Is being bisexual a thing?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by confusedkid1234, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    Okay, that sounds like a stupid question there are obviously people attracted to both genders but hear me out here..

    So for some reason i get turned on by young fit men. Which is what I masturbate to. I don't really watch real porn because I find (even the thought of) gay guys having sex, well, disgusting. (sorry, no offense to anyone here:icon_wink) I don't look at dick pics, unless its one of those insecure nights where I compare mine lol. I just watch youtube videos of, specifically, teen bodybuilders. Like it has to be a goodlooking young guy. If he's too bulky or too old I don't watch it. But most specifically, I like watching a guy's transformation, like from thin to muscle or from fat to muscle. And yeah, I get off of that. I actually tried masturbating to straight porn a few times, but I gag whenever I see a dick in the picture so I just stopped looking.

    Now here's my life in public. I'm straight. A virgin. I had a girlfriend few months ago, lovely girl, broke up with her because i didn't feel the same way for her the way she felt for me and I didn't want her to get hurt even more if I prolonged the relationship. We were introduced to each other through a mutual friend and ended up dating for a few months. She eventually made it clear that she wanted to be more than friends and I told her she's not really my type (i'll get to that later). I asked her to be my gf because she eventually gave me an ultimatum that she would basically back off and stop hanging out with me. Now, back then I didn't want her to leave me because I didnt have many close friends yet (and a whole lot of other reasons, way to long to explain). So yeah, I broke up with her because I couldn't bear to act like I actually loved her the way she did me.
    Anyways, we did a lot of stuff together like making out, motorboating, a little titty sucking:grin:, but never got to third base or just sex. (again, this is because I felt uncomfortable doing that since I didn't want to take her virginity since I suspected she's one of those type of girls that would kill herself when I broke up with her which is why I broke up with her asap--she freaking did self-harm at school that day) But making out did turn me on and I got hard, I just didn't know how to do it (you know?) Like at one point, my dick was hard and I wanted to put it in her but didn't know how. The problem is, I didn't exactly stop my habit of the aforementioned masturbating fetish during our relationship.

    Now to my type. I like the cute, beautiful type. I soon realized after breaking up with my ex that I had a crush on this girl in a lower year. She's literally the prettiest girl you'd ever see, she has the most beautiful smile, sparkling eyes and the cutest laughter. So yeah, the only reason I didn't make her my gf yet is because I found out she still has a bf. I sort of backed off and stopped texting her but we still say hi at school and occasionally chat (on/offline). when is she gonna break up with that guy already?:bang::bang:

    Let's back up a little bit back to when I was a little kid. For some reason, I spent time in my room singing and dancing to freaking girl songs by britney spears and the like:roflmao::roflmao:, complete with a t-shirt as wig and blanket as dress:roflmao::roflmao:. IDK, sometimes I just pretend I'm a girl I guess. My parents caught me a couple of times, because they have a terrible habit of coming in without knocking and my door doesn't have a lock.:dry::dry:

    In elementary and high school, I spent a lot of time hanging out with girls my age I never really hung out with the guys. They called me gay and what not because well I guess I imitated behavior of the girls. Later I realized that that has nothing to do with my sexual orientation and that they were just teasing..These days, I hang out with the guys and they accept me just fine. I had a college do-over, cause I quit school for a year; long story short, freshman year was more like an extension of high school and I made lots of friends in junior year when I went back to school

    Anyways, when i watch I sometimes imagine myself looking like that someday. I really want to be fit and have muscles to show off to girls. (I currently look fit but with a few excess layers of fat lol I recently lost some weight, about 20lbs-huge self confidence boost) I am very self-conscious about how I look, especially how fat I look. I also have an acne-scarred face, so I buy lots of products to try and make my skin better. (nahh I don't really look freddie krueger either) Some people actually think I look good and some girls revealed having crushes on me, but yeah not my type and I didn't want a repeat of my ex)

    :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:I'm so sorry for making you read this long ass story but I just don't know the answer. Am I bisexual? I just can't ever get with a guy, romantically or sexually, just never haha it disgusts me (again, I'm sorry, please don't get offended--then again, I won't get offended if you think straight sex is disgusting(!)) And I know for sure I want that girl I mentioned before, hopefully she breaks up with her bf soon so I can swoop in and make her mine.:thumbsup: Tell me what you think and if you have any questions for me.
  2. warholwendy

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    Feb 2, 2014
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    If you can't imagine yourself being with a guy romantically or sexually and you only want to have that kind of a relationship with a girl then you are straight.
  3. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    But what about my weird masturbation fetish?
  4. warholwendy

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    You seem to me like just a straight guy who's only into masturbating to guys.

    Masturbation/porn is a weird thing because it's more of you getting a sexy vibe and being stimulated rather than you being attracted to whatever the porn is about (which is why even asexual people can masturbate to porn and be fine). I would assume that generally what you're attracted to and what porn (or even non-porn images that turn you on as I am gathering is what your case is) you masturbate to line up but there are probably a lot of cases where they don't.

    If you're only interested in dating women I would just consider yourself straight.
  5. TurtleCat

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    Apr 14, 2014
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    It depends. If you masturbate to images of guys, but wouldn't actually want to do anything with them or imagine yourself doing anything with them, I'd assume you're still most likely straight.

    I think this is more commonly seen in females... where what they like to look at in porn doesn't always match up to their actual romantic/sexual preferences. For example, you have a lot of straight women who like to see females in porn and lesbians who like to see men in porn. And while it isn't as common with males, that doesn't mean it never happens.

    I think the question to ask yourself is... are you aroused at the thought of doing anything with these males, or would you want to? If yes, then you might consider the possibility of being bisexual... if not, then you're most likely straight.
  6. Imagery

    Imagery Guest

    Maybe you don't have a hot guy fetish, you have a muscles fetish, in which case that is normal because muscles show that a person is healthy and good for mating with. It is a primal thing.

    If you could never in a million years imagine yourself with the same sex, the I would call you straight. Hope it helped!
  7. Fallingdown7

    Fallingdown7 Guest

    ^ She has good advice. I know a lot of women who like porn involving the opposite gender of what they're into, so it doesn't surprise me that some men do too.
  8. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    No, that's the thing! I gag at the thought. I wouldn't even do it drunk. I did have some dreams where I had sex with guys :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: but I doubt that affects real life, so yeah. But "anything".. well I do like the thought of like touching the muscles but I kind of imagine it being my own body though. (not like muscle worship where they touch the other guy)
  9. OGS

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    I'm going to go a little different than most of the answers here and say that you could still be anywhere along the spectrum from what you've written. I say this from experience. I started out sort of admiring attractive men, but of course I was attracted to women. Then eventually I started to think it would be hot to do sexual stuff with men (this only developed after a while) but still I enjoyed sexual stuff with women (I've actually been with more women than a lot of my straight friends). Still even at this stage I didn't have any romantic feelings for men--and could really only picture myself with a woman romantically. I was actually a bit of a ladies man--it's weird to think back on. I always sort of thought about sexual and romantic attraction that it was cool and all but maybe a little over-hyped. I had girlfriends and was sexually active but, well, it just wasn't really quite like it was in the movies. Well, it all changed when I had my first encounter with a guy--it actually started when a friend I was attracted to drunkenly kissed me. It was electric--literally my legs gave out. And, well, it was just like in the movies. And I realized that all the feelings I had had for women were really just a pale imitation of what I felt for men but just hadn't really let myself feel. I don't even consider myself bi--I haven't even looked at a woman that way--let alone slept with one--for over twenty years. I'm gay, gay, gay. And, well, I once felt pretty much exactly how you feel. I guess all I would say is try to really stay open to what you are feeling.
    #9 OGS, Dec 7, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
  10. lukeluvznicki13

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    Jul 24, 2013
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    Maybe you're just bicurious at the moment :slight_smile:.
  11. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    Sorry, haha, I don't think I'll ever think that "it would be hot to do sexual stuff with men". Thanks for describing your feelings though, because that's how I feel when I hang out with that girl I mentioned before. :grin:
  12. biAnnika

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    My question for you is if you know there are bisexuals, then why would you post the thread with that title, if not to provoke?
  13. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    :dry::dry:hmm that's the thing tho. Being bicurious means you're having sexual thoughts about people of the same sex right? I don't. Like not in the least. I just think that these guys are attractive looking but I don't wanna fuck them or anything.:confused:

    ---------- Post added 8th Dec 2014 at 12:13 AM ----------

    Did you even read my story? :dry::dry:
  14. OGS

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    Obviously I only have what you have written here to go on and even more obviously I don't really get a say but I've been out for a long time and I've watched a lot of people come to terms with things over the years. Based on what you've written here (your responses even more than your original post) if I had to put money on it I wouldn't even go with with bi, I'd go with gay. Just my two cents...
  15. Jax12

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    They called me gay and what not because well I guess I imitated behavior of the girls.

    Yeah a couple people said that I could pass for gay because of how sassy I was, and how I could imitate the "oh no you didn't" thing girls did lol. I'm just good at imitating people, and a lot of people know me for that. I took it as a joke because, well, I never had feelings for guys anyways, so the thought of me being gay didn't cross my mind.

    At least not until my porn addiction got worse. That's when I thought I was gay.
  16. biAnnika

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    I did. Does it address the answer to my question? Because I did not find it to. :dry::dry:

    The content itself is fine. But the title...why the provocative title? You're clearly articulate enough to have come up with a non-provocative title...were you just jerking us around to get us to read the thread? (and if so, I'll be damned if I'm inclined to give advice or perspective to someone who tries to manipulate me) Or what?
  17. SouthernGeek

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    Dec 1, 2014
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    First of all, am I the only nerd who had to actually google the slang "motorboating?" :-/

    Second of all, when I was younger, my attraction to males started out JUST LIKE YOURS. I would LITERALLY GAG if I saw an image of a guy's dick hard. I could see a naked guy, including his penis, and I was fine.

    Then somehow I saw enough images that I got used to seeing an erect penis and it was like "mmm, okay, that's not too bad. It actually may be kinda hot." But at that time if I saw semen in the picture, or saw one guy having sex with another guy it made me gag.

    Guess what? Well, later I didn't have too much of a problem with that. I still prefer pictures of guys who are flaccid for some reason, so I'm kind of still in that "body worship" phase, although I've had some sexual experience with men.

    I'm confused, myself, so take anything I tell you with a grain of salt, but I kind of wished I had given myself time to really consider all angles when I was younger. It seems like it's much more stressful doing this after I'm older, married, and a father.

    So you may not be gay, you may not even be bi, but I would really dig into this and maybe even go to a counselor to help you sort out your feelings. I know it's kind of tough doing that (boy, do I know), but take the time to do it while you are young and save yourself and maybe others some grief.

    Peace and blessings!
  18. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    I did not mean to provoke or anything. Would you like for me to change the title then? (if thats possible)

    ---------- Post added 8th Dec 2014 at 11:06 AM ----------

    Idk, maybe:roflmao::roflmao:
    Yeah i don't really enjoy full naked pics either. soft or hard.
    How old are you then, if I may ask? Cause it says you're 19 at the side..
    Yeah I thought about that but there aren't any counselors nearby where i'd live. I'd probably have to travel to a big city for that and I'm not really willing to spend money on that..:dry::dry:
  19. SouthernGeek

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    Dec 1, 2014
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    I'm 45. The 19 you saw must have been the number of posts I had at the time. I just realized my age doesn't show up in my profile or on the little thingey to the left of my posts. I may need to edit something for it to show.
  20. confusedkid1234

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    Dec 5, 2014
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    Oh, right. Sorry about that.