very, very long. sorry :(

Discussion in 'General Support and Advice' started by evora, May 14, 2013.

  1. evora

    Full Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Central/Eastern Europe
    Someone asked on a Q&A website where they can meet gay people in my county and why there are so very few gay people here. These are some of the answers he/she got: :frowning2:
    "Maybe people are more intelligent there."
    "It's that part of the country which 'the global warming' has not reached yet." I'd rather not translate the second part...
    "Maybe people are still relatively normal there."
    "I don't like them and that's very mildly put but I can see a few here and there which in my opinion is more than enough."
    "No one's born a homo. Things you're born with or later developed retardations and other organ malfunctions should not be compared to deviancy."

    My translations are probably grammatically very, very bad but this poster wanted to explain why even animals are not born gay.
    "Even in animals, the lack of a potential partner can cause homosexuality or by some other neurotic disturbance.
    For example when in zoos they put homosexual penguins together with females, they mated with them so they weren't born homosexual, it was only a bad behavioural pattern they copied.
    Recently they've started to say homosexuality is genetical however it is a lot more complicated...
    " etc. etc.

    When she was asked when she chose to be heterosexual and a homophobe:
    "Why would I be a homophobe? I'm not afraid of homos."
    She quoted "When did you decide to be a heterosexual?"
    "I didn't have to make a decision to stay normal because most people are..."

    Another person defending the previous girl:
    "Move to Moscow or Belgrade if you have it so bad in **. It's disgusting how you're wining and lying. And leave that girl alone, it's not her fault you haven't managed to brainwash her yet. I'm glad there are young people at home who are still normal."

    These are exactly the kind of people I can't stand. They say they're not homophobes, yet... Here's what he/she said:
    "I don't judge those who are attracted to their own sex but I can't understand why they have to make that big of a deal out of it. Why can't they keep it private?
    It's disgusting when they march on the streets during gay pride. I don't go on a parade with thousands of others to say I like oral sex and advertise it on posters.
    It's no ones business, it's private. Next time pedos will march and be proud because after all they were born this way, they're not ill, it's not their fault...
    This is one of those, you can be gay but only behind closed doors, but be someone else when out in public...or something like that.

    I don't even know why I read it. :frowning2: It made me feel like shit. And it was a three page long discussion. I hate how most of the population thinks like this. All they do is use degrading language in relation to homosexuality and keep saying how wrong and abnormal and sick it is. And that gay people should just be normal.
    I just can't understand, I genuinely can't, what their :***: problem is. It's not like they have to watch anyone have sex. Or kiss, or anything. They just want everyone to live according to their beliefs and not to 'corrupt' little children....which is ridiculous!

    I'm going to see a psychologist tomorrow. After reading this, I'm not sure if I should mention being gay to anyone! I don't want it written anywhere. I'm so scared now that someone finds out later, boys for example. There are some very obsessive and small minded people in the world, and what if I meet someone like that and they learn I'm gay? I'm scared of being raped or assaulted because they might think that would 'cure' me. :frowning2:

    I feel like crying but I can't. My throat and eyes hurt and I feel sick and shake-y. Why is loving someone so wrong? How can they think that?
    (I'm supposed to be eating my dinner but I literally can't swallow and have no appetite...I hate feeling like this.)
    #1 evora, May 14, 2013
    Last edited: May 14, 2013
  2. Gravity

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    Nov 1, 2011
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    I'm sorry you encountered such hurtful things. But, just like there are some small-minded people in the world, there are some who are very open, accepting, and understanding. This feedback on one internet site or a handful of other places doesn't reflect the population in general.

    If you think your counselor will be understanding, I wouldn't hesitate too much to talk to him or her about it. You could even feel them out ahead of time, maybe ask them about someone being gay, or you know someone who's gay, and so on. You might get a better idea of what reaction you'll get. Don't let a few people turn you off to others who will be more positive.
  3. evora

    Full Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Central/Eastern Europe
    I might do that. I'll try to ask her if she knows whether there are any lgbt organizations in town. I know there aren't but that could be a good starting point...
    I'm scared I won't be able to say the words though. I'll definitely try to bring it up with her if I'm able to.
    Thanks for your reply!:slight_smile:
  4. maracont

    Full Member

    May 4, 2013
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    The awkward area between bible belt and large city
    woah, that sucks. Especially that one about dont be gay in public. Ive seen men and women make out in public, s whats wrong with men/men or women/women?
    Dosent really affend me though, Its just people online, so you dont have to like, deal with them or anything. just give support to that girl!