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Thoughts on Obama?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SkyDiver, Aug 18, 2014.


How do you feel about President Obama?

  1. Disliked/hated him before, love him now.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Loved him before, dislike/hate him now.

    4 vote(s)
  3. I've always disliked/hated him.

    9 vote(s)
  4. I've always loved him.

    8 vote(s)
  5. Indifference before, love him now.

    3 vote(s)
  6. Indifference before, dislike/hate him now.

    4 vote(s)
  7. Hated/disliked him before, indifference now.

    0 vote(s)
  8. Loved him before, indifference now.

    10 vote(s)
  9. No opinion.

    4 vote(s)
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  1. AwesomGaytheist

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    May 19, 2013
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    Comparing the President to Hitler. How mature of you, and for the rest of you, this is the hateful rhetoric we've heard from the right ever since Barack Obama announced for President on February 10, 2007.

    My response to that is the same as Barney Frank's response to the woman who asked the Jewish Congressman why he supported a "Nazi policy:"

    "On which planet do you spend most of your time?"

    You choose to base your views off right-wing screech websites, I base mine off the facts. You compared the President of the United States to a man who had 6 million Jews killed, and that is absolutely disgusting.

    For those of you who aren't aware or don't live in the United States, there are two Barack Obamas. There's the Barack Obama that the right wing believes in and hates: a scary Black man that was born in a small island nation called Kenya, located in the Pacific Ocean 2,000 miles off the coast of California who hates America and is a communist despite his center-right policies.

    Then there's the Barack Obama most Americans, Democrats and a few Republicans see: a guy whose heart is in the right place. We may not agree on everything, but he does not hate America, he was not born in Kenya, he did not gut Medicare, he never met Bill Ayers, there was no such person as "Barry Soetoro," he is a Christian and not a Muslim, and even if he was a Muslim, the President's religion doesn't matter. He does not want to confiscate all your guns, and in fact, federal gun control laws have been loosened under Obama's presidency. He is not a "race-baiter" and those who call the President racial slurs are racists. He has not placed conservatives into internment camps, his plan was not "white slavery," his health care law did not install "death panels," and he did not say in context that he would "fundamentally transform America."
  2. Ryujin

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    Aug 13, 2014
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    Dammit! I just got buzzfeeded!!
  3. Stridenttube

    Stridenttube Guest

    He's immature? I can link outrageous and Immature posts that people have made towards conservative politicians all day long. Where were you when these posts were made?
  4. Data

    Data Guest

    I'm sure everyone forgot about what Hitler actually was...a Socialist.

    If you boil it down and pair facts with facts, the comparison is legitimate and accurate.

    Our Sheriff Joe Arpaio launched an investigation into Barry's birth certificate and concluded it is fraudulent.

    The fact is, Obama doesn't feel like he has any restrictions holding him back. The reason the GOP blocks him in Congress is because the bills he wants passed are railroaded through by his almighty hand. They block them in good faith and common sense. Then they can't get any work done because they're too busy suing the government in SCOTUS to repeal unconstitutional laws passed by Obama, and trying to organize a proper group of politicians that will be capable of finally impeaching Obama. Presidents have been impeached over far less than what Barry has done.
  5. AwesomGaytheist

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    It's not the left that's comparing the President of the United States to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels. It's not the left that insists the President wasn't born in the United States when his birth certificate clearly states that he was. And it's right-wing rockstar Allen West who's saying things like this:


    Point is, I'd stand up to anyone who would compare any President to Hitler. You do not make that kind of hateful and antisemitic statement about anyone.
  6. Stridenttube

    Stridenttube Guest

    It's time to get off of your high horse. The stuff you have said on here in the past is just as bad.
  7. AwesomGaytheist

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    I'm only going to reply one more time because my use of this site is too important to me than to say what I really want to.

    1. Adolf Hitler was a fascist. Fascism is the most extreme right-wing ideology, whereas communism is the furthest left-wing ideology.

    2. Joe Arpaio is a senile fool with a right-wing agenda. Just look at how he treats prisoners. Every federal court that has examined this issue found that the claims of birth abroad are baseless.

    3. On January 20, 2009, the day the President first took office, Republican Congressional leaders held a meeting at which their strategy going forward would be "To show united and unyielding opposition to the President's economic agenda as well as every bill." This is why they blocked the extension of a payroll tax cut and refuse to extend unemployment benefits. This is why they shut down the government last fall, and twice nearly collapsed the entire world economy by refusing to raise the debt ceiling, one time resulting in the downgrade of the country's credit rating.

    They won't do anything because they've gerrymandered the districts to pack them with voters who insist that their Representatives can't be conservative enough. They're slaves to the primary voters, meaning if they do anything-anything- to cooperate with that (insert racial slur here), they'll lose in the primary, which was what happened to Eric Cantor, Dick Lugar, and what almost happened to Lisa Murkowski, who ended up winning via write-in campaign.

    The President has been left with no other option. The Senate passed immigration reform 68-32. That's a very bipartisan majority considering the current political climate. The votes are there in the House to pass it, but John Boehner won't call it for a vote. Why? It would pass, handing Obama a political victory.

    When you study political science and get off the right-wing screech sites and turn off Rush Limbaugh, you learn how things really work. The fact of the matter right now is that Republicans aren't part of the problem, they are the entire problem.

    ---------- Post added 18th Aug 2014 at 07:36 PM ----------

    Oh please. Name one thing.
  8. Data

    Data Guest

    I don't see the issue here. The comparison is valid.

    The left compares lawful gun owners to unstable murderers all the time.

    Remember, Hitler required gun registration shortly before dispatching his SA and SS to confiscate them and terrorize the now-helpless citizens. Obama wants to move toward that same end. Obama claims that modern sporting rifles "belong on a battlefield, not our streets." yet his Federal agencies utilize armored vehicles and fully automatic assault rifles in raids on private citizen homes. Doesn't that bear a striking resemblance to Hitler?

    I don't see any reason why comparing those two men is disgusting. It's perfectly reasonable to most people who take a common-sense view on the subject.
  9. AwesomGaytheist

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    Like these "responsible gun owners:"



    And by the way, the only gun bills the President has signed allow people to carry firearms into national parks. So if you feel the need to be packing heat on your next trip to Yellowstone to see Old Faithful, you thank Barack Obama for that.

    I suggest you visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and see what really went on in Nazi Germany before you compare the President to Hitler. When you've seen that, and you hear someone compare someone, anyone, to that, you see how disgusting it really is.
    #29 AwesomGaytheist, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  10. biAnnika

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    Why must we choose between love, indifference, and hate?
  11. Argentwing

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    Didn't like him before, hate him now, but at the same time, Romney wouldn't have been much better if at all. He's just another vampire sucking the blood from this country.
  12. dano218

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    Comparing Obama to Hitler is a right wring extremist attack on one particular president. I never seen so much hatred of a US President. Bush and Clinton both have made more executive actions than Obama. Never has a president has been accused of lying about his birth country, of being a muslim, and trying to ruin American and put in the ground Those kind of attacks are uncalled for. Would you compare Franklin Roosevelt a democrat to Hitler because Roosevelt helped end the War in Europe and despised Hitler so how dare you compare democratic policies of Obama's to Hitler who killed millions of innocent people including gay people. What party do I hear the most about killing gay people it is the Republicans.

    There never has been as much anti government action until Obama came into face and Sarah Palin helped lead the Tea Party to action. Thanks to John Mccain picking Sarah Palin as his running mate the political atmosphere is much more divisive and all that gets done in Washington D.C is politicians hating each other even more than the last session they were in. The reason I blame Palin is that she helped give the tea party a voice and called for divisive action against Obama with causes nothing to get done in Congress all thanks to Tea Party Extremists who been getting elected in 2010 and 2012. If John Mccain never gave Palin a voice congress might of been less divisive today.

    The anti obama theories from Benghazi to Immigration all just hateful and stems from the fact most Republicans believe the President is a Anti American. You tell me the last president who has been called a anti american muslin extremist that is compared to terrorists and one that lies about his place of birth. I want to also tell me what president has ever been sued over executives actions.

    In America today we have a Republican Party who believes that people who disagree with them are anti american and anti christians and so on it used to be a political system where we all can agree we love this county so let's work with what we can agree on and help shape America. Now they a Republican party that says no to bipartisanship and if any one goes across the aisle to get things done they in danger of getting defeated in a primary. This infighting among Republicans has not happened as much until now thanks to these divisive extremists like Ted Cruz or Palin trying to run things. You also have Ted Cruz who is a Senator working with Boehner to make sure any bipartisan legislation never passes the US house of reps. When has shutting down the goverment become a political advantage. It is just a self destructive childish tactic of people who cannot accept that Obama won and Mccain lost.
  13. Ada M7

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    *touches thread with 10 foot pole*

  14. Data

    Data Guest

    Having read Mein Kampf cover-to-cover, I consider myself sufficiently knowledgable about Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Most people get far enough to the point where they think visiting a museum makes them an expert. As someone who's done considerable research on the topic, you don't know Hitler's point of view until you read the ideas he transcribed while locked in jail with nothing but time on his hands...

    How many people do I know that have actually read Mein Kampf? 1, my AP English teacher.

    What Hitler created in the death camps was pretty evil, no doubt about it.

    How many of Obama's supporters swear that the US would NEVER be able to do that ti US citizens? Probably all of them. I've got news for you: Japanese internment camps in WW2 right here in America. George Takei was one of the prisoners. Who was the president at the time? Yup, FDR. WHOA!
  15. dano218

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    Yes there were camps in America and no it was not a good thing about it happened. But it was not as horrific as the lives lost in the Europe concentration camps so you can tell me how those camps are equal to each other. How many lives were brutalized and lost at those camps. I am assure you Germany treated Jews much worse than we treated the Japanese. Can you also tell am a Republican President would not have made the same decision. Can you also tell me what party lied about weapons of mass destruction in Irag or who unlawfully abused prisoners at guantanamo bay.What president also helped cause the economic recession and created more poverty in America. All of them were caused by a Republican President. Job growth has been slow under Obama but has improved thanks to our current president. All these conservative argument Republicans make now were not even divisive issues decades ago and now your party flushing this econony down the toilet.
  16. Tai

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    Well said...
  17. Data

    Data Guest

    You missed the point by so much it left Earth's orbit and is on the way to Mars... Incredible.
  18. dano218

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    Besides the point you are comparing a American president to a mass murderer. Tell me any other president that has more accusations thrown at him than Obama. What other president has been accused lying about his birth certificate, accused of being a muslim, and accused of putting America in the ground. What other time has the Republican party complained about the debt limit or too much government in their lives. Is anti abortion or anti gay marriage being called too much government because I would think it would be. Your party is full of hypocritical politicians that it would take going around the earth a million times to name them all.
  19. maselalala

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    Feb 7, 2014
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    I thought he was okay at first but I don't like what he has done in the past couple years.
  20. Data

    Data Guest

    George Walker Bush. Accusations galore. The liberals wanted to impeach him for occupying Iraq without Congessional approval. He was probably more hated than Obama is now. It's just because Obama gives lots of financial support to the poor. They don't care what the president does in the long run as long as they can feed their kids, buy a 6 pack, and not go back to work.
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