Tran, Advice please

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Gaybestfriend01, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Trans, Advice please

    I've always assumed I was gay, but recently I realized that I'm trans(girl in a guys body). I figured this out now as a 16 yearold, but I kinda shoulda figured it out before, seeing as I always pranced around in my moms clothes when I was little and put on her. I'm out to when friend, but I only told her I was gay. Any advice or stories of your own you have I would really appreciate. :help:
    #1 Gaybestfriend01, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
  2. Claudette

    Claudette Guest

    The sooner in life you accept/grasp this is better ^^ and you should start experimenting with panties, tights etc see if you like wearing them (out in public, under your jeans or w/e) if you like it, you should start to practice "tucking/Taping" as it can take your body 1 week-month to get used to your testis' new homes

    Also make sure you think about it thoroughly, the path of a trans (MTF) isn't an easy one, let alone quick ^^
  3. Claudette

    Claudette Guest

    once you get used to the tucking & taping, you can stay that way 24/7(using the restroom included, which also means sitting to pee... but hey that's a big plus lol), it'll most likely come undone in the shower or bath, which is good, give you a chance to clean up abit down under. Plus it broadens your options of panties =p
  4. I already sit when I pee lol
  5. I will try tucking and taping though thanks.
  6. Really stupid question, but what kind of tape is best for that?
  7. PhoenixisRising

    Regular Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    They say use medical tape. Ive seen ppl use the silver tape cuz its stronger but can be painful. I prefer using gaffs if i use tape, i use medical tape
  8. Eevar

    Full Member

    Nov 23, 2013
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    There are two recommended types of tape--medical tape and duct tape. Medical tape will be less painful to remove, but be careful. If it gets even slightly wet, it will not stick. Duct tape is said to be the favorite of drag queens everywhere. It has a fairly strong adhesive, so security should not be a concern. It can be tough to remove, though. Soak in a warm bath and remove carefully. Avoid using duct tape if you’re freshly shaven as it can cause irritation and/or a rash.
  9. Does medical tape actually stick well?

    ---------- Post added 11th Feb 2014 at 06:00 PM ----------

    Any other advice?
  10. Tayb24

    Regular Member

    Nov 10, 2013
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    Tucking/Taping isn't like a requirement... I mean you can do it if you want but I find the idea of taping at least to be a wretched experience, I wouldn't want to do it at least. I don't even tuck honestly, it's far too uncomfortable a thing to do when people aren't even going to be looking down there and it's quite easy to conceal through other means. Completely optional and likely to be very uncomfortable. There is NO WAY I could have tucked pre hormones either, as things NEEDED to shrink first before I could. If you do a proper tuck job though, you really don't need to tape that much, just wear a few pairs of panties/tight fighting underwear.

    But I guess if you or others want to go through that ordeal, I guess go for it *shrug*.

    Anyways though, good for you for coming to this realization that you are likely trans. I too figured that out when I was 16 =), though I am gay (meaning I had thought of myself as straight prior to transition, and Identify as a *mostly* gay woman now).
  11. rabbit1

    rabbit1 Guest

    true it does give better options for panties, i can wear thongs to bikinis
  12. Does it hurt/itch when taped with duct tape? And another question, if you have, how did you come out to your families/friends? I haven't mustered the strength to tell anyone.
  13. rabbit1

    rabbit1 Guest

    i wouldnt use duct tape myself, cloth tape works.
    the other part i just said it!
  14. Claudette

    Claudette Guest

    i use cloth tape, allday hold, comes off with a 10 min.ish soak in the tub ^^
  15. rabbit1

    rabbit1 Guest

    it does!, sitting to pee is so much easier

    ---------- Post added 11th Feb 2014 at 11:10 PM ----------

    makes panties look better too!
  16. Claudette

    Claudette Guest

    yea! and I find I can wear any type of panty, without worry, all day =)
  17. rabbit1

    rabbit1 Guest

    me too! which makes wearing set so much better!! and prettier!!
  18. Claudette

    Claudette Guest

    This is why I am glad I was a grower, and not a show-er lol hormones have pretty much stopped my random "hardness" so "it" sits comfortably taped below all day =p
  19. rabbit1

    rabbit1 Guest
