Gay Straight Alliances?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by misunfortunate, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. misunfortunate

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    Aug 4, 2013
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    I'm going into freshmen year in a few weeks, and want to join the GSA. But I don't really know what to expect. Is it all about activism and stuff? Or do we talk about our own sexuality in the group? Are people nice in there? Is it confidential? I'm just wondering what it's like. The school GSA is the only LGBT related thing in this entire town ever, so I'm excited to be a part of it. Will I make gay friends? Are there a lot of straight allies?

    Tell me about your experience in your GSA. Have any of you guys started a GSA? I would love to hear about that.
  2. LD579

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    Mar 25, 2013
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    People are nice there. It's the whole point :wink: The experience can vastly depend, though. I'm sure some GSAs are more about activism in general, while others are less so. It would not hurt to go check it out for one meeting... or even a few more, as one time may not be a good enough sample, so to speak, to judge whether you'd like the GSA.

    Going once does not mean you have to attend for the rest of the year, or one more time, for that matter. It may or may not be confidential, depending on the size of the group and the people in that group. Likely you will make both straight allies/friends and gay friends. I encourage you to go a few times, though, and to try it and come in with an open mind. It can be a nice way to meet others who may be going through similar things.

    I have started a GSA. There's not much to say, but it took planning. It wasn't hard, but maybe that's because I'm used to dealing with school staff to get leadership and event things done. Likely the most frustrating thing for me was hearing others say they'd do work when they did not. I pretty much did it alone, all the while thinking others would've helped me as they said they would've. So... my experiences are coloured, to say the least.
  3. bubblesh204

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    Oct 24, 2011
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    I don't have a GSA at school but I'm part of a tri-county one.

    Is it all about activism and stuff? Or do we talk about our own sexuality in the group?
    They aren't always about activism and whatnot. Sometimes we talk about current issues or whats been going on in school.

    Are people nice in there? Is it confidential?
    Most of the people are nice but there are probably going to be people that you won't be too fond of just like in any group. It might be confidential. The one I go to is. Some of the ones at other schools have pictures in the yearbook but you can have the option to have your face on the club's page or not.

    Will I make gay friends? Are there a lot of straight allies?
    You might make gay friends, you might not. It depends on how you connect with the people there. If there's a lot of straight allies depends on your school. The group that I go to is split about evenly.

    The GSA that I go to is really small at the moment because it just started this summer but it's pretty awesome. The woman that does stuff for PFLAG in Ohio organized it and we have monthly meetings. I've been trying to start a GSA at my school but I go to a small school and yeah...
  4. GSA at my school is pretty much fundraisers, doing a gsa flash mob, we talk about current issues, and we make a lot of friends. My school's GSA collaborates with the GSA's two other others in my district and it's pretty fun.
  5. misunfortunate

    Regular Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    Thank you! This helped a lot.

    ---------- Post added 6th Aug 2013 at 04:53 PM ----------

    Thanks! The GSA flash mob sounds fun. :slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 6th Aug 2013 at 04:54 PM ----------

    Thank you, this was informative. I'm definitely looking forward to joining. :slight_smile:
  6. maracont

    Full Member

    May 4, 2013
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    The awkward area between bible belt and large city
    We don't have one in my town..
    Damn you Texas!
  7. ScatteredEarth

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    Jun 7, 2013
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    I don't think I'd have the nerve.. Or the right to be in there quite frankly. I mean I know if I were to join a group if one were to arise, I would join as straight to sorta test the waters. But I'm neither gay, nor straight.. So I don't know how they would react to that.
  8. Doshyboi

    Doshyboi Guest

    I made on of these once at my high school. It was pretty much just me and my friends who went (I was friends with half the school.) We were pretty much just a bunch of nice people and even one girl did baking for us. It was rather fun!

    For us it was pretty much just one lunch time a week to hung out and catch up. Also if anyone needed any help they'd just come talk to me and I'd put the throw what ever channels needed. It was student organized.
    I like things that are made by young people for young people. It's cool.
  9. ZebraJynx121

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    Aug 3, 2013
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    Sometimes I forget my school has a GSA. They never advertise or do anything that gets school-wide attention. I don't even think they had a yearbook! I still really want to join it just to met other people. I think it'd be a blast!