I Need Some New Perspective

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by remainnameless, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. remainnameless

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    Jan 15, 2013
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    This might come across as really vague, but I don't know how else to explain it. Basically, I just want your perspective on things. Like.. the way you view your life, what you feel like you have to live for in this world, what gets you up every morning. What's makes you happy to be here, to be alive? Maybe even things you've learned in your life that you feel are really unique or important but you've never really gotten the chance to share these things with others. Anything, really. Just your perspective on people and life in general.

    I would really appreciate it.
  2. cdk

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    Aug 24, 2013
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    I'll bite and since I am having a good day and all. This is basically my positive self-talk.

    Way I view my life?

    Everything happens for a reason, every experience you have is a lesson for the future. Whether good or bad, always learn from your experience. I am the sum of all my experiences.

    Another thing is, never expect anything, do all deeds with no expectation. Hell, you will feel good after!

    And most important lesson, cherish your friends, they are the people you can choose, family is another matter but show the important people in your life how much you value them.

    No regrets! That decision is what you thought would be the best with the information given at the time, do not dwell on it. It's like a rocking chair, gives you something to do and that is all.

    What I have to live for? The future. All of life has to offer, life is what you put in. I want to live dammit! I hate to look at my parents, and honestly, all they've done is give up everything they wanted just to give their kids a better future. I've learned, you can't be a bystander on the side lines, you have to get involved, get on the damn field and play if you want to get by otherwise, you will never get what you want.

    What gets me up every morning? Lol, money to fund wife + kids+ picket fence dream :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: This is pretty lame, but I'd like to think, as each day passes I am one day closer to finding my ideal girl. Don't we all get up for that movie we play to ourselves in our head, the one where we think our life is perfect?

    What makes me happy/alive to be here? Right now, my family and friends. I'll be honest, it isn't all rainbows and roses. Shit does get thrown at at you and it does get tough but I'm now a convert to the belief, "It gets better." It really, really does.

    Don't dwell on the negative moments, this is a really hard thing to do for me personally, but I literally say to myself "get over it!"

    You know, I get amazed that I am born, if that makes sense. Sometimes, I'll look myself in the mirror and be in awe, like wow, I was put on this Earth for a reason, some other person could have come to be instead of me.

    And that's my rant for the day. HTH :grin:
  3. Thursby

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    Oct 22, 2013
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    Whatever problem or situation we are going through right now is only a tiny moment in the grand scheme of things. If we could only realize that life is a huge exciting adventure, then we would stop focusing on the little problems of now.

    “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of Infinity. Life is Eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in Eternity.”

    - Paulo Coelho