Can I post a Wattpad link?

Discussion in 'Empty Closets Help and Feedback' started by musicalshyguy, May 20, 2014.

  1. musicalshyguy

    Full Member

    Nov 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hester, Louisiana
    I've written a story and would like you all to read it and give me feedback, but the story is on Wattpad. Will I get in trouble if I link to it?
  2. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    If it is linked to an account you own there, then no you can not.
  3. musicalshyguy

    Full Member

    Nov 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hester, Louisiana
    So if I link it to the story, but my account is just showing on the side, can I still do that?
  4. CharlieHK

    CharlieHK Guest

    If I can click on the link knowing that you musicalshyguy is the one who wrote it, and therefore the account on Wattpad is connected to the story is yours, it's against the rules.

    Because then I (potentially a predator) could then have off site contact with you.

    If you copy and paste the story into a forum with no links, then it's okay. Or if you took a screenshot and blurred out your info. Then it would be okay.