Please help! Am I lesbian?

Discussion in 'Sexual Orientation' started by Carebear11, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Carebear11

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    Feb 17, 2014
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    Alright here it goes.
    I have only ever dated guys (dating/kissing girls never even existed in my head). My thing is, I have never been in love with any of the guys I have dated... Nor was I sexually attracted to them (for the most part). Lately this has had me thinking a lot, especially when I bumped into one of my best friends from high school who is now a lesbian, and I thought... wait a minute...could I be a lesbian?
    If I look back on my childhood, I never wore dresses unless I was forced. When I was 6 I complained because I wanted to be a page boy at the wedding instead of a flower girl. I am very athletic, always played all the sports in school and done pretty well.
    I remember in 6th grade, pretending I was a guy with my friend (dressing up and all) and ended up walking/skateboarding to my mom's work to show our look off. In fact me and my friend (who lives in New Zealand now) would often pretend we were boys... that that we had girlfriends.
    Hey, I duno, maybe it was because I grew up surrounded by male cousins or something... or maybe not.

    But what really got me thinking... was when the new assistant coach on our college swim team joined and ended up becoming my coach later on. She would talk to me a lot, and I would get excited whenever she would text me, and sad when she wouldn't and even jealous when she spoke a lot to other team mates.
    We definitely had a strong bond and could talk to each other for hours. I would even find myself thinking - when she would tell me about her guy issues... well if I was your guy then I would treat you this way or that. I just felt a deep connection with her that until now I just assumed was due to our close swimmer/coach relationship.
    I also found myself thinking (when I was about 16) about how beautiful this one girl was at my friends sleepover... she gave me butterflies, and I kind of just dismissed it and never thought of it again.
    But then again in college my one friend tried to kiss me in a room full of people and I was terrified and thought then that I didn't want to kiss girls... but now i think it was mostly because I didn't want people to think of me as lesbian.

    I also love lesbian erotic novels and fan fiction... which is how the idea that maybe I wasn't straight got in my head. *sigh* I don't know what to do.

    When I am with guys, and we are being sexually intimate, I am always thinking about how I can't wait for it to be over. Maybe I have no found the right guy? but I duno... I feel like I should at least enjoy intercourse.

    Anyway those are the main points I can think of now. I guess I am just confused as to why I am feeling this now only? or why has it only crossed my mind now? How come I didn't just know what my sexual preference is from a younger age? Im so sorry I wrote so much, just wanted to get it all out there. Any help is appreciate! Thanks everyone!!:smilewave
  2. Ettina

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    Not knowing your preference from a younger age isn't that unusual - we have some posters here who've only figured it out in their 30s or 40s. Looking back, they can see the signs, but they always ignored or repressed it before.
  3. greyskye

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    Jan 21, 2014
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    It's possible to close off an aspect of your sexuality for many years without you ever being aware of it. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian church where being gay was just about the worst sin possible and I repressed it to the point where I got married, had 4 kids, and struggled for over ten years before I came out this year at the age of 37. So yes. It's quite possible to not know at a younger age. You should take some time and try to figure yourself out. You shouldn't feel like you have to rush though, be safe. Find someone to talk to, here at E.C., a friend you can trust, even a counselor could help you sort through some of what you're going through. But you need to find what will make you happy.
  4. Seekingmyself

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    Feb 17, 2014
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    You are not alone! I can relate to much of what you said in your post..."hindsight girl attractions"...intimacy with men...lesbian fiction...I started to question my sexuality in my late 20's and still do today at 35. I too found myself attracted to a coach-like person who was a lesbian. The feelings were so intense, I was like, wholly crap, could I be a lesbian?! I sought guidance, joined groups and explored this new side of myself. The journey was both magical and confusing at the same time. My only regret is that I didn't take the time to explore it more (I am now in a committed relationship with a man who I love, but am questioning if I will be "in love" fully). I truly feel that for some of us there is a spectrum of same sex attraction. We all fall on different parts of it. With that said, take the time to explore your feelings. Take it slow and reflect on your feelings. In the end, it's about finding that connection that will be able to last a lifetime. It may be with a woman or a man...but you will never know if you don't explore it fully:smilewave
  5. womaninamber

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    Feb 14, 2014
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    You are not alone in reading fanfiction and having that make you question your sexuality! That is part of what happened to me also. (Also I used to look at lesbian erotic novels in the store but never bought one.)

    And while I do think I have been sexually attracted to men and enjoyed some aspects of sex, I have never enjoyed intercourse either, which I always put down to other reasons but now I wonder.

    Anyway now I really regret not exploring this while I was younger, so I think it's good not to ignore these feelings. I totally understand being scared, but it's good to have support.
  6. silverhalo

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    Hey I didn't work out I was gay until my mid twenties so you are definitely not alone.

    If you think about being intimate with a girl how does that make you feel?
  7. Carebear11

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    Feb 17, 2014
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    Wow it's so nice to have all this support from everyone :slight_smile: thanks!

    Silverhalo, I can see myself being intimate with a girl, and thinking about it is exciting... but I don't think I can truly know how it would feel until I actually experience being intimate with a girl... if that makes any sense?
  8. silverhalo

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    Absolutely how you imagine things and real life can be two totally different things, not that I'm saying in real life it would be bad.

    What is your biggest fear or the biggest thing stoping you saying to yourself yes I am definitely gay?
  9. Carebear11

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    Feb 17, 2014
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    Um... I guess the biggest thing stopping me, is the cliché thought that "maybe I am not gay, maybe I just have not found the right guy"... I worry that I only think that I could be gay, just because I have intimacy issues with guys... and maybe it isn't right to think I am gay because of that.
    I think it is just hard for me to believe... since I never even thought of myself as gay at all... until recently.
  10. silverhalo

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    I totally get that. I felt totally stupid and embarrassed when I first questioned whether I was gay. I was like people are going to think I'm stupid and that it's not true, I mean how could I not have have realised until now. The thing is sometimes these things aren't as obvious as you think they would be.

    Let's say you came out as gay. What is the worst that could happen in your mind, what is your worst case scenario?
  11. Carebear11

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    Feb 17, 2014
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    Well I'm not worried about my family & friends, I think they would be ok with it... But I guess the worst thing that can happen, is that my family & friends treat me differently. Or that once I come out, I just won't know what to do... it's like stepping into a whole new world.
    So what was it, for you, that finally made you say "ok I am definitely gay", and accept it?
  12. lovely lesbian

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    Aug 25, 2013
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    Like everyone has Said you are not alone not knowing your sexuality at a young age I've only realised and I'm 28 so don't worry about it.
  13. silverhalo

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    Well I spent a bit of time on EC which helped me feel less like I was the only person in the world that felt like I did. It was all so new and strange but kind of exciting some talking to people on EC helped me ease myself in gently by being able to reveal only as much of myself as I wanted knowing I could delete my profile at any time and that part of my life would disappear completely. Not that I ever actually wanted to do that. Over time I felt a bit more comfortable with the fact I was probably gay. I then got to the point that I felt like I had to tell someone in real life so I carefully chose a couple of friends. At that point I was pretty certain I was gay without being 100%. I think from there the more I spoke about it and the more I told people the more real it got and the more right it felt. Then I met my girlfriend and I never looked back.

    When I first joined EC people always used to write that you would know when you were ready to come out and I used to think it was rubbish, I mean how was I ever going to feel different one day. However over time I did feel different and one day I was just ready. The only way I can kind of describe it is that there are two forces that work against each other the first is your desire to tell people and the second is your fear of coming out. To start with you have no desire to tell anyone and a massive fear over people finding out. Over time the fear decreases slowly, I wouldn't say it disappears not to start with and at the same time your desire to tell people increases. I believe that you feel ready to come out when your desire to tell someone overtakes your fear of telling someone.

    It definitely gets easier though.
  14. Beetle

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    Feb 15, 2014
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    I can relate. I just came out after trying to reject the idea that I was gay for many years. I've finally accepted it.

    The thought of being intimate with a girl excites me (in many ways lol) too, but since I just came out, I haven't been in a relationship with one yet. But I can only see my future with a girl.
    I think if it makes you happy thinking about it, you're most likely gay.
    But then again I have a friend who thought she was bi, got intimate with a girl and didn't like you never know (which makes me sad because I have a crush on her badly haha.)
  15. MiAngel

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    Feb 16, 2014
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    Just as everyone else has said you are definitely not alone in this...I didn't really start questioning my sexuality until recently, I am 38. I have had these feelings in the past, during my teens and twenties, but I seemed to have pushed them as far back as I could. Trying to suppress them is not happening any longer, so I am trying to deal with it. I am now in a full term relationship with a male, but when it comes to intercourse I am not truly satisfied at all and I wondered why for years. I am working on moving forward and discovering who I am fully. So don't feel as if you're alone in not figuring it out earlier, or if you are alone in any of this, because you're not. Just take your time in working on figuring out who you are and what you want. I don't think I can give you concrete advice due to being so new to this myself, but I have found it very helpful in discussing my feelings here on EC. It has been a great help for me. I have received some really great advice and conversation. And don't worry about how much you type...type away lol:lol:. Well welcome to the EC family and I wish you all the luck in the world, while on your journey to self discovery. (*hug*)
  16. volvo6x

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    Sep 27, 2012
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    This is the most supportive discussion ever, I appreciate having you guys on the forum!