
Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by Images and Words, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. Images and Words

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    Nov 2, 2014
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    Not sure if this is the right board, but, just had to vent this, because it's really f***ing p***ing me off.
    So, every sunday ,my mum forces me into church. I've given up resisting it now, as it seems pointless.
    And, the thing that I haven't been able to get off my mind this this little nugget of homophobia... (please don't read it if you will be offended by it like I was, I just have to show evidence.
    WHY? WHY? WHY?

    I have to sit there, thinking this is related to me.... that all powerful being in the sky wants to kill me, because I am attracted to people with a sausage between their legs!
    This is f***ing awful!

    Rant over.
    Again, sorry, this was just annoying me so much!
  2. PatrickUK

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    I could, at this point go into a very long and deep theological comment about that passage from the Bible (and the surrounding verses), but I'll not bore you with it. :slight_smile: Suffice to say, it isn't quite as you read it. To understand and consider it properly you have to examine a number of things that go well beyond a literal interpretation. Unfortunately, Biblical literacy has bombed in many churches, so the only way many Christians can relate to scripture is through the blinkers of literalism - that's what causes so much trouble. If we remove the blinkers and really get to grips with the history and context of the Bible, things seem altogether different.
  3. Celatus

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    Ugh church
    Haha I actually like my church because it is pretty relaxed but I dont go very often.
    Dont get all caught up in that verse someone wrote a thousand years ago
  4. Images and Words

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    Nov 2, 2014
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    Yeah... my church isn't so much relaxed as a man standing there preaching at you... :sleep:
  5. Incognito10

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    Jan 3, 2013
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    Well, do you believe what the church is teaching? Or are you just frustrated that you're having to sit and endure it?

    I am now an atheist, so when I hear that talk, I just kind of sit and think, "That poor pitiful miserable person..."

    You can be bi and happy while angry religious people make themselves miserable.

    ---------- Post added 3rd Nov 2014 at 11:28 AM ----------

    ***Also, i wanted to add that if you want to be a religious person, don't let this particular preacher deter you from a religion, there are many accepting congregations out there.
  6. iiimee

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    Oct 12, 2014
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    In my imagination.
    ....I love my church, but they believe homosexuality and being transgender is a sin. I love my godmother, but she always reminds me I am a "young woman" Little does she know I think of myself as a young gentleman... Still, church is not for everyone, and I wish I could be accepted by my church... If you want to know the belief of my church, here is why-

    Homosexuality and being Transgender is wrong in their eyes because the man takes the "role" of the woman, or vice versa. My church believes we do not have bodies when we die, only souls, so as it is, they believe being a gender is only for reproductive purposes, not for the joy between two partners.

    This is not my belief, but it IS my churches, so please don't hate me for posting this! I just thought we ought to know the views of others who do NOT support LGBT...
  7. Images and Words

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    Nov 2, 2014
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    Frustrated, definitely frustrated.
    I don't think of myself as atheist, but I don't always believe in god, because I think (as put in my first post
    yet I often find myself praying in times of darkness.

    It's weird... :help:

    ---------- Post added 3rd Nov 2014 at 09:31 PM ----------

    That's a good point. Although I view people who don't support LGBT as morons (no offense to anybody who is related/knows someone with these views), you do have to hear both sides of the story, even if either side will never change their views.
  8. iiimee

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    Oct 12, 2014
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    In my imagination.
    Exactly! Thank you for understanding Saurik! My Godmother doesn't support it herself, but I love her anyway, despite what I have to hide from her. She is older, so I am more cautious to tell her, because she could die by the time I feel I even can, if I ever can. Still, somebody could be smart, but their mind is in the wrong direction by this discrimination. My straight friend was horrified I cut my hair (he doesn't know I'm trans) since he thinks girls should have long hair, and boys short hair. Seriously, how can the world be filled with blindness over such a simple concept?
  9. leslionel

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    I went to church when I was younger, however I stopped because of the nasty comments from fellow parishioners.

    I still harbour some spiritual beliefs, however, I don't really go to Church. Only times of the year I go are Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, but that's mainly out of habit.
    As for the passage from Leviticus? It has been debated as a passage about rape, and about safe sex (they didn't have condoms back then). I personally think religion has moved on from those times.
  10. Rainbow Kitty

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    I'm personally not sure of my religious believs. In reference to The Bible I like to think it represents the fact that everyone sins. However, your mom shouldn't force her beliefs on you.

    Preaching hate to homosexual people is certainly not justified either. I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
  11. yeahyeah

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    You are right with this. In the past, my mom always wanted me and my siblings to go to the church every sunday. After a while she said that she wouldn't force us to go and she became more spiritual. She doesn't go to church anymore (except for Christmas, new year, etc) but she does believe in God and she preaches love and no hate.

    I believe that people should stop taking literally what bible says.
  12. Bromance

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    In my experience, religion and hate seem to go hand in hand. The bible also says you should beat your child with a rod. Obviously, if taken literally, this will land you in jail. In my opinion, religions like to take literally the scriptures that meet their hate-filled agenda against those who do not fall into their social norms. My apologies if I offended anyone with this rant, but I just feel strongly about this topic. You can't pray the gay away, and you shouldn't be condemned for such. If we were created, then we were created this way.
  13. dreamcatcher

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    Oct 31, 2011
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    I can totally relate. Even at 21 my parents forced me to go to church with them, because I was living under their roof. It was so frustrating because the priest would preach things that I would not agree with and I had to sit their while everyone lauded him for saying such "wise" and "righteous" things. All I can tell you is to endure... and zone out. I used to day dream all the time while I was in church. As soon as I would hear something that would start to piss me off, I would drift off into lala land and the whole thing would be over before I knew it. Is it a healthy defense mechanism? No idea but it works!

    Hang in there(*hug*)
  14. brightside80

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    Feb 10, 2013
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    I'm sorry that you are being dragged to Church. That sucks. You should be going to Church because you want to be not because you are forced to be.

    I grew up in a Church background in which all my life I was told that anyone who was LGBTQ would go to hell. However, for me, it was the other parts of faith that drew me in besides this teaching. This teaching against LGBTQ community was understandable, I mean all the churches were teaching it. Or so I thought.

    Recently I've made a shift over to another church. And one of our pastors is gay. I'm still not out, so it was weird for me to make this shift. The one good thing about this church is that it wasn't a flag bearing church, but instead it just simply had a pastor who was gay (with a partner). So it didn't make it awkward for me to suggest to others to visit the church. Yes, sometimes they would talk about gay rights, which is great, but they would talk about it in the context of all human rights.

    If you can, find a church that does support LGBTQ community. I think one of the drawbacks for us who are LGBTQ is the fact that most of us are not brought up in churches that are accepting and then we project that anger towards ultimately God. But in fact, the anger is against the churches of our upbringings. Not God. I think that may be a reason why you still pray in dark times (you have a spirituality and belief in God) but just don't agree with how it is practiced in your particular church that you are being dragged to.

  15. Ruby Confused

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    Do you only eat fish with fins and scales? Ever carry, cut, draw, step on grass, drive, use electricity (course it comes from burning) on the Sabbath? Ever been rude to your parents? Read your horoscope in the paper/online? All shall be "shall put to death" crimes in the bible/old testament, so you know... I am not saying don't believe. I have a strong faith in my religion. I also believe some things were circumstantial to the times. Each sin and positive commandment/good deed is measured in its own merit. It is very uncomfortable to be put in a situation like that but you need to come to your own beliefs and acceptance and then things like that just wash over you (my new anthem- "shake it off"-Taylor Swift)
  16. bisexualgirl

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    Hey there :slight_smile: I can feel the struggles you're going though but I think I should explain the concerns of how you feel about church. Firstly, if God didn't love you why would He have created you? God loves you and thinks that you are important, so He created you and out you in the world. Jeremiah 29:11 says,"11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." God wants to help you through life :slight_smile: And yes, I know that there are six biblical verses which first appear to condemn homosexuality. But let's think, in the past, things like premarital sex, piercings, and tattoos were socially unacceptable in some or most cultures. However, in this day and age it isn't like that anymore. This shows us that as time progresses, cultural beliefs do too. Jesus was born in the year 0, how long ago was that? Maybe in that day and age being gay was not acceptable, or not allowing priests to participate in any homosexual (or heterosexual) relations. GOD LOVES YOU. Romans 20:28," for there is no longer Greek or Jew, no longer slave or free, no longer man or woman, for all of you are one" I've also had the same concerns you're having because I'm a bisexual christian. I prayed one night asking God to give me three signs the next day on whether He loved me for being who I am. The next day, in this order, I had a dream of God telling me that I was okay, I came across a website called "im a christian and gay is okay", and my friend told me she loved me for who I was. I hope I was a help and God bless :slight_smile:
  17. Images and Words

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    Nov 2, 2014
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    Yeah... the thing is, there are different types of church goers, the ones who understand and aren't homophobic (like you and the people you know) and then there are people like my mum, who tell you to go to church, and if you say no, they guilt trip you. I'll tell an example another time.
  18. Dionysus

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    Well, if you want to be surrounded by more accepting people, I'd suggest finding a more relaxed church.

    As for that particular Bible quote, it's from Leviticus, isn't it? Well, that shouldn't apply to you since it falls under the Old Covenant, or Mosaic Covenant, which was for the Jewish people to obey until the coming of the Messiah. Since Christ was the Messiah according to Christians, the Old Covenant, and the quote by extension, need not be acknowledged.