Please Advice: My 11 yo son is into rough gay porn

Discussion in 'For Parents and Family Members of LGBT People' started by LAdtbird, Jul 10, 2013.

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  1. LAdtbird

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    Jul 10, 2013
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    My son is 11, he'll be 12 in September. He's in everything else very young and acts like a kid, except this apparently, but well, that's what we have. His dad and I are divorced, he was mentally ill and assaulted me physically and verbally, often in front of my son. Like many stories of abuse it took years and all my strength to finally escape that situation for my kid to have a peaceful home, full of love and laughter.

    Fast forward, it's been almost four years since we've been on our own. He visits his dad who lives close by, although all this time I've been concerned my son got a pretty sad picture of what a couple's relationship is.

    About 6-8 months ago I was told by one of the nannies, someone who has been taken care of him for years, that she caught him watching gay porn a couple of times. He firmly denied it, to which all I could say was that porn is not real, doesn't portrait how beautiful sex can be and that he was too young for being into that. Although I believed the nanny, I tried to show I trusted him since he was denying it so firmly so I didn't go into it too deeply.

    I left it alone for a while, until his dad got him an iPhone, and again, there's more porn in the phone history. He finally acknowledged it when I opened his work computer which is password protected and sits in my living room, and is playing a gang bang video. So we have a long talk, although he was clearly devastated from being caught.

    He said he was curious, which I think is normal. I also asked if he was gay, which he firmly denied. I said that I adore him more than anything, and that could never change. That being gay was perfectly normal and I'd continue loving him and being proud of him the same or more, and reminded him of all the great friends and family we have who are in happy and healthy gay relationships, some of them parents of friends he has. While I tried to ensure him being gays is a non issue for me or our family, I did get out of my way to stress watching porn is not a healthy habit, specially at his age.

    Now it really sinked that likely my son is gay, not just curious about sex in general since this is all he's been watching. I'm only devastated because what he's watching is hard core, I checked the history and is all gang bangs, bondage and overall just rough sex. I just don't know what to think or do. I'm young enough, 40, and consider myself quite liberal, but this is really escaping me. The only boyfriend I had these years never stayed over when my son was home, so there's 'no sex' going on in my house to phrase it somehow. I'm not even sure if this being into rough sex falls in what normal is these days, or if it's some kind of misconstructed idea of intimacy because he was exposed to such ugly experiences with his father.

    Sorry for all the ramblings, I'm just confused and trying to understand what my boy is going through right now. I'd love to hear if anyone has gone through the same, or what your experience has been as a child or adult.

    Thank you for reading.
  2. Diego89

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    Jun 9, 2013
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    Well, first of all congratulations on being such a cool and understanding mom. Now, your son is indeed very young and chances are he is just curious as he claims tho it's also very possible that he turns out to be gay, time will tell. But you have no issues with that. Now about that kind of porn I wouldn't call it "normal" but I don't think it's that a big deal. I mean, there was a time I was really into that and I'm sure many other gay boys had gone through that, it could only be a fetish and something he finds "exciting" to look at but doesn't neccesarily means he would be engaging on those kind of acts later in life, as most kids who play violent videogames aren't violent in real life. The thing is he's really young, and it could help to know how he got exposed to that kind of porn, like if he found it by accident and that's the only kind he knows or if he deliberately looked for it in the first place. In any case it is most important that he understands it is only fiction, but I believe you had explained that to him already. My advice would be to keep an eye on him without totally invading his privacy, if that makes sense at all, ha, and not push him very hard into accepting anything right now, he's very young and you should probably wait before making any conclusions. Good luck!
  3. Turbo Turtle

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    Jan 7, 2013
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    Jeez, that's awkward.

    If he is gay, you're probably taking the right steps by showing support one way or another.

    Give him time. If he's gay, once he comes to terms with it himself, he'll tell you. Probably.

    As for right now, I'd just give him some space. If you don't want him watching porn, definitely do something reasonable about that, but don't pressure him to talk about sexuality. That'll just make him more uncomfortable.

    Good luck.
  4. Fugs

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    You may be reading too much into it. He could be gay, he might not be. "Rough sex" like bondage is consensual, all parties agree ahead of time and set boundaries. BDSM is the kinky side of sex if you didn't already know and safety is highly stressed, at least it's supposed to be.

    No hard core sex won't change your son, the most it'll do is change his view on what sex is but that's what you're there for. I think it'd be a good idea to explain sex in a bit more detail so he can understand the difference. He may be young for porn but since he's already been watching it this is a good opportunity to teach him a bit more. Also might want to have 'the talk' if you haven't already :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  5. KyleD

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    Jul 4, 2013
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    Sounds very unhealthy, I think you should seek out some counselling for him.
    #5 KyleD, Jul 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
  6. Chierro

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    Might as well chime in my two cents.

    I honestly think you're a great mom for being so supportive, however don't jump to conclusions so soon. He's 11 so it's very likely that he is just curious. I started watching porn when I was around his age simply because I was curious. While it is possible he's gay, he could easily just be bi with a fetish for rough sex (like me, I'm special :slight_smile:, maybe).

    As for his iPhone...I checked and if you wanted to block've gotta turn off all of Safari it seems, you may just need to do occasional 'porn checks.' Good news, of something you probably weren't considering. Most, if not all, gay chat apps you should be able to block, just a precaution. All you need to do is General -> Restrictions -> Apps -> check off 17+.

    I do want to add something that you, and many other people, may not like. He's a boy entering puberty soon and simply he's going to watch porn. I'm sorry but it's the truth. The older he gets the more he will, no matter if it's blocked somehow or not. I watch porn at LEAST twice a week...if not more (with some chat rooms mixed in here and there), that's how it is and probably fits most people here.

    Question though: Has he had 'the talk' yet?

    P.S. for the rest of us here...who thinks it would be funny if this turned out to be Clarke's crush...I mean seriously...I think I would start laughing my head off...
  7. Robellious

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    First, Thanks for being a nice mom and fully accepting his *possible* homosexuality.

    Well, I have to tell you that you may be overlooking things. And I believe you don't have much to worry about. When I was around his age I was watching porn too. Its normal for people around that age to be watching it. (No matter how weird it may seem haha.) Just make sure you have given your child 'the talk' and give him some space and time to figure out himself. Even if it takes ages, at least if he does come out to you, you can be a cool mom and say "I already know that." plus, what Fugs said:

    Hope this was helpful, have a nice day:slight_smile:
  8. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    First, kudos for being a wonderful, supportive, caring and nonjudgmental mom. Your son needs that more than anything.

    Secondly, there's no question that watching extreme porn for someone his age is unhealthy. Arguably orgy scenes, if they are "vanilla" (just a bunch of guys having ordinary sex together, and trading places) is a lot less problematic than watching porn involving bondage, leather, and the like.

    One of the main issues is the effect it has on arousal for him. For many people who habituate to porn and watch it all the time, it becomes numbing, meaning, it no longer provides the level of arousal required, and so people turn to more extreme porn to continue to get arousal. The problem is, like any developing addiction, the pattern continues, and eventually, even the more extreme porn fails to arouse.

    This is concerning for anyone of any age, but particularly so for someone who is 11. And, likely, especially given the report from his nanny, he's been watching porn for some time, and likely masturbating to it for some time as well. None of this bodes well for developing a normal, healthy sexual appetite and normal perception of what sex is or should be, and it also raises concerns about risks for other addictive behaviors.

    The challenge is how to address this, and how to actually resolve the problem. There's a 2005 movie called "Cyber Seduction" which, being a Lifetime for Women feature, is a little bit overdramatic, but much of what it describes is accurate to what can happen to young teens prone to addictive patterns. Don't let it scare you too much -- it is overdramatized -- but it might be worth a look.

    If there's any history of alcohol abuse, or any other addictive behaviors on either side of your family, then it would probably be wise to consider getting him into therapy, *provided* you can convince him of the value of going, and you can find a therapist he really connects with. Even if there's no addictive history, it will probably be a good idea to try and get him to see a therapist, though most 11 year olds are going to be reluctant to talk about their masturbatory habits with *any* adult. The idea here is to discuss whether addictive behaviors are developing, and to help him develop healthy coping skills that will help to reduce the likelihood of his falling into addictions later in his teen years. This can be done without making him feel like he's being judged, or there's anything to be ashamed of, or anything of the sort...

    One other option might be to see if he's interested in joining EC. While officially we don't take children under 13, as long as we have a parent's consent, it is permissible. If he's resistant to therapy, he might be open to talking to one of our advisors who, while they are not therapists, can provide some insight and just a safe, helpful ear... and often children and teens find it *much* easier to be open and honest in communications over IM or text than in person, so it might be a way to reach him.

    In any case, the fact that you're aware of the situation, are remaining calm and thoughtful about it... go very strongly in his favor. Feel free to continue communicating here in this thread, or to PM me (or any of our advisor team) individually if we can be of assistance.
  9. Martjain

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    Mar 29, 2013
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    I can see you are being supportive about your son, particularly if he is gay, which only time will tell. So I'm going to focus on the porn.
    Kids nowadays are exposed to it from a very young age, this is in general about 10 to 13 years old so don't be surprised about your son beginning to watch it. You should be concerned he knows what porn is about, tell him it is fiction and real sex isn't like that, you could also have the talk with him if you haven't already.
    On the rough sex thing, all I can say is, not because he watches it means he is into in in real life. And even if he was into it in real life, it is just a sexual preference, and as other have said, it is consensual and there are safety measures to be taken very strictly.
    I have watched bondage porn on occasions, but I'm not into it for example, and I also started to watch porn at roughly 13 years old.
    Don't be worried, just make sure he knows the facts and guide him as best as possible. Whether you allow him to watch porn or not, is your way of raising your child.
  10. srslywtf

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    Jun 26, 2013
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    Speaking as a kid that grew up on the internet,

    I looked at some messed up things. I watched things like that. I was never sexually aroused by it though, it was just curiosity.. Just like horrible pictures of car accidents/etc

    It's hard to say for sure , it sounds like there is a pattern there besides curiosity . I also would let him define whether he's gay or not in his own time rather than try to read it out of what he's doing.

    At a guess, if there is something going on, it might have something to do with memories he has of abusive behaviour. Not necessarily of the same things happening, just that it is of the same nature, and somehow these things are trying to get worked out in his mind.

    I dont think you should be letting him watch things like that, but honestly there's not a whole lot you can do to stop it... Kids are going to do what they're going to do and while he's quite young, often parents reacting negatively will make them want to do it more.

    My mum went on and on about how pornography doesn't portray the true nature of love, etc... I knew all along, I never thought that and i never looked to it for information... she just mistook what I was trying to get out of it . She was also under the impression that it was shaping my mind, when in truth, it wasn't at all. I wouldn't worry about it giving the wrong idea unless your child is abnormally impressionable/shallow.
  11. Ticklish Fish

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    Sep 23, 2012
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    I'm also a kid that grows up on internet.

    as much as pornography goes, IDK how to talk with that lol. In middle school I mostly looked at gay porn ( i forget what types), pictures of guys and men. I guess that makes me gay lol. But as much as exploring pornography, you can talk about priorities I guess. Like how to put school and other things before sexual desires. I was the kind of AP kids who take increasingly more AP classes down the high school career and still sneak porns here and there. (I'm not boasting about my academics or horniness haha)

    But I do advise talking with strangers on internet. There were strangers who helped me to get comfortable with sexuality, there were strangers who got me into things (like work out and also random youtube videos), strangers who helped me to see things different from the things I grew up with (like discussing philosophy, or rather I was reading conversations). if it's just talking, a good and bad thing can happen.

    but I strongly advise webcamming. talk with him about it. I have webcam to some strangers on the internet before and so far I haven't found myself on the net.

    and also the probability of meeting with strangers for sex. at least not his age. though this might be too early since he might he hardly independent.

    this might sounds too much, but... I'm weird.
  12. Fifty Ways

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    Jul 11, 2013
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    There is a big difference between the pornography I look up to get aroused and the sexual behavior I'm legitimately interested in involving myself in. I think you shouldn't worry so much at this point.
  13. Chip

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    Sorry, but for an 11 year old, this is beyond terrible advice. The problem with online predators is completely out of control, and for even the most sophisticated 11 or 12 year old, he will be no match for a sharp, manipulative predator. The EC staff has intervened and gotten police involved on behalf of several young teens who got manipulated by older adults and were being threatened with exposing them as gay if they did not do as they were told. This isn't an isolated problem; the majority of gay teens, according to several studies, have had unwanted or unpleasant contact with online predators. That's where communities like EC are so beneficial, because it is a much more controlled environment and the risk of being taken advantage of is much less.

    Sorry, but this is equally terrible advice. There are literally thousands of dodgy tube sites and even pay porn sites where the content is made up entirely of webcam footage recorded without the permission or the knowledge of those who were participating, and it's entirely possible that it might be years before you could run into your own footage so the "so far I haven't found myself on the net" is, to be honest, a rather naive notion of safety. Once video of a teen masturbating or otherwise exposing himself on camera gets out there, it is impossible to contain, and is likely to get traded thousands of times. I know a teen who was tricked at a young age into performing on camera. He is now in his late 20s and still gets very distraught when one of his videos surfaces.

    The reality is, your son will do what he wants to some extent. But the more you can gently try to explain to him the risks and help him understand *why* doing the above things are for the most part bad ideas, particularly if you can suggest healthier alternatives, the more likely he is to listen to you and understand why you're making the suggestions you're making.
  14. LAdtbird

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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Well Chip, you just confirmed a lot of my concerns. I'm aware of the numbness effect of overexposing one to porn, specially at this age, when he's exploring his needs and the very last thing I'd want is for him to develop and unhealthy idea or appetite of sex.
    His father is prone to addictions, not substances but rather food, gambling and overspending, which by the way, he has only come to accept now, finally looking into getting psychological assistance. Knowing this, and with the clear understanding children who come from violent homes are at high risk of developing unhealthy patterns in their teens years, say with drugs, sex obsessions or other reckless behavior, we live by the motto of exercising self control in our home. Clearly we're not winning that battle on this front, yet.

    Since we have a high conflict divorce, I called my lawyer who is recommending a child specialist for his father to agree to new custody orders for my son to stay with me most of the time. I'm also getting him counseling at a clinic that specializes on children, he clearly needs a neutral ground to just be himself.

    Thank you for your great advice, it wasn't until now that it really became real how much my son's generation gravitates around online, and that the easy access could open a door to very adult content that it would have been very hard to come across on another time. I'm stunned, believe me, I have a masters in digital marketing, and work in entertainment with consumer insights but nothing feels so real as when it hits home.

    And Thank you and the counselors here for building such a strong community, its's wonderful to see the space you have created that is so supportive to people coming to terms with their life. It's hard to imagine a world so intolerant that you're afraid to speak up and be in your own skin, but at the end is not about sexual preference, is about acceptance and being loved and respected for who you are. When the time comes I'll make sure to leave this site open, it may be too soon this moment, but trust me, I'm very, very grateful it has come on time.
  15. LAdtbird

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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Wow, thank you for all your replies. It's been helpful to see how much exposure to porn even at this young age it's fairly common. Yes, he had 'the talk' already, and the other day we went down on how gay sex works since he was asking, so I tried my best.

    Probably best takeaway from reading your posts was the fact he probably doesn't know who he actually is yet, so asking if he was gay really puts him in an uncomfortable position. Note taken, will just have to wait for him to figure it out on his own terms.
  16. AKTodd

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    Feb 9, 2013
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    Um. What!!??

    Not to be mean, but this is so far off base that I'm wondering if there is a major language barrier, or alcohol or something getting in the way here. Most of what is described here, if taken at face value, would be a bad idea for an adult, let alone a child, to engage in.

    The only thing that I see here that sort of makes sense is the idea that the Internet can be a source of useful information on various subjects, some of which may be coming from strangers. EC is one such source, after all. That said, The sources in question need to be vetted carefully, especially when a child is involved. EC is carefully designed to protect users of all ages from the potential nastiness out there. In most situations, I would expect the user, or their parents, to carefully check out potential sources of info for accuracy and safety and general 'feel' before simply using them or letting a child use them unmonitored.

  17. Ticklish Fish

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    Sep 23, 2012
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    well, my advises are shot, ignore them please OP
  18. Tightrope

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    May 31, 2013
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    Hi, I read the original post last night and was tired. At that age, if I got my hands on porn, usually in printed form, I'd be curious to look through it, too. I think I did more of this past, say, age 16, and it was sporadic each month.

    What concerns me is the nature of the porn more so than just looking at porn. Neither is optimal, really, at that age.

    What's great is that you've created a safe and accepting vibe for your son. He is ashamed of being caught, which is natural, but you're past that hurdle.

    My personal opinion is that the negative behavior experienced when his father was around may have flavored his perception of sex and relationships. I'm sure that can be changed once the negative element is no longer in the picture. Other than what you've told us, is your son sociable, affable, and does he have other interests and friends? We know his age, but not much about his personality. That could help us understand more, though some of us are not psychologists or anything like that. From my own personal experiences, I wasn't exactly filled to the brim with social opportunities, so I liked looking through magazines and letting my mind wander while peers may have been playing hoops.

    I do think that finding a counselor to work with is important, and it's probably better sooner than later, provided you have the resources. The other thing is that it should be a counselor that your child can confide in, have a decent rapport with, and has experience working in this area, as opposed to someone who only specializes in, say, ADHD or similar concerns. Let us know what you decide. But you are taking the right "baby steps" because this is not going to resolve itself in one month.
  19. LAdtbird

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    Jul 10, 2013
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    Well, he's great. Of course I'm biased because I'm his mom, but he really is a a great kid. He loves sports, his lacrosse team just won the regional championship. What else, school is heavy work but he does marvelously, he's fully bilingual, goes to a science magnet program and is on honor math class. Plays with the district's honor band too. And yes, he has down time with friends whenever possible. We're very fortunate and live by the beach, so we go surfing with friends often. He's been pretty much, all my girlfriend's poster child of a perfect son because he's just so kind and thoughtful. So, I don't think this is out of boredom, is deeper, which is why I'm so devastated.
  20. maracont

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    May 4, 2013
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    The awkward area between bible belt and large city
    Well I think your son is very bad at hiding porn, and should only use his phone, AND should delete his history every time he looks at porn.
    By deleting history, I mean all of it. I know the way iPhone history works inside and out, and even if he deletes it there are still plAces to find it. :wink:
    Jk I can't think of anything serious to say..
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