I don't think I could ever meet a woman.

Discussion in 'LGBT Later in Life' started by womaninamber, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    OK, OK, OK, I'll admit it. I am like the world's biggest fan of Hello Kitty. I have a Hello Kitty men's wallet (yes, there is such a thing). It is a real conversation started. I've been told that I must be really secure in my masculinity to use something like that! I guess being a gay man who is secure of his masculinity is a good thing, Right? I also use Hello Kitty duck tape. I put it all over my suitcases to make them easy to identify (please, find your own variety of duct tape for your suitcases!!! :roflmao:slight_smile:. People have hung big Hello Kitty jumping things in my office, put stickers all over my desk, left Hello Kitty pogs on my phone. Yeah, there sure are some people with weird obsessions out there, aren't there? :icon_bigg
  2. womaninamber

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    Thank you all for the reassurance. I do feel better knowing other people don't like what most other people their age seem to like. I mean, I know it must be true, but I don't always hear about it. And Hello Kitty is awesome! I almost started a collection of these Hello Kitty wedding dolls put out by McDonalds until I realized that they made a ton of different ones for different countries and I would quickly go broke.

    I've been trying to get out of my comfort zone and send messages to women on dating sites. I actually heard back from a couple of them. I doubt they want to do much besides say hello but I can hope. I'm not even necessarily looking for a date; I just want friends.

    I had this strange thought today. Years ago I was watching some kind of advice show on TV, and a woman called in and said she thought women were really sexy but she would never, ever do anything with a woman. And the hosts reassured her that lots of women think that way because women are highly sexualized and shoved into people's faces by the media, and it didn't mean she wasn't straight.

    The things is, my thought at the time was, "That sounds like me! Except I totally would do something with a woman if I had the chance." And I just remember that now, thinking "Maybe that's what they call not being straight," but I guess I wasn't ready to admit it then.
  3. Really

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    Ok. I'm not kidding now. Where is that kissing booth they promised when we signed up?
  4. BlackCat3929

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    I totally agree btw...though my game is Skyrim or Mass Effect rather than Pokemon, I so get the community around our geekdoms if you will.:thumbsup:

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    Womaninamber :

    I know what you mean when you said that you're 47, and you think that life is passing you by. I'm 48, and I feel like this all the time. I'm disabled, and my admitting that I was openly gay and transgendered was one of the toughest things that I have ever faced,
    but I did it, and I know you can too.

    As far as meeting someone, their are no clubs or meetings for me, but I'm not giving in on hope, and neither should you.

    Maybe we can talk sometime, if you'd like.

  6. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    yeah, I turn 59 next week, which means 60 next year, and that often makes me feel like, "why bother? I've been miserable all my life, why change now?". But then again, I have heard here on EC about people who came out in their 60's and even 70's. So, I don't know. I keep listening, maybe something will click at some point. 48 seems so young to me now!!! but I was definitely not ready at 48, as I was raising a family and more significantly building an edifice of heterosexuality that I was hoping would be strong enough to withstand any assaults by the truth. As life would have it, that assault came from the inside, and those attacks are always impossible to withstand. :tears:
  7. womaninamber

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    That is really rough. My child is transmasculine genderqueer, and I worry about the world not accepting em. And I'm sure having a disability only makes the whole thing more difficult. I'm just glad my kid is realizing all this when ey is young.

    I really appreciate the support and I'd love to talk to you sometime after I get the capability of talking to people on here which I don't have yet.
  8. womaninamber

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    Today was horrible. Last night I convinced myself that I had HOCD and had had it for decades. I couldn't sleep and woke up miserable and wasn't sure how I'd make it through work. Eventually I calmed down a little and realized that I don't really have the symptoms of HOCD, but I tell myself I have some other mental illness that makes me think I'm not straight when I am.

    I keep telling myself "Well, you started thinking you weren't straight because of porn, and now you know porn means nothing, so just admit you're straight!"

    Every time I see an argument that leads me to believe I'm straight, I jump on it and start insulting myself and telling myself I'm a fake and I only want attention and that's all it has ever been. I don't tell myself I'm straight because I want to be straight though. Thinking that this is all due to porn and/or my weird brain actually really upsets me. I'm not saying I underestimate the homophobia in the world, but I really don't have much reason to be afraid to admit this. But I just can't.

    I know this is more than just denial or angst over my sexuality, obviously my weird brain is acting up. I just wish I had a way to stop this roller coaster.

    What I really need to do is a) just live without a label and see what happens in life and who I end up attracted to and b) stay away from discussing my sexuality on the internet since I'm not going to find an answer. But right now I feel incapable of doing either of those things, so I'm not going to kid myself that I am going to do them. I am just going to distract myself as best I can.
  9. Melanie

    Melanie Guest

    I'm not sure this will be any reassurance or comfort for you, but I went through a lot of what you seem to be going through here. I hid it a lot though. I didnt really post all that much about it, except maybe on the other account that I had where I self-deleted. I originally joined in Feb 2014. At the point where I self-deleted I was sure I wasnt gay and even if I was I thought it didnt matter much (it did).

    I had to challenge myself to come back here because I equated deleting my account with running... it didnt work because I was still attracted to the most hot woman ever lol. I couldnt get away from her, so I was still confronted with the "am I gay" thing every day.

    I was like you in that I live in an area that is absolutely not homophobic. I work for a diverse employer. I work with people that accept my freak personality ... read: accept me with all my flaws and foibles. :slight_smile: I have it easier than most people on this planet. No reason for me to fear.

    My problem is that I felt like I had to reconcile everything. WHY was I in denial most of my adult life. WHY did I ever even get involved with men. HOW could I ignore this part of myself for so long. I still feel a bit disconnected from the fact that I am a lesbian. I'm still the same person, doing the same things and relating to others in exactly the same way as I always have. I do believe I have become much much less judgmental.

    So, I guess while for you its your "weird brain" your reaction is not unique to people in denial. I went through many of the same things... the knee-jerk reactions "What am I doing here?? I'm not gay!" "What difference does it make even if I AM gay... so what?"

    I dont know if you will be back to see this but I want to wish you luck and I hope that the conclusion of this journey is peaceful for you. We're all here if you need us ... if you want to come back and keep posting please do so. You're always welcome here. (*hug*)
  10. OOC73

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    Sep 29, 2014
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    I'm 41, run a world of Warcraft guild, am gay but still live with my husband and three kids, two of whom have special needs. And I identify with a great deal of what has already been said.

    The mutual commonality that we all share is what brings us to here. Because no matter how we got here or what we do in our spare time we all got here because at some level we are "different" together - whether it be because of sexuality or gender questioning or simply because we just don't yet know but know there is something we need to identify.

    The way I see it is that I have spent my whole life thus far fighting my destiny. And yet I still ended up here anyway. It's time for me to spend less time fighting and more time simply existing in my reality and seeing what my path has in store.

    Or I can spend my whole life over-analysing the infinite possibilities of all possible outcomes and miss out on just smelling the roses as they come into bloom.

    That's draining. I know because I've been doing it for months. And now I'm drained. So it's time to just let go and see what happens - free falling while using a stick as a parachute is never going to end well.
  11. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    I haven't done that self-deleting thing on EC, but I have done it with other sites (meet up sites, dating sites, etc). There is one that I have deleted and rejoined a dozen times over the years. But I always went back. And you know why? Because I was still gay! :eusa_doh: But then I found EC which is different, where I can actually talk about everything that I am going through, and I can read other people's experiences that I can identify with. When I saw your comment about self-deleting and coming back, that was just another experience that I could identify with. It says to me, you're in the right place, John!!! thanks.:thumbsup:
  12. Melanie

    Melanie Guest

  13. jay777

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    You can chat with others via wall messages...
    just click on user-> view public profile and leave a message on the wall...
  14. womaninamber

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    Thank you Melanie and everybody. I appreciate it.

    I don't know why my brain is acting like this. Last time it happened I pushed it down and told myself not to question anymore, but I guess it didn't work. Which makes it sound like classic denial but... well, maybe it's a combination of that and my weird brain.

    I'm seeing my therapist on Tuesday. I hope she can at least give me some tips on calming down.
  15. paris

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    I don't think you're familiar with family constellations, a method founded by Bert Hellinger. Here's an interview with him.
    I think his method is kind of controversial but I myself have joined enough sessions, set up my own and role-played in other people's constellations, to understand there's really more than we think.
    According to the interview, Hellinger observed patterns in relationship to LGBT issues. To believe or not to believe is up to each individual but considering I was confronted with a male ancestor of mine in every single constellation I've set up so far I wouldn't be surprised it's true. The men are mostly people that I couldn't meet in person but still they affect my life in so many ways. I also learned how important is to honour their memory and their difficult fate.
    What I wanted to say is that just because you can't see much reason that prevent you from admitting you're gay it doesn't mean such reason doesn't exist. (*hug*)
  16. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    Does his method use psycho drama and role playing? It sounds interesting. How can you fi d a therapist that uses his methods?
  17. womaninamber

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    I had never heard of family constellations before. That's pretty interesting. It makes me want to think about it... although one thing about me is that I don't have much family. My family was always very small and my only living relative is my child. But from what I see that wouldn't matter, as far as family constellations.

    One thing that I think is the problem here is that I virtually always push away and contradict anything positive someone says about me. "They're only saying that because..." "They say you're smart but you know the truth, you're stupid." I've been doing it since I was a kid, and I've tried a little cognitive-behavioral therapy which was of some help, because I recognize it better now.

    But I think that's part of what's going on here. I try seeing myself with women and I like what I see, but my brain gives me a bunch of reasons why I'm too boring to be gay (or bi) and too stupid to have a real insight and obviously faking it for attention.

    Sorry if that sounds self-pitying. Believe it or not I try not to be self-pitying. But this kicking myself, that's something I'm afraid I may never be able to stop.
  18. BlackCat3929

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    Okay. At 36 I can still remember how I was at 16. I was not in a place to accept my sexuality as a teen. So much so I was very rebellious and excessively sexual. Now, at 16 I was already stacked, extremely muscular and didn't know my own strength. It was a very dangerous powder keg. I was very defensive toward anyone who called me a dyke. That wasn't me. I was in denial. And because I didn't know wtf I was doing I ended up alienating myself from most of my family because I was in such deep denial. I moved out of my mother's at 16 because I couldn't deal with accusations from classmates...though at the time I blamed my family. When I look back it is clear I was at least bi if not gay back when I was a teen, but despite growing up in the uber-liberal Seattle area, I couldn't accept it myself...So there we have a 36 y/o coming out when I could and should have at 16. Its probably what gave me the issues and phobias I still deal with. As I said in another post, dont let other people label you and straight/gay/bisexual. You love who you love, and it really, to me anyway, has no bearing on gender. Sexual attraction true..is an indicator, but no matter how much I love my husband, and I DO love him..doesn't change the fact that I'm sexually attracted to women more so than men.
  19. Wildside

    Wildside Guest

    I am very much like that. I don't like to be put down, but whenever anyone says something positive, I always feel like, "you don't really know me." Like, if you really knew me, you wouldn't be saying something so positive. What I have always wondered, and still wonder, is if this is a product of me being in my closet. I mean, I went in the closet because I must have felt that it was something bad, something to be ashamed of. so I can never accept praise because there is always that hidden part. and so I also wonder if that is something that changes when we come out.
  20. womaninamber

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    That is actually a really interesting idea.

    I have to admit that the habit goes back into my childhood though, and I didn't really suspect I was anything but straight until I was about 16. (I'd say I could have been doing it subconsciously, but my first crush when I was 13 was on a guy and then I was with guys (when I could find one... :wink:) for years.

    However, I think that if I am gay or bi it would explain why I got severely depressed and left my religion, because my religion kept telling me how wrong it was. I was already angry at the religion, consciously, and ready to leave mostly because of that belief. But suspecting that it affected me personally and directly really didn't help.