Marijuana... Offered to me

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by JakeHas, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Blossom85

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    Aug 15, 2014
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    I don't pretend to know much about illegal substances, cause to be honest.. I have never taken any kind of illegal substance and if that makes me uncool.. Then I guess I am uncool.. I would rather be uncool then dead or a vegetable my whole life.. However, you never know what a drug could do to you, even weed especially when it is home made and you don't know exactly what has gone into it, so all I was trying to do was make the OP aware that even though it is 'Weed' and some people think it should be made legal, there are still risks to taking it, so I would appreciate it if you didn't criticize my opinion like it doesn't matter what I say cause I have no idea what I am talking about.. I might not know a lot about it, but to suggest I don't know enough about it to say I can't have an opinion on the risks of taking it is a little rude of you. I know the risks enough to know I personally would never participate in it.

    I was thinking earlier as a Well OP.. If your friend was any kind of friend.. He wouldn't offer it to you in the first place.
  2. Argentwing

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    The bare truth is that those people who got laid out their first time "trying drugs" had likely taken ecstasy or something else much more dangerous than pot. I have heard of people who have laced it with PCP or otherwise, but even habitual illicit drug users are not always idiots. It is possible to engage with minimal risk.

    I will stress though that it's still illegal in most places. There is a philosophical angle to whether marijuana use is acceptable or not regardless of the law, and if you determine that the law is unjust and should be met with civil disobedience, do be careful about it. Some cops are good about it (just telling you to get rid of it, etc. instead of making the arrest) but you might get popped and turn into an unwitting activist/jailbird.
  3. Chip

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    The easiest (and arguably most exhaustive) resource on this topic are the references assembled by Gabor Matè MD, in his book "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts". Dr. Matè is pretty meticulous in his study of sound research published by dozens of researchers, and I have found that, among both researchers and clinical professionals in the addiction field I've spoken with, there is little disagreement with the findings that Dr. Matè presents.

    Additionally, from Dr. Brenè Brown's research, we know that certain personality attributes, associated with shame, are very highly correlated with addiction risk to the point that they are accurate predictors, at age 10, of addictive and delinquent behaviors later in life. And it is likely that Dr. Maté and Dr Brown are speaking about the same issue from different perspectives ; in other words, the neurotransmitter deficits that create risk for addiction likely also cause or contribute to the personality attributes that also predict risk.
  4. HappyGirlLucky

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    I have heard of Dr. Maté's work, but I also remembering having read that his work studies are considered somewhat controversial when I looked into the book. I'm having trouble finding good sources to back up that claim now, and think I need to pick up his book and give it a read myself. It looks like I made a rash decision about his work without looking into it enough.

    I already agree with Dr. Brown's research, but I have not seen it be directly linked to neurotransmitter deficits. I think I need to read more of her work as well.

    Thank you for actually responding with sources. :slight_smile:
  5. enigma 25

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    Oct 2, 2014
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  6. FrenchKid98

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    Mar 23, 2014
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    I was not criticising your opinion and I'm sorry if you felt this way.
    All I meant was that most of what you said applies to a lot of drugs but not marijuana. You sounded like the stereotypical speech against weed like at the beginning of the war on drugs.

    I don't recommend taking any drugs (alcohol and pain killers included) but if you try one illegal drug in your life it should be non other than weed as it is the safest.

    Also I don't think it's okay to say that if a friend offers you to try weed once he is not a good friend and is de facto a bad person.
  7. Blossom85

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    Aug 15, 2014
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    I can understand what you meant, it just felt like it was criticizing my opinion. Like I said I don't pretend to know a lot about it, I just don't think it's a good idea to try any illegal drugs like that wether people think it is harmless or not and not just cause of potential health concerns, also due to the fact it is ILLEGAL and you could be in legal trouble if you get caught. That is just my opinion, that you need to be careful and know the risks if you wanna do it, I never told him not to do it, I just said.. Be aware if the risks involved before you do.

    I also didn't mean to imply his friend is a bad person and not a good friend, I just think if someone cares for your well being (I mean involving the fact it's illegal and breaking the law as well) they wouldn't want you to get involved in illegal activities. I guess I said that in the wrong way.
  8. Wuggums47

    Wuggums47 Guest

    While marijuana isn't as addictive as some drugs, it still has a decent potential for addiction. You might think you're just doing it once, but the next thing you know you'll be watching this.
  9. CyclingFan

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    May 1, 2014
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    I'd caution against trying cannabis at your age, as there are several studies indicating some issues with its interaction with your brain while it's still developing.

    That said, it's overall much less risky than alcohol and I've found it to be beneficial. But maybe wait a few years.
  10. asdfghjk

    asdfghjk Guest


    alright so let's "real talk" for a second, when you do the drug, you will die. because you do drug, and next thing you know, it's heroin. then you are having the sex, and you die. drug die. i know all your friends are peer pressuring you, to be "hip" and try some sexy buds, aka marijuana, aka mary jane aka weed aka dope aka 420 aka good stuff aka a hit aka pot aka hash, but you know who doesn't do drugs? two time winner barack "barack attack" "baracker" hussein allah "obomber" obama. that's right, the president. also hulk hogan, has signed to not do the drug. So you don't need the drug to be cool, and hip, with your crowd. Maybe you can impress them with your sweet basketball moves, that they won't be able to replicate because they're all wacked out on dope! So pop a wheelie and show them you know how to be cool, and you don't need drugs to do that!
  11. CornerSign

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    Do what you want. Weed's better than alcohol but nothing's good in excess. If you want to at all, go for it. Unlike a lot of other drugs, people rarely dislike a pot high. If you don't want to, don't feel pressure though. I'm sure your friend will understand. One more thing, all these people talking about addiction are kinda missing the point. Weed cannot be physically addicting. You can however, become psychologically dependent. But the same can be said for anything. You can be addicted to sex, tv, chocolate, shoppping, whatever, same with weed. It's only a problem if it interferes with your life, and most post smokers don't have a real problem, just like most drinkers aren't alcoholics.
  12. enigma 25

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    Oct 2, 2014
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    Compared to most of the stuff out there (and even certain legal substances) Marijuana seems rather safe in comparison.I still think its tricky to know how it can affect the individual and age can play a role(people that start smoking up a bit later on tend to be better off).

    Addiction wise ,most people do not seem all that dependent on it psychologically,but there are always exceptions.People do change as time goes by however,so how it all turns out remains a mystery.

    I still think (and I suppose this is my opinion) that people should think about why they want to do something.Sometimes people use a substance for the wrong reasons,or reasons that are not really sufficient.Mindset also plays a role of course and I still think that people should do it when in a positive state of mind.Treat the plant with respect and all that.
  13. FrenchKid98

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    Mar 23, 2014
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    I get your concern about trying weed while it is illegal. That's also what I told other people about it, that they should research the potential and real (if they hear any stories) risks for getting caught with weed in the area they live in. Because in some places with the stupid prohibition laws, your life will be ruined by the justice system and not by the drug... (Which I think is wrong and messed up)

    Again I'm sorry you felt I was criticising you for giving your opinion, it just sounded very anti marijuana and ignorant of the research that disproved theories like the gateway drug and such.
    I misunderstood you and I'm sorry about that.
    #33 FrenchKid98, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  14. 741852963

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    Mar 19, 2014
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    In this scenario he won't be taking that extreme a risk. Cannabis is not in itself highly addictive (you may argue the effects are however), there really isn't any compelling evidence that it is a "gateway" drug leading to harder drug use, and to date there have been no reported deaths linked directly to marijuana*.

    *Unless you believe an urban legend suggesting Bruce Lee died due to weed which really has little basis (in fact it was more likely an allergy to a common painkiller ingredient). The closest to "death by cannabis" I have heard was a story of a young man falling down some stairs while high - that really could happen to anyone whether sober, drunk or high.

    Now I'm definitely not trying to encourage the OP here, but I think allowing him to make an informed choice based more on science rather than moral objections or hearsay is going to be better.

    I think it may be even more complicated than that. I think yes some people may be more prone to addiction than others, but which types of drugs or behaviours they become addicted to may vary wildly.

    I would hazard a guess that I have a somewhat addiction prone brain - I express a couple of OCD like traits (for example perfectionism) and can become "hooked" on certain tasks or hobbies. Despite this highly addictive drugs like alcohol and tobacco have next to no effect on me - there is zero desire for more. I guess its horses for courses as they say, perhaps each brain is wired to be addicted to specific chemicals or experiences?

    Anyway, back on topic for me....

    Hello OP. I would say do it only if you really want to do it. If you feel pressured to try it or are fundamentally against the drug I would recommend you just say no. Not only because I don't want you to fall for peer pressure, but also with any drug you have to be in the right state of mind before you take it. If you are feeling overly anxious, guilty, stressed etc cannabis may amplify these feelings whilst you are under the influence. There is of course the chance it might not, but theres a small risk there.

    Like CyclingFan has pointed out, come of the researched side effects of cannabis seem to predominately affect users who started smoking as young adults. Also I understand the legal and employment system in America goes very overboard in addressing cannabis possession/use so its wise to consider that risk - its not worth potentially damaging your future job prospects just to try something once. I do think its sensible to wait until you are a bit older before you do make a decision on whether to try cannabis.

    If you do want to go for it in the future maybe consider trying it as part of a holiday to a state where it is legal to eliminate that risk. And also bear in mind consumption (eating or drinking) or vaporizing the drug are going to be safer for the body than smoking. Smoking anything (be it tobacco, weed and tobacco, whatever) is not good for short-term or long-term lung health and should be avoided where possible.

    So in summary, my two cents: Wait a few years and then have a think about it again.
  15. Chip

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    Dr. Matè's work *is* very controversial because no one wants to hear what he has to say. But none of the research is his; he assembles impeccable research done by others and published in some of the most respected journals in their fields. He also answers the criticisms of his work openly and without ego in the back of the book. I like and respect his work because it is so well thought through -- he's done a good job of connecting the dots -- and because he is so humble and down to earth about it. Joan Borysenko Ph.D has also spoken on these issues.

    To be fair, Dr Brown has not, to my knowledge, made the connection between neurotransmitter deficits and the issues I spoke of. Additionally, Dr. Brown has not actually academically published much of her work. Yet if you read her work, and Dr Matè's work, the similarities are striking, and several other researchers and clinicians have drawn the inferences that the underlying issues are the same. It is definitely a place for further research.
  16. An Gentleman

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    You could end up in jail for doing this. It's really not worth it to go to jail over a joint.
    #YODO. While weed isn't particularly bad or anything, it's still a mind-altering drug.
    If you really want to smoke weed, go do so where it's legal and when you're an adult.
    That's the safest option. If you don't, then politely decline and do something else with your friend.

    In fact, the second option is probably the better option, since it's unlikely that he'll keep asking you for two years.
    #36 An Gentleman, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  17. AwesomGaytheist

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    DISCLAIMER: I am only speaking from personal a personal standpoint, the views are my own and no one else's, and I am not advising anyone to use or not to use marijuana for this or any other purpose, nor am I giving medical advice.

    I personally worried about my own genetics with addiction and such, however I found that I can have a drink every now and again to unwind or take the edge off my nerves. Now I didn't try marijuana until a couple weeks ago, and unlike Bill Clinton, I can't say that I didn't inhale, and I found that it really helped a lot with my depression and insomnia. Now I've done it once since then, but I really don't think that it's worth all the worry and concern that people like, say my mom, put into it.

    If you want to go for it, go for it, if you don't, then don't. But if you do go for it, make sure to be responsible about it. Do it privately and don't make it obvious and you should be okay.
  18. robotman

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    Jun 14, 2013
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    Honestly weed isn't too bad, just make sure that you are with someone/people you trust and you are in a environment that you feel comfortable in. Also make sure that you don't over do it on your first time. I did and it was pretty bad but then I did it again sometime later and I had less and it was so much fun lol. It is the only illegal drug that I have taken and I won't take anything stronger because I am scared of every other drug but weed is fine for me lol.

    Also if you take it in a brownie make sure to go slow, I have had it in a brownie form and it affects you slower but can be more potent and lasts longer. Just relax when you do it, whenever I do it I laugh ALOT.