Super Nerdy Quantum Physics shizzle

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by charmander, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. charmander

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    Jun 3, 2013
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    First of all I'd like to point out that, yes I'm thirteen and Nope I'm no professional when it comes to quantum physics but I have a good understanding.

    So here's my question...

    If the multiverse has several thousand (more like billions) parallel universes, would it be possible to travel between two?
    First of all a means of connection between two; possibly two very Similar almost Identical parallel universes study maybe a certain atom ((much like the luteces)) maybe they would be able to communicate using this atom and somehow split a wormhole through the universes. Would/Could it be possible to actually transport yourself through said 'wormhole' from your original universe and into this said Parallel universe?

    Second of all what would happen if you met yourself or ran into yourself? ((Apart from the possible quantum super position))

    I wouldn't bother asking why Someone of my age needs to know this, truth is I don't just curious and this little 'conundrum' has been bothering me
  2. Kasey

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    The theory is that while multiple dimensions exist, we don't have the ability to perceive them because the Planck scale is smaller than any electromagnetic radiation we can produce. If you could unfold space time then you might be talking.

    There is also the theory we are in a false vacuum, or meta stable state where a particle with sufficiently high enough energy could cause tunneling unto another reality and cause our universe to fall into another either localized or true minimal energy state.

    Or then there is the theory is that the other side of a black hole is a portal into another universe.

    I could go on about quantum physics all you want. Dark matter theorization is fun too. Namely, the contemporary explanation is that dark matter is composed of 5 different types of theoretical Higgs bosons. Mathematically it would explain the mass composition of our universe.
  3. Kat 5

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    Mar 25, 2014
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    Have you read The Black Hole War? That is where I got my understanding from. Wouldn't the wormhole be open for less than 1/1000000000 of a second? I know how to technically time travel, but I am pretty foggy on this part of quantum physics.
  4. Simple Thoughts

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    Dec 21, 2013
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    Don't forget one very important thing...

    We have no real way of knowing how the laws of physics work/apply in other universes.

    We don't know what the rules would be, or how things would function. It could very well be that our atoms are incapable of staying together in some universes, gravity could work in a very different way or just not exist at all, and who knows what other sorts of crazy things could be happening.

    I think at the very least it'd be a bit iffy to try universe hoping until we understand a bit more about what to expect =/
  5. charmander

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    Jun 3, 2013
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    Actually I haven't read it, I'll be sure to now though anything that'll help me get some clusore will do me good :')
  6. Some Dude

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    Nov 5, 2013
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    I think I broke my brain from attempting to read this
  7. Kat 5

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    Mar 25, 2014
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    The black hole war goes into conservation of information a bit too. Its about Stephen Hawking and some other guy in a debate about black holes and if they destroy information.
  8. AKTodd

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    Feb 9, 2013
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    You might find this Wikipedia article interesting:

    Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    There are actually many different 'types' of alternative universe depending on what aspect of reality you're talking about.

    As far as transporting between universes - at least some physics models seem to allow for the creation of wormholes that could link different universes, but we don't yet know how you'd create one.

    Meeting yourself would be more in the realm of the many-worlds of quantum mechanics theories. Science fiction has occasionally considered what would happen in this situation with ideas ranging from the mutual annihilation of both of you to little more than talking to yourself. In the real world, I don't think anyone knows for sure.

    Hope this helps,

  9. Foxface

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    May 2, 2013
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    I am no scientist by any means

    I have made it a hobby of mine to learn about cosmology and the universe. I love the concept of a multiverse or the many worlds interpretation. Although I do not understand all the math involved I love the idea that all possible pasts and all possible futures are occurring. This always makes me wonder whether there is the universe or the multiverse, where did infinity come from?
  10. Straw_berry

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    Mar 3, 2014
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    In the lonely plains of Colorado Nyu~
    There's also a theory that if you open a wormhole and keep it open for too long it'll start to create feedback, like when a Microphone comes too close to speaker Nyu~ And if the feedback loops for too long it could collapse the wormhole Nyu~
  11. Nikky DoUrden

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    Aug 25, 2013
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    I have learned some QM in university and first I want to say GG to you for getting interested in that at such a young age!
    At your age I barley knew electromagnetism :O

    As I percieve multi universes, its a theoretical concept arrising from quantum mechanics uncertainty principle, like schrodinger cat experiment, in theory there are two possible outcomes - cat dead or alive, so we can say the world split into multiple universes that each contain the different outcome.

    Wormholes - i'm not an expert but I think they are only theoretical, same as string theory, so .. take that into account :slight_smile:
    I agree with AKTodd that meeting yourself is more likely in the quantum world, in a sense that we already make electrons meet themselves and make annihilation pattern.

    An important thing to note though, is that we don't have yet a theory to describe both the quantum world and gravity which is a very important aspect in our universe :grin:
    So you might meet a lot of strange things through your search for an answer to your questions, and black holes are good example.
    You might like Michiu Kaku he talks about those kind of stuff, but, I would like to mention first hes also a string theorist so just remember to take some things as theory and not as facts when he talks about them, and 11 dimensions is again something coming up from string theory! ^^
    There is also a movie called "Einstein Big Idea" if you want to get more knowledge about E=mc^2, its my favorite movie by far (you can youtube it, its there ^^)
  12. Emulator

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    Aug 24, 2013
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    We do not even have an explanation for many things in this universe, to explain them for other dimensions which no one has been to will take a good deal of risks and experiments.
    Perhaps if you travelled into another universe, you might find everything completely different there. Would everything be the same as it is on Earth? Maybe you would not be able to exist there, or coexist in two universes at once.
    And if you ran into yourself, there are many theories about this but it can only be proved for real if it really happened.

    Interesting questions, though.
  13. Kasey

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    Actually electrons don't annihilate it's electrons and positrons. Matter anti matter collisions result in tremendous energy on the form of two gamma rays and the disappearance of matter. That is strictly annihilation.

    Electrons cannot be superimposed outside of a black hole due to the Pauli exclusion principle. Electron degeneracy is why a neutron star even exists.
  14. Lawrence

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    Jan 16, 2014
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    Time travel? My first thought was Gimmicks Three! Often I wonder if fiction is ahead of non-fiction science books. By the way, I don't believe people can sign their souls away. That belief was created during the witch hunt hysteria. I like this thread. Damn, I wish I'd studied this stuff instead of computer blah blah that everyone knows! What's done is done though. I try to understand a bit myself, so take into account I'm a n00b at this.

    I tried to build a time travel device when I was a kid. This was before I'd even watched Doctor Who. There's no right or wrong age to get into this. Generally the sooner the better though. If you're still into this 5 years later then call yourself hooked and enjoy it. You'll never be able to see existence the way same again. Just because something isn't pleasant doesn't mean it isn't true. Never forget that. You may undergo an existential crisis. It's worth it though.

    There are tons of popular science books that mostly repeat the same stuff. Read a few of them and you'll know the basics. You better read In Search of Schrödinger's Cat by John Gribbin. If you have the money to throw away and want to get serious try Introduction to Quantum Mechanics David Griffiths. It helps to expand the area you study as well. Attack a problem from every angle. For me that meant including chaos theory. To begin with you could try Chaos: Making a New Science by James Gleick. I could recommend some books with radical views on string theory and quantum mechanics. I think it's best you don't expose yourself to them yet though. I got into them too soon and confused myself.

    Technical books might have to be read several times to understand them. If you hit a serious roadblock then take a detour with another book. Hell, you might find yourself reading books to understand other books which will help you understand the books you were trying to read in the first place. You'll need a steely determination. At one point I was only progressing one page every day or two with a technical book, the math was torturing my brain, and I gave up on chapter 8... before I'd even got into what the damn book was about. I couldn't get past the bloody introduction chapters! Huge blow to my 'oh, how difficult can it be!?' type of confidence. I wanted to see what the author was raving about.

    To answer your question, I think the omniverse has ways of fixing this. It might create new universes for these events. Maybe something like this has happened before!

    I think that's a good point.

    Get well soon. It's happened to me many times reading about this stuff. I think our brains would explode if they could process the insane amount of information around us. Thus we have to break it down.
  15. JuJu

    JuJu Guest

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Disclaimer: I have not taken any courses in this stuff, so it is likely that my views of certain things are slightly incorrect.

    I don't think that a black hole would be a portal to another universe, because I recently realized (biggest epiphany I have ever had, btw) that a black hole is not literally a hole. I would assume that for a black hole to be a portal to a different universe, it would have to bend space in a similar way to a gravitational lens, but on a larger scale, I think it would have to bend space so much that it actually went through itself and turned inside out.
    But there is probably a fundamental flaw in this reasoning, so be sure to point it out!
  16. Radioactive Bi

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    I thought I would just quickly throw this in here as I am a physics graduate.

    Regarding, travelling between 2 universes in a multiverse. In theory, it may be possible to transit, but without knowing the actual properties of said universe or the multiverse as a whole, there is no way to know. I mean, if matter travels from one universe to another, it could cause some kind of catastrophe. I mean, what if the other universe comprised primarily of antimatter. Any matter entering it would mutually anhilate when it cam into contact with matter in the second universe.

    As for meeting yourself in another universe (if that's possible), I don't see why that should cause any problems, but again one can only speculate. You also have to remember, that the other "you" may be nothing like you.

    Again, this is all speculation. There is absolutely no way to know what would happen in these scenarios as we don't even know if a multiverse can or does exist. Personally, I don't sit around mentally madturbating over the infinite amount of untestable hypothesis there are. I have better things to do, like checking out hot girls and guys :slight_smile:

    Happy days :slight_smile:

    P.s. If you are interested in this, don't focus just on quantum mechanics but expand your research into astrophysics and cosmology. Don't be too dissuaded from the subjects. The conceptual principals are easy enough to understand without the maths, even at your age.
  17. Soillse

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    Mar 13, 2013
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    My theory is that the different universes actually occupy the same space, but the particles vibrate either too fast or too slow for us to observe - hence why pets can sometime creep us out by staring at a seemingly random space, but I'm more into astrophysics than quantum physics, so if my theory sounds dumb just tell me - I like learning and it's not my area of expertise.
  18. Zam

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    Mar 4, 2012
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    -If your theory is right there would be nuclear fusion and fission evreywhere, thus the cosmos, as the place where the universes are, would be a giant fireball.

    -How do pets see something going faster than the speed of light?

    -If you go faster than the speed of light you go back in time according to time dialation theory.... back in time according to what universe within the cosmos?
  19. BelleFromHell

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    Feb 2, 2014
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    I know almost nothing about Physics.
    I feel de-nerded... ;_;
  20. Sitri

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    Oct 10, 2013
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    Ugh. This is like MY thread, but basically everything I wanted to say has already been said. The only thkng I could really do here now is dumb down everything to a layman level.

    Wait... has anybody mentioned the metaverse? or the hyperverse? or the xenoverse? or the OMNIVERSE!?