Crying as I type this thread

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by lazyfire, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. lazyfire

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    Dec 3, 2012
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    I don't know where to fucking begin. I'll just type this one thing: I'm fucking sick of the people in my family. No one here seems to be someone I can talk to. No one here demonstrates love at 100%. I feel lonely like I'd rather live with a bunch of strangers that coax me into overdosing on drugs. I don't know if something just clicked but I managed to realize how pathetic and idealistic I was when I was younger.

    I thought that no matter what I said they'd always stand by me.

    They fucking don't. I don't know where I am anymore. I want to stay in school forever. And, that depression is kicking me in the ass during every moment of this stupid hell-hole of a summer. They belittle me, treat my decisions like trash, control the way I live, and no one (be it sibling, cousin, or any relative for that matter -Grandparents included-) loves me. They 'show it'. I don't even know what love is anymore.

    Sometimes they want to touch me; sometimes they want to kiss and hug; sometimes they completely overshadow me. Even my grandpa over touches me. I fucking hate that. It's been going on ever since I was 5!
    Parents don't listen to me, nor would my sister. Nor does my blood-brother (came from my dad's brother). And when I thought I trusted them, I gave them all my secrets. When secrets spread, they gang up on me and laugh at me.

    What the fuck did I get?
    "Just stop".
    "Haha. I can't believe your actually gay".

    It was just 5 people from my family! After hearing that, my whole outlook on those 5 people changed forever. It took 5 people to make me feel depressed and angry.

    I thought there would be someone here that would try! No one will. All I will do is genuinely embarrass me, trusting even family. My uncle. My aunts. My relatives. No one. I don't know where I belong.

    There is nothing worth living for. I can't always be with my friends. And, if I can't, I dont want to be here anymore. Not my home. I don't want to exist anymore at all.

    Nothing is mending my pain anymore. I'm just sick and done. No matter what my friends tell me, I'm still going to start self abuse. They are already emotionally abusing me.

    It won't even hurt me as much.

    LazyFire signing out.
  2. gibson234

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    Jan 28, 2013
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    Firstly don't self abuse thats a bad road to go down. I'm sorry about your family, my family can be a bit like that sometimes. Remember you don't chose your family but you do chose your friends. I'm sorry your family haven't taken you being gay well. Remember that there is nothing wrong with being gay and they are in the wrong. Depression can be a bitch but don't let it control you (I know that's easier said than done). The worst emotion one can feel is self pity because it turns you into a self destructive hurt person. I'm not saying you don't have things bad but you have to believe that you can get though it intill it gets better. Good luck, don't let your family get you down. :slight_smile:
  3. Lexington

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    You might make sure they KNOW how much they're hurting you. It's painfully obvious from your vantage point, but they might see you as "withdrawn" or "going through a phase" or whatever else. But if you find any of them giving you a "we love you" routine, call them on it. "You SAY that a lot, but I'm not FEELING it. I trusted you with something really deep and personal to me, and I got nothing but ridicule for it. I find it really hard to believe the 'love talk' after that."

    And feel free to keep talking to people you DO feel comfortable with. Your friends, us, and whoever else. Yes, it'd be great if everybody we knew was 100% supportive, but sometimes that just doesn't happen, so you have to get your support where it is. Hang tough. :slight_smile:

  4. AaronMed

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    Dec 1, 2012
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    Okay, first let me say that I am so sorry to hear your pain, but I want you to know that you're not alone. You are not alone.

    I remember feeling that same depression, and not even that long ago - about a week ago, actually. It's a feeling of dread, listlessness, hopelessness, sorrow, and deep-rooted pain that makes you want to curl up into a little ball somewhere and stop existing because the pain's just too much. Trust me, I've been there.

    You're probably thinking that there's no way I've ever experienced what you experienced, but let me assure you, I definitely did. Hell, one morning I woke up with a panic attack that lasted for three hours until I finally went to see a doctor to get some clonazepam to calm me down. Coincidentally, that was actually the day I came out to my doctor (I came out to my parents the next day).

    Talk to someone. It doesn't have to be a therapist (though that's certainly an option, especially if you think an objective look on what you're going through might help), it could be your doctor, it could be your best friend, it could be a distant cousin, it could be someone online, it could be one of us EC'ers, it could even be me! It doesn't matter, just talk to someone who you think cares about you and wants to see you get better.

    And I know that to a degree you can't help it, but fight as much as you can to not let the negative people in your life affect you. Remember this quote from Dr. Seuss:

    Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

    Talking helps a lot. You're probably thinking that that's just therapist-y nonsense, but I promise it's not - talking to my parents and coming out made me feel SO much better. I know your family is really not very accepting/they don't understand you/you feel like they're making fun of you, so maybe talking to them isn't the best thing at first, but definitely talk about it. Making this thread was a huge start, and really impressive - it takes a lot to admit that there's something wrong (*hug*).

    I know antidepressants aren't always the answer, but you know what? Sometimes they are! If you're experiencing a lot of depression, some low-dose Prozac to start with might do a world of good. I'm on 60 mg of Prozac, I have no side effects, and it really helps me. If I miss a couple days in a row, I really feel it, so I definitely know it makes a huge difference. Talk to your doctor about your options.

    I'm not going to bullshit you, I can see pretty clearly that you're verging on being suicidal. So I'm going to be the guy that says this: don't give up, because it really does get better.

    Even if your family never fully accepts you, I firmly believe that there's someone in this world for everyone. Hey, I found someone, and I'm about as strange as they come! I promise you though, when you find that person who's the other half that makes you whole, you'll be on top of the world.

    So pick yourself up, because that moment that you meet your other half, everything bad will fade into the background and you'll feel so much better. There's hope out there, and we'll be cheering you on the whole way.
  5. Ettina

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    Nov 14, 2012
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    Have you talked to a counselor?
  6. lazyfire

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    Dec 3, 2012
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    I didn't think that there was anything wrong with my situation because I thought I was just overreacting. But, now that I read the replies, I realize that posting was the right thing to do. I might reconsider self abuse and suicide but I still am not exactly bridged out of it yet. Reading your post made me motivated to move on but didn't give me the ability. I don't blame you since that ability comes from myself.

    Thanks. I would like to speak to you more often. :slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 11th Jun 2013 at 09:20 PM ----------

    You guys are the only real counseling I have as of right now.

    I don't want to see anyone but myself and this forum.

    I'm trying to keep away from friends just in case they get over worried and spill at my parents. And, if I ask to see a counselor, I'll raise suspicions from parents etc.

    ---------- Post added 11th Jun 2013 at 09:24 PM ----------

    I'll try it! I think it'll work! *^* Hopefully... ;o;

    This is where I reach out with open arms to all the wonderful EC members. :slight_smile:
    I have you guys. My last resort before I consider/contemplate self abuse. D:

    Sorry Mom is hovering over keyboard. BYE
  7. AaronMed

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    Dec 1, 2012
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    Awesome, that's definitely a start! You have to want to fix something before you can fix it, and you have that covered, so that's really a great step forward. (*hug*)

    This is true, but I also think it's important to realize that you shouldn't blame yourself either. And you do have the ability! Keep pushing. I know it seems like an insurmountable obstacle, an unclimbable hill, but I promise that with enough perseverance, you'll push through. And I'll be here cheering you on the whole time :slight_smile:.

    No problem, and sure! Just post on my wall or make a new thread or post in an existing one and I'll always give my input :slight_smile:.

    This may come across a little harshly, but I seriously think that a quote from my family doctor after I came out to him works well here:

    "Have you broached the subject with your parents? Because you're going to want them involved in your life still, and eventually you'll likely be in a full-fledged relationship, so they're gonna find out eventually! You can only hide something like this for so long."

    And he's totally right - your parents will find out eventually, so if they get a little suspicious, who cares! If all goes well, your therapist will probably convince you to come out to them soon anyways :slight_smile:.

    Well we'll always be here to make sure you never get to that point. (*hug*) :slight_smile:
  8. lazyfire

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    Dec 3, 2012
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    My mom just told me because she's concerned about my future since I wanted to major in English.

    "It's not always about what you love. But what you get from it. The money".

    Is this true? Do I really have to get money for what I love?
  9. AaronMed

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    Dec 1, 2012
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    Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada
    Not at all! You love who you love. Hey, the guy I'm dating has virtually no money, and I have around 15K in savings - money makes no difference :slight_smile:.
  10. lazyfire

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    Dec 3, 2012
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    My reply was kind of weird u^u so let me rephrase.

    I was kind of saying: Would you rather pursue your dreams or find the way to get the most money?

    So for example: Some random Andy wants to be an artist. But his mom wants him to be an engineer.

    That kind of topic. :slight_smile:
  11. AaronMed

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    Dec 1, 2012
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    Aha, I get it! Well I want to be a doctor, so pursuing my dream is going to produce lots of money :grin:. But hypothetically, self-fulfilment is more important to me than money. Like, if I had a choice between two jobs and the more awesome one paid less, I'd still take the more awesome one :slight_smile:.
  12. lazyfire

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    Dec 3, 2012
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    The thing that pissed me off most (happened yesterday when I was most weak) was that I went to an SAT Math tutoring class. It's a little biased when you ask an SAT Math tutor on what major you should major. So, my mom discusses my future with her.

    She ends up saying that my mom is spoiling me by letting me be who I am and not listening to her.

    I felt really hurt when I heard that. Was the tutor right in saying that or not?
  13. AaronMed

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    Dec 1, 2012
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    Absolutely not! I'll be totally blunt, I think that that tutor was being a total bitch. The whole point of parenting is to support, not to control. I think you need to talk to your mom about the fact that you were hurt by this, because if you keep it bottled up inside, it'll just bother you more and more.

    Ask any reputable psychiatrist or psychologist and they'll tell you that the most important thing about parenting is that you're supposed to let your kid be who they are, not stifle them. But talk about it with your mom, have some open dialogue. I promise you'll feel better after :slight_smile:.
  14. ChristianHipstr

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    May 13, 2013
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    Can I have that math tutors number? I want to verbally bitch slap her.
    Anyways... im glad you admitted your problem and reached out to the community. I want to say this though. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Thats a nice little quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and what im getting at with it is that your parents may have this perfect future for "you" when really its for them. Sure, more money might make you happier at some times, but you'd be wasting your preciuos time at some job you dont like. As to where if you make your own path and choose a job you love doing, you'll be happier. Hold in there friend.

    Ps, im kidding about the number thing,.want to, but there's rules
    #14 ChristianHipstr, Jun 13, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
  15. Ettina

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    Nov 14, 2012
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    Personally, what I'd recommend is:

    a) try to see if there's something you love that you've got a high probability of making a steady wage with,

    b) try to have a fallback plan if what you love doesn't give you what you need to survive, and

    c) don't let your parents dictate what job you should get!
  16. lazyfire

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    Dec 3, 2012
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    o^o;; That quote was inspiring and just made me feel hopeful again.
    And about my math tutor, I really didn't have a great mood from the start seeing as I was already depressed. Her tone was annoying and very sassy like. Seeing as I was already struggling, she made me feel somewhat stupid? I felt disrespected and bitter towards her. I hated her from that day on. I guess most of you guys feel the same so I'm glad I wasn't wrong.


    I'm getting better...somewhat. X) It's all thanks to EC community.