to tell people that my real issue was that I was gay and needed to come out of the closet. a role play with someone playing my wife, wow, I know that it would have been overwhelmingly emotional for me :tears:; but I didn't dare to tell anyone that I was gay back then. Maybe they used the term "psycho drama" for our benefit, to emphasize that it was a role playing exercise, but it sounds pretty similar to what you're describing, I think, and if so I can say that it works for people who are ready to be honest with themselves and others in a very safe setting in every sense.
  4. paris

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    Oct 4, 2013
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    @Wildside It's quite different from psychodrama then. It's really hard to explain because it's something you understand fully just by experiencing it.
  5. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    OK, thanks. well then I'll do some more research on the internet to see what more I can learn about it. I appreciate your suggestions!