Trying to lose weight but having a lot of trouble

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Akira12, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Akira12

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    So first off I tried so many different things to lose weight like the smoothie diet and such but nothing works! If done the jogging and such but lasted for 3 days at the max I keep losing motivation. So I was wondering can I lose weight by just eating less? Like lower my potion size and when I eat? I done so much better at that then anything! I've lowered my portion size tremendously! So proud on that but then I get grandparents on me saying how I need to excercise or I'll keep gaining weight! I can't keep motivation for running and such plus I'm so out of breath and panting when I do a quarter mile. So my question is can I lose weight by doing jumping jacks and push-ups and the like while eating less? I'm up in the 200s and it's starting to really affect me. Family has a diabetic trait so to speak my mom and grandpa are diabetic and I really don't want to get that! Need advice on how to lose weight and such!
  2. iloveheralways

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    Apr 26, 2014
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    Well, I also have weight issues. I need to lose about 40 pounds to be normal for my height. I've tried exercising many different ways and had lost weight many times in the past few years. Once I lost 30 something pounds and the other time I lost 22 pounds. However, I gained weight back after each time. I would literally spend two to three hours in the gym. And I controlled my diet as well. But, then something would happen, like my schedule changing, diet change, sickness, etc and I would gain the weight back. Right now, I'm really back to square one! One important thing that I learned is that you need to exercise everyday to keep the weight off. As soon as you stop exercising, you will gain weight. In my previous experiences, I would put myself through hell and lose weight in a very short time. ( I've lost over 20 pounds in a month...) But it keeps coming back! It really is a lifestyle change. Now, I'm doing t25 from beachbody... It can be done in half an hour, right at home and you can't have an excuse for not doing it. It's only twenty five minutes! However, it works over time.. Like three to four months or even more. But if you start exercising like that, you can do it for the rest of your life.. Just half an hour every day. The exercises can be done by non-athletes like me :slight_smile: I think you should try it. Or get more information. You can also try watching free exercise videos on YouTube. The thing to remember is that it takes time and commitment. You can't stop if you wanna succeed.
  3. Really

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    May 11, 2014
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    I did this running program called "Couch to 5k" and it totally works. It basically turns a couch potato into someone who can run a 5km in about 30 minutes over a nine week period. And I'm not kidding. It works.

    I always hated running in school and was terrible at it but a few years ago I did this program and, amazingly, today I love running and get a bit upset if I don't do it at least every other day. I'm averaging 6.75km each time. I now listen to humour podcasts as I run and have a great time! And my cardio has improved immensely.

    If you want to try it, google "ullrey c5k". That's the guy who prepared the podcasts. He has a nice soothing voice which helps

    A side benefit of feeling better was that I wanted to eat better so that's good too!

    And it's free.
  4. Derivative

    Derivative Guest

    Controlling your portion size is a good start, but don't just eat smaller unhealthy portions. You will need to opt for healthy snacks and meals. Make sure you drink plenty of water instead of fizzy drinks. Drinking water has helped me cut down on snacking because it makes me feel quite full :slight_smile:

    If you find that buying fresh vegetables is too expensive (it is for me on a student budget) just go for the frozen vegetables and have them as a snack or as part of a meal, they only take around 5 minutes to prepare.

    As for exercising you should take it at a steady pace... going full out on a run on your first time is probably going to deter you from wanting to continue. You should definitely push yourself but don't overdo it. Another user has mentioned couch to 5k and I've heard it's very effective. You'll need a combination of cardio and strength training.

    What I've said is based on my own experience, and it's working for me so far. Change your diet and exercise over a period of time, trying to do it all at the same time only ever lasted a couple of days for me.

    Good luck to you :slight_smile:

    Edit: Gradually changing will give you better habits for the future, something a fad diet doesn't.
    #4 Derivative, Aug 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2014
  5. Akira12

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    Thank you all for the suggestions! I'll be giong the a try wish me luck xD
  6. trojan

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    Jul 2, 2014
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    A real good site is calorie count. There is lots of info ther. I cant stand not eating, or counting calories, so I just cleaned up the food I eat. I eat lots of frozen vegetables, and canned salmon. That is what I figured out from the site is the best for me.
    What works for you might be different. It is a forum, and so you can ask other Calorie count members for their advice. Its good stuff.
  7. phoenix89

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    The one thing that has done wonders for me is tracking what I eat LoseIt is an amazing site to use for that. It is free, you put in your, height, weight, gender, how much you want to lose and if you want to lose a pound or two per week and it will tell you how many calories you can eat. I have lost over 60 almost 70 pounds that way.
  8. SeaSalt

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    Aug 6, 2014
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    Yes you can lose weight without doing exersise, Its actually really effective. I used Slimming World which worked super well, my dad and me both were on that and we both lost about 5 stone each over a few months. I dont know if its avaliable where you are.
  9. Damien

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    Hi akira,

    sometimes when I'm in a hurry or can't be bothered making a proper meal, I just make a psyllium drink as a 'meal replacement'. This has the effect of creating the feeling of being 'full' and thus hunger is temporarily assuaged, but as psyllium has zero calories, and is purely a dietary fiber that is also an excellent cleanser, replacing a meal a day with a psyllium drink could be yet another thing you could try. (Note: after the psyllium drink you should also drink an extra glass of water as well, which never does any harm in any case, because the psyllium will 'bulk up' inside by absorbing water, which is of course how it creates the feeling of 'fullness'.)

    I don't know if this is your thing, but I see a lot of folks who go to a gym, and get a program professionally tailored for burning up calories. My ex is genetically predisposed to having a large body size (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, as bigger folks can be just as cute as thinner ones :slight_smile:), but by doing such as program she really did shed a lot of kilos. Of course you have to also be careful with any program, because if you push your body too hard, or too fast, then sometimes, it can sort of 'snap' back in the other direction again later on, so it's important to do this gradually, and for your new pattern of eating and exercise to be integrated as a way of life, and not something you can only keep up for a few weeks or months. That's why I think you should take it gradually, and not go to any 'extreme'.
    Damien :slight_smile: x
    #9 Damien, Sep 4, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
  10. mangotree

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    May 4, 2014
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    You can certainly lose weight just by changing the way you eat, it just won't make you "fit" - assuming you can find a way to eat that works for your body and is sustainable.

    For some people, once they get their weight down and start feeling better about themselves - the want/need to exercise comes naturally.
    Sometimes you might just get to a point where you want to lose weight more quickly so you start adding exercise in.

    The opposite is the case for me, I enjoy exercising a lot more than I enjoy eating right - but the exercise automatically changes my mind about food choices.

    The thing is - exercising just because someone tells you to, or exercising just because you'd like to lose some weight, or exercising because you feel like you "have to" - usually isn't quite enough.
    There has to be a real want that comes from deep inside.

    Chances are you really enjoy sitting on the couch and/or eating chocolate and chips and that's worked for you for probably a very long time. It's made you feel good and it's made you feel happy - at least while you're doing it.

    If you want to get fit, exercise needs to feel good and make you happy as well - just like food and lazing about used to.
    That deep want to get fit and be healthy has to be there to push through the initial pain before you get to the good stuff.

    Wish I had some advice for achieving that deep want, but you'll know it when you get it.

    Peace! (*hug*)
    #10 mangotree, Sep 4, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2014
  11. swimgood

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    keep in mind the only sustainable weight management is to focus on long term life style changes.

    so instead of saying you'll eat salad for dinner every night itd be more realistic and sustainable if you for example
    - start to use better oils to cook rather than use butter?
    - cut bad fats out of your cooking
    - focus on carbs with high fibre etc etc and slowly accustom youself into smaller portions. also
    - when you eat out you should be more aware of what you order. grilled chicken rather than fried, white meat over red meat... all that jazz

    remember you still want to enjoy your food and not starve yourself. make sustainable adjustments to your life not crazy diet regimes (not saying you are but most people opt into doing that)
  12. Nimun

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    Sep 6, 2014
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    Your sock drawer, silly.
    You can totally lose weight by just diet. My dad lost 30 pounds in a few months from just dieting. His basic meal plan was like this.

    Breakfast- Fruit
    Lunch- Lean meat and veggies
    Dinner- Lean meat and veggies again

    Obviously if you exercise, that'll help the weight come off faster.
  13. WannaBeMe

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    Sep 11, 2014
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    Eat a lot of celery, it burns more calories than it gives you hope this helps. :slight_smile:
  14. Carlgustav

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    Aug 17, 2014
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    Many exercise plans for weight loss involve aerobic activities like running, treadmill, spinning, etc. These can be somewhat helpful, but not easy to stick to. What often is neglected is anaerobic exercise, such as some sort of weight lifting. The idea is to develop a bit more muscle tissue, which in turn increases your metabolic rate. I'm not talking Mr. Universe, just firming up a bit. If you combine this with walking every day it's easier to keep it up than to go full-bore at running or jumping jacks,etc. If you can get someone to exercise with you, it helps tremendously. Of course, still keep your portions controlled.
    On the other hand, you can lose weight strictly with diet changes. Google "lose weight diet only" and you'll see many plans. It is tough to maintain the discipline to cut back enough to lose weight day after day after day. Many people will have a cheat-binge and then never get back to the plan. Whatever you do, it will be challenging and I wish you the best.
  15. Akira12

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    Thank you all for the advice and support I appreciate it all!!!