Creepy Stories.

Discussion in 'Entertainment and Technology' started by Dreamscale, May 13, 2013.

  1. Dreamscale

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    Dec 31, 2012
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    Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    Do any of you guys have a creepy story to tell? Whether it is from your own experience, from a friend's, from someone you know, or from something that you discovered online. Share, share?

    I found this post on a site while searching for 'real-life creepy stories'. I still can't get over just imagining their situation and the thought of what might have happened.
    Here it goes:

    Eleven years ago some friends and I drove up into the mountains of southeast West Virginia to do some camping and fishing and just take it easy for a weekend in the wilderness. We set up camp in a remote area on a hill above a nice trout stream in the valley below. Then we hiked into a wooded path along the creek to get up to some bigger holes to start fishing. We we're having a good day, everyone was catching fish and enjoying themselves and we hiked back into our campsite around dark to make dinner and knock back a few cold ones. We finally went to bed around two am or so and here's where things started getting creepy.
    After about a two hour sleep my girlfriend at the time wakes me up and says she hears dogs barking and men talking on the top of the ridge above us. I head out of the tent and towards my friend and his girlfriend in the other tent. Sure enough I hear the dogs and can see several lights and dark figures coming down through the woods towards us. I remember shaking my buddies tent to wake him up and I said, wake up, we're about to have company. As I'm walking to my truck to grab a flashlight I was starting to think what was going on here at four in the morning in the middle of nowhere WV, the nearest town was thirty or forty miles away.I look back up towards the ridge and these figures are getting closer, probably two hundred yards away, dogs still barking.
    I grabbed my light and heard a loud scream from my girlfriend, I pointed my flashlight towards the tents and watched a huge man walk into our campsite and in between the tents. I'd say he was well over seven feet tall. He didn't stop or say anything he just casually walked in between our tents and continued down the hill. My girlfriend said he was wearing makeup and lipstick and was smiling as he walked past. About that time three other men walked in wearing security uniforms and two dogs on leashes.
    They asked if we were alright and said they were after a patient that had escaped from a mental asylum nearby. I told them a large man wearing lipstick just walked by and went down the hill. They told us that we should probably leave and they went into the woods after him. My friend and his girlfriend said they watched the whole thing through the window of their tent and were too scared to move when they saw that man walking towards them. We packed up everything real fast and left. It was a strange, surreal experience that none of us will forget, like out of a dream or movie or something.
    But it gets even creepier. The next day my friend who was in the other tent comes over and says there's something you have to see. I knew something was wrong by the look on his face, he pulls his camera out of his pocket and starts scrolling through the pictures he took of the camping trip, and after seeing a couple pictures of the creek and trout he shows me a picture he took of his girlfriend standing on the bank. He zoomed into the woods behind her and pointed to the face of a man hiding behind a tree in the forest that was watching us.
    I've seen and heard some strange and scary unexplained things in my life, ufos, an earth grazing fireball, our current economic situation, lived in a late 1800's cabin that was known to be haunted, but nothing was more creepy and disturbing than seeing that face in the woods looking at us and what happened the day before. Still gives me the chills.
  2. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    My grandparents own a house in Virginia. Basically it was built in the late 1800s, and has a Victorian look to it. It has been rumoured that four-five people have died in that house. I can remember staying in one bedroom in the house on the third floor. My grandparents own two dogs who will come wake you up in the morning, like at 5:30-6. To avoid this, you have to close the bedroom door and lock it. I was asleep by myself in this room. My brother and mom were in the other bedroom. I swear at about 2-2:30 am, I felt this tapping on my shoulder, and thought it was my brother. There was NO ONE there! D: . Let's just say I slept with the covers over me from now on. (I was 11-12 at the time). Creepy creepy house.
  3. PurpleRain

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    Mar 8, 2013
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    Skyrim... I have no life, and enjoy it. :D
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    When I was little I used to be afraid to sleep in my room in our house because I always heard glass breaking and other strange noises in the kitchen and my room just felt off and the laundry room was really creepy. I have since come to find out from my Grandma (my grandparents gave us the house) that the house was, in her opinion and I don[t know what any of you believe, haunted. Specifically in my room and the hallway leading to my room which was really narrow and terrifying. Oddly enough I miss that house.

    When we first moved into our new house I was terrified of it because it just felt wrong in every way. I'm ok with it now but over the years I've seen and heard some weird stuff. One time when I was watching my little sister while my parents were out, I was washing dishes and just kind of glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw a little girl just run around the corner really fast and I called my little sister immediately after I saw that and she came around the opposite corner and it freaked me out. I also hear a lot of weird noises coming from my old room upstairs when I'm home alone. We also found a bunch of stuff in the walls when we were remodeling and it was creepy.

    Oh and while we were looking at houses when we moved we found one that was just terrifying. It felt eerie and the basement dark and had a giant freezer in it and you could feel eyes on you the whole time. It was really pretty terrifying.
  4. Renge

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    Nov 28, 2012
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    Path of Insanity
    That IS creepy :eek:

    Well, it just happened to me last night. There's an empty room upstairs in my house. Me and the whole family usually sleep in the first floor. We rarely go upstair, but sometimes I do when I want to be alone, all by myself.

    Last night, I slept around 1 am. I couldn't sleep because I've slept through the day. I, sometimes hear something like a foot-steps in the room upstair or like things moving. But, I tried to ignore it. Telling myself it was just my feeling. When I was half-asleep, I felt like someone's coming from that room and reached to my room. It was trying to open the door. I was so scared and trying to convince myself it just a dream. It was sooo hard to open my eyes, it felt like a man was watching me, and when I did open my eyes my body was shaking..

    And there's once my friends when we were still in junior high, just call them A and B. There was no teacher and the corridor all empty and then A saw B running and she tried to call her, but B didn't even look or hear and just running passed her. A got kinda upset and confused, she went back to class and found B was there talking with another friend. She told me this and cried..
  5. PurpleRain

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    Mar 8, 2013
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    Skyrim... I have no life, and enjoy it. :D
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    Some of my friends friends who will remain nameless do some legend trips every now and then and they went to a couple of places a while back. Where I live there's this old school house with a graveyard close to it, and... well let's just say his friends were drunk and not being entirely respectful of the site. As they were driving home the car stalled and it wouldn't start back. It was also dark and in a really secluded area. Another time they went to this supposedly haunted site that people can't even get all the way too without having to turn back. They had to turn back because it was just too freaky.

    I'm going in about a month (whenever I get my license) to a shut down mental health facility in a nearby city with a few friends to take a look around too. I'll let anyone that's interested know what happens. :grin:
  6. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    I wish I could come as well. I love that type of stuff.
  7. PurpleRain

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    Mar 8, 2013
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    Skyrim... I have no life, and enjoy it. :D
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    I know the sad thing is I'm such a wimp, but I love this kind of stuff so I do it anyway. :grin:
  8. Dreamscale

    Full Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Boulevard of Broken Dreams
    Sounds exciting. Count me in!
  9. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    Let's have a search party!! :icon_bigg. we'll invite the ghosts, orbs, and everything!
  10. Colton

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    Jan 1, 2010
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    The only thing was today, I saw someone close my door, but nobody was home. But I was probably just hallucinating :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  11. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    That would freak me outttt so much, man! Would you find that scarier or hearing footsteps?
  12. PurpleRain

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    Mar 8, 2013
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    Skyrim... I have no life, and enjoy it. :D
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    I remember being alone one time in my papaw's golf cart shop and it was dark and the door just slammed shut. I was really surprised that I didn't flip out. Then again I was paralyzed with fear. :lol:
  13. Candace

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    May 8, 2013
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    I remember walking my dog out to go use the restroom (this was on the family farm). She kept barking and staring into the woods for no reason. All I can remember seeing is like two little lantern thingys in the distance that went away after a couple of seconds. Let's just say I was more than happy to get inside a house and under some covers after that. :/
  14. Clown

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    Sep 11, 2012
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    There's a story involving my mother and I when I was a baby.
    Background story: my uncle committed suicide by cop about 8 or 9 years before I was born. He was suspected to have had Schizophrenia but wasn't medically diagnosed. One day he just grabbed a gun that he had (he was in the army) and aimed it at some cops. In self defense they shot and killed him.
    Anyways, when I was a baby we had this large mirror. It was maybe 3 by 4 feet long in our hallway. All of a sudden or started shaking uncontrollably. My mom and I were home alone and she tried desperately to hold it still because she was frightened. Also, there was nothing that could have moved it, no earthquake, it was heavy enough to not be affected by a window or anything and it shook kind if violently from what I've heard.
    My mom took me and stayed outside in the dark until my uncle and grandfather came over to remove it. I think it was still shaking after about 30 minutes when it started and it took a lot of effort to take it down. It's something I wish I could remember and could have experienced.
    My family seems to think it was my uncle trying to contact us for some reason. Maybe there was a danger in the house we didn't notice that went away? It never happened again and my grandparents ended up moving in and placing the mirror in the same place eventually.
    I know it's not too scary but I felt like it was something to at least mention.
    That house, though, has had it's share of moments. The room that belonged to my uncle often made strange noises and illuminated orbs and stuff. A few of my family members experienced weird stuff like that. I slept there once and felt really uncomfortable. Even before I knew it was his old room and that people saw things in there.
    I don't know. I love these scary stories. I definitely want to hear more that you guys share.