My sister knows

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by rainkissed, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. rainkissed

    Regular Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    I was so stupid. I left my computer open to my profile on another forum and in my signature it says my sexuality... and my sister saw it. I didn't think about it, I thought it would be okay, I was just going into the kitchen for a minute to get some water. She hasn't said anything to me yet. As soon as I realized she was looking at it I grabbed my laptop and run upstairs and locked myself in my bedroom. I know she supports equal rights and all that, but I'm still scared and uncomfortable. I'm not ready for this. I didn't want her to know yet... please help
  2. Benway

    Benway Guest

    Are you sure she saw it? Maybe she didn't even look, there's a good chance she didn't even notice your signature. Or maybe it was "someone else's signature?" You could write it off as that.
  3. rainkissed

    Regular Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    I'm like 99% sure she did. It's in big colourful letters, so it would be hard not to. I guess I could try saying it's someone else's, but I've used the username on other websites that she knows I'm on, so if she saw the username, she probably knows.
  4. Benway

    Benway Guest

    Okay, well there a few ways to approach this, mine would be to wait for her to bring it up and then casually (casually, not forced) say "Huh?" Then when she says it again "I don't know, I was watching (YouTube, website of your choice) all day. You must have been seeing things."

    That'd be what I'd do. Then deny, deny, deny. The more she brings it up, the crazier she'll sound because you'll act so sure she didn't see anything. It's always worked for me.
  5. justbehappy

    Regular Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I didn't know if I should be writing this, but if you're really, really desperate and don't want her to know it just yet, I would say, LIE.

    First of all let her be the one to bring up the subject, the last thing you want to do it's ask her for two simple reasons,
    ONE, she may have not seen, and then you have to explain to her why are you so worried and then she will start to think that somethings up.
    AND SECOND if she did saw, when you ask her " what have you seen ? ", it will be the same as saying " it's true " and she will know.
    So let her bring up the topic. Before you talk with her come up with an excuse, like " I was seeing someone else's profile " or something like that, and then repeat it to yourself, and memorize it. When you talk to her you need to act normally, and keep your shit together, keep a reasonable amount of eye contact, and never enter defensive mode. Don't shout, and don't talk low, believe in what you are saying and try to demonstrate confidence when you speak. Remember stick to ONE story. The last thing you want is say something now and then some time later say something completely different.

    I know this is basically a " guide to how to lie " and I shouldn't know all of this, but I'm actually an expert since I lie in a regular basis. SOMEONE, " Are you straight ? " ME , " Hell yeah !!!!!!!!!!! ( to many exclamation points, if you know what I mean )"

    Well good luck, I'm hoping everything goes well.
  6. mangotree

    Full Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Queensland, Australia
    What did the signature say specifically?
    If you put it down as Genderfluid Panromantic Andro-Autochroissexual like your bio says here, most straight people wouldn't know what that means anyway. So it might not be worth freaking out about.

    Also, if she's snooping at your computer - she may have suspected that you were a little different for a while anyway... just a thought.
  7. jay777

    Regular Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    Female (trans*)
    Sexual Orientation:

    What about saying "you're thinking about that" if the subject is brought up... if ever... its your right to explore...


    Rainkissed is a beautiful username, by the way...
  8. Benway

    Benway Guest

    Thirded, because I'm not even sure what that term means. Hell, it could mean anything-- say you were researching high-sea based pulp android cybernetic romance novels featuring cars and automobiles.
  9. jay777

    Regular Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    Female (trans*)
    Sexual Orientation:
    Urban Dictionary: I second that

    #9 jay777, Nov 27, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
  10. Benway

    Benway Guest

    Okay, so the consensus has come to a 133% vote based on five thirds of agreement. Just say that you were looking at pulpy sci-fi romance novels about cars and androids that take place under the sea.
  11. rainkissed

    Regular Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    She didn't say anything directly about it, thank goodness. She was very obviously dropping hints though! I just ignored them and eventually she stopped.
    I think she knows what pan means, but I doubt she knows the other part.
    Anyway, I guess it's over now. Problem avoided and now I can someday tell her, when I'm ready :slight_smile:
  12. Benway

    Benway Guest

    Okay, so take everything we said above, with the sci-fi and the undersea adventures and the robots and add "Peter Pan fan-fiction" to it. What kind of hints?
  13. rainkissed

    Regular Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Things like "A girl at my school just came out about being bi," and "There's this cute gay couple in my class," and "I hope all my kids are gay." (The last one was definitely a joke, she wasn't trying to be offensive or anything, I promise :wink: )
  14. Benway

    Benway Guest

    Okay, well, then there doesn't seem to be much of an issue, so I'd put the alert back to Defcon 5 and relax.
  15. Damien

    Full Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    A few people
    You might also want to consider resetting the password to even gain basic access to your computer, if that is the case.