How to deal with forward guys?

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by DoriaN, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. DoriaN

    Full Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Sooo sometimes I think I get into situations where I naturally seem to act a bit flirty and before I know it I have guys getting clingy or cutesy with me.

    Now, I imagine I bring it on myself a bit, but I totally don't know how to react to being hit on.

    I mean, it's probably the happiest problem in the world, but I feel so awkward! I mean, I love people and I try to be super nice but I don't want to let someone down or give them the wrong idea.

    Like, here's an few example.

    -Chatting a guy online about random topics for a few days-

    -Today start talking about deeper subjects but not for very long, still intermittent chat sessions-

    -He compliments myself and says he enjoys speaking with me-

    -I tell him I'm going to bed and goodnight, and he gestures "-Pecks you on the cheek.- Nighty, Dorian."-

    I mean, I'm super flattered, but I'm like


    What do I say!?

    I haven't known him long and while it's a cute gesture I'm just not sure how I feel about it.

    There's another friend I've known for a while, and he kinda does the whole online clingy thing, like making gestures/actions as if he's doing them.

    I mean in general how do I let guys down without making them feel awkward or dislike me? Online or offline of course, but in this case I'm not a cutesy online role player, I save the fun stuff for in person.

    Like, I don't even know how to respond, do I laugh and go "Ohh you!~". ?

    Again it's a happy problem but I guess this is good life practice/experience.
  2. robclem21

    Full Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Toronto, Ontario
    Ok. Well, first off, what are the type of situations you are meeting these guys? Are they situations where most people may be looking for relationships/dating? If so, then that may explain why they are reacting that way after talking for a little while. If it is just general friendly chat then maybe you need to consider your tone and conversation style if you really really dislike them flirting back.

    For your second question, there really is no way to let guys down who like you without them disliking you (actually more the situation of being let down) at least a little. Just be upfront with them and say you are enjoying have fun chatting with them and enjoy the flirting (or omit that if you truly don't) but that you aren't really looking for a serious relationship. That would give most guys enough of a hint for them to back off a little. If you really don't like them flirting with you, then I would revert back to my first comment about considering where/how you are talking to these guys.
  3. tulipinacup

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    May 15, 2014
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    Oh god I am in a similar situation. This guy I talked to for just 3 days is already saying he loves me and misses me but I have made it clear that I am not yet looking for a relationship. Like what robclem said, I think there is no harm in telling these guys that you are not comfortable with them being pretty forward. If they are comfortable enough to act clingy towards you then I think it's more ok to be completely honest in return.
  4. OnTheHighway

    Full Member

    Oct 9, 2014
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    Out to everyone
    Wouldn't it be great if these were the least of everyone's problems in the LGBT community! You guys just made my Friday :lol:
  5. DoriaN

    Full Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I know right? Dx

    Also most of these guys I talk to are gamer guys, so we chat about video games and other topics but the one odd starts to get kinda cutesy with me.

    It's even been so bad 1 guy called me a faggot for beating him in a video game, and by the end of the day he wanted my facebook and more.

    For about half of them I just stop logging in and that seems to kind of bleed them out of that desire, but the other half seem cool and can't be broken off. Just trying to learn how to deal.

    I don't want to be presumptuous, maybe some people are just like that?