What is Unforgivable to You?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Kaiser, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Lawrence

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    Jan 16, 2014
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    I think brainwashing is quite evil. I knew a teenage guy that joined a Neo-Nazi youth group. The leaders lured him in with attention and gifts. They taught him to hate entire groups of people. He later came out as a camp gay, but I think that's because he thought that's what gay guys are supposed to do. I forgive his past, but I don't forgive the sick brainwashing of vulnerable people.

    Also, rape is evil. I hate the treachery and how some people find ways to blame survivors. People shouldn't feel obligated to take self-defense classes, to feel safe. If I want to feel angry, all I have to do is think about the bastard that got away with molesting my disabled friend. Such cowardly sons of bitches should at least be locked up. Urgh. There's a bad side of me that would like to test my tactical tomahawk on their knees, but that would f**k me up more and doesn't undo the pain they've inflicted on people. I think I know better!

    Oh, and people that think it's funny to abuse animals. I don't stand for that crap. Animal lovers probably shouldn't read this.
    I saw an older woman at our yard kicking her horse (and screaming YOU STUPID BEAST) because she thought he was lazy and she was angry that he broke his grazing muzzle. We only ended up in a shouting match, but I would've defended myself, if she took a swing at me. It's difficult to be afraid of a frail lady, so, almost anybody could've done this. I feel guilty and maybe I should've reported her, but I was scared that nobody would believe me. I think I've changed her attitude. I don't even like horses, but I understand enough equestrian psychology, to know that she was only confusing and traumatizing her horse.
  2. Quiet Raven

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    Nov 5, 2014
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    There are many things, such as murder or rape, that are very difficult to forgive people for. However, if a person can prove that they regret it. Show real remorse and really wish they didn't do it. I will forgive them

    I know people can change. I feel that it is cruel to hold a grudge against someone who truly regrets what they did.

    But I also understand forgiveness can be very difficult sometimes. Especially for people who have difficultly even giving out trust in the first place. And I do. So honestly, I'm not sure if I can forgive someone for murder. How will they prove their remorse? How do I know they aren't acting? Trying to earn my trust and stab me in the back?

    I don't know. But if I can somehow get that proof. I will forgive them.
  3. Melanie

    Melanie Guest

    Not much. To me forgiving is is to forgive as though the thing never happened.

    Someone recently did something to me that I thought I would never forgive, but I did. I truly feel toward this person like the thing never happened. When I see them and speak to them I dont have any of the feelings that I had when I thought I would never forgive them. Its like I seethe over whatever it is. I feel it completely. I roll it around in my head and then a switch flips one day and I'm done. All is right with the world.

    Someone even observed that about me... she said that I'm "out" for a few days and then BAM, I'm back.
  4. MisterTinkles

    Sep 27, 2014
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    The World is My Chewtoy
    Cheating me
    Lying to me
    Stealing from me
    Using me
    Undermining me
    Abusing my friendship
    Being a backstabber
    Working at being stupid

    I live by "three strikes and you are out".
    And I tell people that, and they don't believe me.
    Then they find out the hard way, and can't believe I won't have anything to do with them anymore.

    And then THEY act like **I** have insulted THEM!!!!

    Forgiveness, trust, respect, and my friendship have to be EARNED, I do not give them away.
    If you don't earn it, you wont get it from me.
  5. ahardlife

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    Jul 8, 2014
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    lack of respect for others .
  6. Blossom85

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    Aug 15, 2014
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    I could never forgive infidelity and also betrayal, depending on what kind of betrayal it was.. There are some things that you can never forget but after a long time, can slowly be forgiven though.
  7. ChloeKiss

    ChloeKiss Guest

    Jan 14, 2014
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    If someone hurts my family or hurts me in a way that could never be fixed. If someone deliberately sets out to hurt me or my family I will NEVER forgive them. This guy who lived with mum and I for 3 months who stole our family camera and tried to sell it to someone is still on my hitlist. I waited for that fucker to come back to pick his truck up.. I was so ready to kick his ass. He ended up grabbing his truck sometime during the early morning I assume. But if I find him 1 step in our house again I will beat him to a bloody pulp. Not only did he try sell our camera.. but he also went through ALL OF OUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS. Not to mention he stole fuel out of my mums bus. $50 worth of it. Mum and I filed a police report on him. He's likely in jail now.
    #27 ChloeKiss, Dec 7, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
  8. MyNameIsGabriel

    Sep 10, 2014
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    I find it really hard to trust people, so if you break that trust, you may as well be invisible. Don't bother trying to get it back. Yeah, it may look like it's okay but i can assure you, it really isn't.
  9. CyanChachki

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    Mar 25, 2014
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    Other than the obvious such as murder or rape, I would say homophobia and friends who stop being friends over things that can be fixed. Homophobia of course is self explanatory but friends who stop being friends over stupid issues are the kind of people I don't want to be around anyway. Like I'll talk to them here and there and if I meet up, I'll say hi, granted that they do but I'm not going to try and fix anything. I'm not here to baby anyone who will only throw me on a roller coaster of emotions because they don't agree with some of the things that can be dealt in a adult manner.

    Like for example, one of my friends told me that I was free to open up to her, I did and she burned that bridge between her and I.

    Another one, My oldest sister got in a fight with my parents and she decided that it was in her best interest to unfriend me and my other sisters and that "this was the way it had to be" but 2 weeks later, there she was adding me again. It took me 3 weeks to add her back onto Facebook because I really, REALLY did not want to add her back.

    It's those types of things that I can't forgive. I consider friendship to be like a sacred thing. If you're going to be a friend, be a friend. If you're not, then leave because I would rather not waste my time with someone who thinks so little of me when I've done basically nothing wrong.
  10. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    Unforgivable is a very strong word, to me.

    But it is a word I have used, many times, to describe myself at some points of my life. While I haven't murdered or raped anybody, I have done ill things in my life. Considerably worse is, despite having knowledge of certain events or intentions, I either looked the other way, or even contributed in some manner, to others and their questionable endeavors. Having done this, and having come to accept it, it is very hypocritical of me to not consider forgiving somebody.

    One or two things listed here, are things I've done in my own life, so, it is a very sobering experience to realize, to some, I would be unforgivable. Now, which one or two things those are, well, I'll not divulge them. Besides, it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to know which, if one is that adamantly curious. Still, I understand why such things are unforgivable to some, or take time. This is simply human nature, which brings me to something else...

    It is easier to forgive somebody, for what they have said or done to others, as opposed to what they have said or done to us. Exceptions exist, but for the most part, this is how it works for me. It would appear, it works like this for others as well. Now, how much easier it is, well, that's another debate for another time, I suppose. In my own individual case, I find it easier to forgive somebody in regards to others. I suspect it is because, most of us, do not wish to be torn asunder or severely broken. Of course, my ego also plays a role in this, because it dislikes difficult, though it will welcome a challenge. There is a difference between the two, with the former being idiotic, like someone just wanting to rile you up, and the latter being a possible improvement, like diving into a new subject of knowledge. Both may bring frustration, but only one tends to bring a reward.

    Now, what do I consider unforgivable? Well, considering my situation, there's a rather particular list:

    Embraced ignorance. I don't mind the ignorant, in general, but to never seek enlightenment. That is problematic. The ignorant can be informed, but the willingly ignorant, that is quite unforgivable. To especially spout out any hateful or hurtful inclinations or intentions, is particularly asinine. If you're going to be an unhelpful asshole, then be one, over in the corner, while grown and sensible folk are talking!

    Picking a fight, with somebody you know can't fight back. This one is rather personal, since I had a tendency to target the weak links, then work my way up. But I'd also target the stronger links as well. Still, I find it rather deplorable, to get your tough guy/girl jollies by kicking sand on a defenseless or incapable soul. That type of behavior is not only pathetic, it's cowardly. If you're going to pick fights, why not make it fair?

    Intentionally malicious harm. This includes murder and rape, as well as hurting another, for no reason at all. No pseudo-justification motives, here, either. "He/she looked at me wrong" is not a valid reason, to me, for example. I especially detest the "But they wanted it!" logic, some individuals take, to explain away their actions. If you're going to intentionally harm somebody, they had better killed your family, strangled your pets, burned your home down, and left mud on your welcome mat. That's about the only time, it could be argued as justifiable, but even then, there's some reservations.

    But those are all somewhat general, not exactly personal. One thing that is unforgivable to me, in a personal sense is: underestimating me.

    Think I'm helplessly kind? I dislike it.

    Think I'm incapable of learning or accomplishing something? I detest it.

    Think I'm wasting my time, with what I'm doing? I hate it.

    Think I have absolutely no value, whatsoever, and challenge that I have worth? I will destroy you.

    Being perceived as worthless, is a terrible pain, to endure. Having inflicted such on others, many years ago, I've come to learn how terrible it is. I do not wish it upon the undeserving, because it can drive an individual to depressing depths.
  11. OGS

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    Very little--people change.
  12. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    I like you.

  13. GlindaRose

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    In which case, they need to be educated. I don't accept ignorance as an excuse.
  14. GayBoyBG

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    Not being able to forgive is unforgivable to me. It's easy to condemn and be a saint, when you're unable to be a human!
  15. GlindaRose

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    Ooh, paradoxical. XD
  16. MatthewJS

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    Jul 2, 2012
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    breaking my heart. one person already did that and i still love him for some reason. i just cant forgive him, though. and this happened back in august. whenever i see him or want to try talk to him, i just go in pain.
  17. Lawrence

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    Jan 16, 2014
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    My high school bullies were cowardly because they felt powerful ganging up and picking on somebody with mental health issues and a deep fear of fighting back. Picking on the weak is also stupid. They don't gain much useful experience. Somebody that only picks fights with people much weaker than them, is gonna be easy prey themselves. My sick side (which I would never let run riot) is thinking 'I would feel compelled to build up weak people before considering breaking them, if ever.' Where's the glory in waltzing through a battle, against a weakened, severely outnumbered, and self-defeating army?

    I'm a fairly forgiving person, possibly mostly for my own benefit. Generally, I forgive almost anything once. It bugs me when people don't make an effort to change. I dunno how to explain this other than... I'll allow an enemy to surrender, but if that is a trick and I get attacked; I'm not believing another word from them, no matter what, and they're going down for good.
  18. ForNarnia

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    Oct 25, 2014
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    Rape. In my mind, it is the only thing that can never be justified in any capacity whatsoever.
  19. Quiet Raven

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    Nov 5, 2014
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    I still have the scar on my wrist from what some kids did to me back in elementary. They liked to pick on me because I couldn't fight back. One day they threw me into a ditch, and glass pierced deep into my wrist.

    Do I forgive them? Not exactly. But I haven't seen them much since that day. If they truly show regret though, I will. Actually. They sort of did. But I am still going to need a chance to talk to them more if they would want me to consider befriending them. Though I doubt I will ever even see them again. But that is just fine by me.

    But I sure as hell will never forget it.
    #39 Quiet Raven, Dec 7, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
  20. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    Gratuitous unilateral wrongdoing that has serious consequences for a person. I do not think that some things, such as this, should be forgiven, especially when the person has a pattern of repeating the offending behavior.