How to get rid of stomach

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Emmanuella, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Emmanuella

    Full Member

    Oct 24, 2012
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    La lune
    I've literally had a fat/bulgy tummy since childhood/infancy. In fact, as a baby, my aunt gave me a nickname based on that.

    I've always hated it (naturally...), and wanted to work it off. In high school I tried various exercises, but nothing helped... then I sort of gave up. Even when I lose bits of weight, non of it is ever around my belly. When I ask for advice everyone gives me a different answer.

    Anyhow, how to lose belly/stomach fat most efficiently?! I'm about to give up. (I mean, what exercises)
  2. Hexagon

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    May 1, 2011
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    There's no way to reduce fat in a specific area. It ought to all come off together. You might be able to work on you abdominal muscles, which should kind of pull things in I guess, but it won't actually reduce the fat there.
  3. scub

    Regular Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    you must be in a calorie deficit for you to lose fat. all you can do is do cardio and exercise 3-5 days a week to speed up the process. as long you're losing weight the fat will slowly decrease. belly fat is the hardest area for fat to burn off, and unfortunately, you can't remove fat from certain areas. the body decides where it comes off first, and again, typically belly fat is the last to go. chances are if you have belly fat, there is also fat in other areas of your body that must go first before the body begins to remove the fat from the belly area.

    also, might want to buy a fitness caliper, they're fairly cheap and measure your belly fat to keep track of improvements.

    if you haven't already, you must also start keeping track of your calories you eat and must stay consistent in your diet. ie: eating 1800 calories one day and 2,500 calories the next isn't going to help you. so start keeping track if you haven't already and make sure you are in a deficit. find out your BMR/TDEE (use google) and calculate your calories you must eat to lose weight.

  4. Emmanuella

    Full Member

    Oct 24, 2012
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    La lune
    Thanks guys, there were some good tips here. A lot of it I already knew, but it's good to have these reminders and extra bits of info to keep me on track. I actually DIDN'T know that belly fat was one of the last things to go... now I feel I must starve myself to literally lose anything -_- '

    The summer before last, I lost over 20 pounds but nothing noticeable in the stomach area. I guess it just means I have to try a bit harder. (Okay, a LOT harder).
  5. Kaiser

    Kaiser Guest

    May 10, 2014
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    Drink lots of water and cranberry juice. You'll be pissing like a race horse, but it's good for you. Water also fills you up, and cranberry juice is good for cleansing the bodily system. On top of that, just stay active. You'll need to either eat better or eat less, because you want to take in less, so you can lose more. Of course, don't go starving yourself. I've found that snacking on cherries helps me, when I'm not really hungry but want to eat.

    I'm not going to suggest this, because it isn't healthy for you. But I smoke cigarettes, and this represses my appetite, so that helps me, in terms of excess or extra eating. Of course, it isn't helping me in other areas, but everybody already knows this.

    The hardest part is getting used to your fitness routine, because you're probably so used to doing things as you typically do. If you have anyone that can be an accountability buddy, try that, and perhaps work out with them. If not, then you're going to have to develop will power, and patience, because it takes a while to see favorable results. When I first started out, I was always perplexed that I didn't look any different, but after a while, it started happening. The moment you see a noticeable change, you'll surge with confidence, thus you'll be more prone to keep at it -- this is the stage you want to reach, hell, you need to reach; if you want to be guaranteed consistency.
  6. Emmanuella

    Full Member

    Oct 24, 2012
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    La lune
    Thanks :slight_smile: This actually really encouraged me. See, hearing/reading things I already tell myself... but told from someone else always helps. I'm going to purchase a gym membership on my next pay. Finding a buddy might be a good idea, as you suggested! :thumbsup:

    side note: I'm really scared to drink too much water, as I'm already peeing like there's no tomorrow...anytime I over do it with water, I can end up in the washroom literally every 5- 10 minutes... not fun :/
  7. Start swimming laps. I did this and I achieved a flat stomach. It's easy on your joints so you won't jam anything.
  8. asdfghjk

    asdfghjk Guest

    not to hijack the topic but i'm worried that if i lose weight, it will leave from all the parts of my body that i don't want it to instead of where i do >: is this stupid??
  9. tulipinacup

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    May 15, 2014
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    I'm only going to give advice based on my own experience. I do taebo exercise and though losing weight is not my goal but to be active on a daily basis, I managed to trim a few inches on my waistline in just 2 weeks. You can find taebo instructional videos on youtube.

    Drinking water helps as well.

    ---------- Post added 27th Jul 2014 at 09:28 AM ----------

    Honey you're not going to lose your legs :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  10. asdfghjk

    asdfghjk Guest

    what if it leaves from my butt instead of my gut, or thighs, or muffintop

  11. TrueColors

    Regular Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    For some reason, recently, I lost some of my butt... and already small boobs. Not happy at all.
  12. asdfghjk

    asdfghjk Guest

    Yeah that's what I'm worried about personally. Like no, not the gut that plagues me, or my thighs that I worry about so much, but no, the butt and boobs where the fat is fine. SIGH...
  13. littlemonster11

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    Apr 17, 2014
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    Cardio workouts, like running, helped me greatly. Jogging/running is my go-to workout, cardio-wise. I also enjoy dancing. I can't dance to save my life, but I do it because it's a workout AND it's fun!

    Make it a point to drink water only. When it gets boring to drink water, I like to add lemon juice or cucumber slices. Cucumber water is DELICIOUS, I promise you. You have to store a pitcher of water with the cucumber slices in them in the refrigerator overnight preferably to get the flavor desired.
  14. Gregarity

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    Jul 21, 2013
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    You could do one or both of two things, as l see it: the healthy thing and the selfish thing. The second being that you come to understand that people who are really worthy of your care or friendship or whatever the case may be won't look at you for your fat and dislike you. Exercise and losing weight is all well and good but a you can save a lot of self-imposed stress by just accepting yourself for yourself, squish and all. Fat is a natural function of the body, same as hair and eye gunk.

    Easier said than done? By orders of magnitude. I understand that the expectation of body perfection in women is really cruel and unrealistic. I'm a guy and only now after a year and a half's work at least starting to be okay with my body and even find things that l like, but I still suck in my gut after meals to not look fat and I'm still very insecure about people talking about my body. But it becomes gradually easier!

    Basically, if you have noticeable body fat but you're healthy, don't worry; media portrayal of a good body is bullshit; exercise and moderate eating is never amiss and most importantly love yourself. Good luck!
  15. tulipinacup

    Full Member

    May 15, 2014
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    I can see where you're coming from, I was actually a bit worried that my butt would err diminish in size and it did but for the goal that I wanted. I do stairwalking as well and it actually enhanced the size of my butt. This is a bit of a TMI but hey my butt is still there.
    There are actually exercises that can increase breast size such as the wall press so you should look into that.
  16. scub

    Regular Member

    Jul 21, 2014
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    that is why you should exercise and build some muscles to make up for the loss of fat. what would you rather have, a sloppy-floppy butt or a nice tight round firm butt? :wink:
    there are plenty of exercises for the butt and other areas that will help as you shed off the fat.

    this guy (skip to 4:10 for better view) he has an insanely addicting-to-look-at ass, yet he has very little bodyfat.
    #16 scub, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
  17. imnotreallysure

    Dec 27, 2013
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    If you lose weight, then you'll probably notice a decrease in the size of your boobs and butt. I have a female friend who lost weight over the past 2 years and the size of her breasts have noticeably decreased, but they're not tiny now or anything - just smaller compared to before (and since I'm gay, I can notice these things without sounding pervy :grin:). Bigger isn't always better.

    I think it's better to have a smaller, but firmer butt, than a bigger, but jiggly one anyway. :icon_wink As Scub mentioned, do exercises that work the glutes, i.e squats and lunges.
    #17 imnotreallysure, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2014
  18. Elf Wynd

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    Aug 10, 2013
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    1. One cannot target specific areas of fat. Yes I know there are multi-billion dollar business who seem to want to promote the idea that is possible... but they are selling products.

    2. Are you certain its fat? Perhaps its actually loose abdominal or even a layer of skin. Retaining water? Or maybe its just a genetic fluke.... Understand I weight 140 pounds now (6'1" yes yes yes that is underweight). I do not have a 6 pack, 4 pack or anything like that. Gods know I have tried through the decades, and have nearly always been skinny. I am just cursed with a genetic layer of stubborn fat which will always be there...

    How do I know? I asked my doctor about my belly and how to get my abs to pop... She told me the horrific news

    3. You are female, Women are supposed to be rounded, curvy and carry higher percentages of boy fat. Their bellies, hips and thighs are supposed to be a bit wider with that fat.

    That fat serves a purpose... its there to improve the odds that your DNA will survive to the next generation.

    Now you can try doing abdominal exercises - mind this will not remove the fat, what it will do is tighten up the abdominals which might actually cause what fat is there to pull up and suck in a little.

    I would suggest the next time you are at doctors address the issue with him/her. A doctor will most likely be able to tell you if this is removable fat (as in removable through safe and sane dietary habits), or if it is water retention or just a bit of DNA you need to learn to live with...
  19. Really

    Full Member

    May 11, 2014
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    I've mentioned this before but I swear it has reshaped my stomach - hula hooping.
    There are a bunch of cool YouTube videos showing beginner moves and more advanced routines. Some of the people have gotten so into it they've lost a ton of weight. Pretty inspiring.

    Just put on your favourite music and go to town!
  20. trojan

    Regular Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    There is a site called calorie count. There is endless info on the forum, and lots of people to ask questions. I didnt actually count the calories, but I used the site to alter my food and eat a healthier diet and lose 20 pounds and guess what, now people are flirting with me again and it was worth all the effort and laa the bicycling to get rid of the flabby tummy