Things you like that you might not have

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Ronin, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Ronin

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    Mar 8, 2013
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    Just curious. Because you grew up as what you were assigned at birth, are there things you like that you might not have because of that? For example, I'm a guy, but there are a couple Barbie movies (like the Nutcracker) that I enjoy. I most likely would have never given them a chance were I brought up as a guy. Even if I enjoyed them, I'd never admit it to even myself because they are too "girly". Same with tea, I really enjoy tea, though it's not seen as a very masculine thing. Anyone else have that kinda thing?
  2. drwinchester

    drwinchester Guest

    Mm, can't think of too much. Well, I dunno if this counts but there's a few "girly" books I grew up liking, like Ramona, Sheila the Great, etc. So they're not actually "girly" but I really liked a lot of books with female protagonists. They weren't targeted towards girls persay but I probably wouldn't have been given a copy if I hadn't been raised as a girl.

    Otherwise, I can't remember really being too enthusiastic about the girly things I grew up with. Pretty gender neutral child and I know I had a lot of Princess toys and dolls but those weren't the toys I kept or remembered. Had lots of stuffed animals, kept those, and I still have a Raichu collectible doll I got when I was 5.
  3. lymanclark

    lymanclark Guest

    Disney princesses! Lip gloss! Polly Pockets! Barbies! Dresses! Sparkly things - jewelry!

    ^ I realized somewhat belatedly that I prefer seeing the lip gloss/dresses/jewelry on actual girls, not my manly self :grin:
  4. laut

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    I think I would have had a much harder time allowing myself to like make up and dresses if I was DMAB, though as it was I had to learn that liking them wasn't the same as being a girl. Being seen as a girl made it socially acceptable for me to try them and discover that there were times when I like both.
  5. RayXxx

    RayXxx Guest

    I like tea as well but I don't see how it's feminine or masculine. There are plenty of guys who are masculine and drink tea I'm sure. I know some guys that do as well.

    I used to like dressing up barbies, playing with pocket pets, and stuffed animals.
  6. Ronin

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    Oh absolutely men drink tea. Men can do whatever just like women can and still be masculine or feminine. It's just that it's quite a bit more uncommon for men to drink tea than women, at least where I live anyway. Maybe it's different in England :wink: (yay for stereotyping some more!)
  7. MissMiri

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    Nov 6, 2014
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    sames but on everyone thats cute in that stuff :3 including myself
  8. Awesome_trans_girl13

    Feb 12, 2014
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    lol, well i grew up on bob the builder, thomas the train, toy story ect. but i grew up on other things too like barbie, repunzel, and a really really old movie called bednobs and broom sticks. but i liked the barbie stuff more :slight_smile:
  9. Acm

    Acm Guest

    To be honest I think I would still like all of the same stuff even if I was born a cis guy.
  10. SockPuppet

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    Jun 3, 2014
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    This is a tricky one, as I wasn't raised in an inherently masculine way. I mean, my dad as far as I'm concerned was the world's first metrosexual (he's a 65yo het male who figure skated as a kid, sews better than just about anyone I know and makes a lot of my stepmothers dresses, loves to bake, and is exactingly neat and well groomed). I was never called 'buddy' or 'champ' growing up, he's always called me 'sweetie'...I don't know what he calls my brother, so maybe it was some deep down knowledge. Anyway, we weren't brought up with strict 'this is boy stuff, this is girl stuff' except when we got 'the talk' around puberty. :rolle:
    My mum is a bit more gender roles conforming (part of the reason why I haven't told her yet...but that's for another thread), but still she was by her own admission a bit of a tom boy growing up, so I don't think she stressed about stuff much.

    I guess if anything, it may have been that if I'd been born a cis female, I may not have chosen to and/or been allowed to go into Army Cadets, where I really got to like the target shooting they'd do. Sure, there were girls in the corp, but they were by far the minority, so I'm not sure if I'd have had that experience or not growing up differently.

    Oh, and on the subject of tea, I think drinking tea is genderless. Many of my older manly man relatives growing up drank tea. Tea parties, on the other hand, are probably pretty girly, and would fit in with this thread. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    ---------- Post added 8th Nov 2014 at 07:09 PM ----------

    I love Bedknobs & Broomsticks! That was a fave growing up!
  11. NingyoBroken

    NingyoBroken Guest

    Tea is feminine? Westerners are weird.... It's not feminine, it's a drink...

    Anyways, nah I think I still would have liked the things I did, for the most part
  12. Ronin

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    Tea parties. Yeah I feel pretty awkward at tea parties. And yes, westerners can be weird XD It might just be me hyper-evaluating things, though. You know how it is, being very conscious about every little thing. How many men do people know who are big on tea vs women? I'm curious now, though I guess I'd be derailing lol.

    I think it's interesting that it seems to have had little affect on people here, though. I kinda assumed that having been in two different roles some people may have expanded interests because of that.
  13. anonym

    anonym Guest

    Tea is NOT feminine here in the UK. Fruit and herbal teas which you don't put milk in, maybe but I know cis guys who still drink them.

    Things I like which I wouldn't have if I grew up male...I don't think there is anything feminine I still enjoy. I am glad of my memories though. Wouldn't change them.
  14. SockPuppet

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    Jun 3, 2014
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    Where abouts in Canada are you? I'm curious because you originally said that men in your area don't really drink tea, and I find that fascinating. I'm in southern Ontario, and most of the guys I've met, it seems like a 50-50 split of tea to coffee drinkers (once you take out the obligatory Timmy's coffee people :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:).
  15. NingyoBroken

    NingyoBroken Guest

    Ah, in Japan many people drink tea, they even use it as a flavouring, it's not a gendered thing

    I have talked to many Japanese men who drink tea
  16. Theboythat

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    I wouldn't be friends with the same people probably because almost all of my friends are girls and if I were cis I would have had more opportunities to hang out with guys.