well...here goes nothing.

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Hitch, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Hitch

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    St. Louis
    Just wanted to say hi to everybody as this is my first post. Gotta say this is incredibly hard to do. But a little about me first.

    I'm 24 and live in st. Louis. I have dated girls in the past but nothing has ever been sexual. Yes, I'm a 24 years old, and have never had a sexual relationship. But, as you may have guessed, i suspect i may be gay. Actually, i have suspected this for awhile but have done everything i can to make it not true.

    Seeing how i suspect i am gay and have done everything to convince myself i am not, i am not one of those people who try and mask it by being homophobic or extra masculine. I have always supported LGBT rights and have always said that people deserve to be happy. But, when it comes to myself, apparently it's a different thought for me.
    I know my mom would be supportive of me and i believe my dad would be also. He's a religious person but wasn't upset when i told him i was an atheist. I think they all just want me to be happy. But there's just something about coming out as gay.

    From this point on I'm just going to ramble and don't mean to offend anyone. But all the gay people i know are really gay(if you know what i mean). There really isn't anything feminine about me, but these gay guys are really feminine. I see all the people laughing at them and all the jokes that they get from being gay and i guess i just have this fear of being lumped in with them. Admittedly, this is an unfair thought of have of them but i just can't help it.

    Even if i do come out as being gay, i have no attraction to the gay guys that are really feminine. But how are you suppose to know that a gay guy who isn't feminine is gay. I could never walk up to someone and ask someone if they're gay. Everything just gets more complicated.

    This is where i really hope i don't offend anybody; but, I'm sure at some point we all were there. I don't want to be gay. Nothing about me is going to change, but sometimes it's just hard to see myself as a normal guy. Sometimes i feel that i can try and change this or that I'm stronger then this. But in the end, i know that there isn't much choice in the matter. I just wanted that life with the wife and kids. I always wanted to be a dad.

    My parents were divorced and my dad was a drunk and just never there for me. I always wanted to be a dad. I told myself that i can be better then him, that i man can be just as good as a parent as a woman. But this dream of mine may be gone now. I keep thinking that maybe i can hide it and still get married.

    Sorry to ramble and hopefully i wasn't being to dramatic. Just a lot on my mind and i'm sure i didn't hit on all of the stuff i wanted to. Something like this really should be simple but it just isn't when it is you. I guess I'll take the first step and drop the 'suspect' from my first paragraph.

    I'm Gay.
  2. theMaverick

    Full Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Well...welcome to EC. Your story and mine share a few similarities. I've done everything I could to "make" myself straight, before realizing it was a fruitless endeavour. Most of the gay people I know are also really feminine, so growing up, I found it hard to relate to them. I'm not feminine at all.

    As far as determining if a guy who isn't feminine acting is gay, I don't have any advice for you there. I'm not attracted to feminine guys either, and I've never dated a guy. I am taking it slow as far as coming out goes, as I live at home due to some unfortunate situations (although that's changing come August.)

    Take some time for yourself. It's an adjustment going from "I want a wife and kids" to "I want a husband".
  3. Winfield

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    May 23, 2008
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    Hey Dude, Welcome to EC... You'll be alright here bud, we're pretty chilled laid back peepz ... well i am :grin:

    dude when i first realised i was into guys the same thoughts creeped up to me too...at the time i thought gay guys were fem and i was shitting myself coz i thought i was going to end up like them and if i was to go for a guy it would be some one who acts like a chick and that is a hell no (my personal prefrence) ... so i did nothing about it and went with girls (im bi) and put dudes on the back burner coz i didnt know what to do...or who to speak to. i was 20 then

    Then this year, i came back to EC and, got a better prospective of what was out there and realised that the way i thought of gay was just the general sterotype and that not all gays are like that... i was relieved that i wasnt going to start acting fem either... i dont know where to find masc guys either.. i was just lucky i over heard a dude talk to his mate about me and so i grew some balls and went for it... and he's introduced me to other guys (all masc)

    so bruz dont beat yourself up about it... im pretty sure its normal what your going through. Good Luck on your new journey (damn im corny at times) and see your around on the forums :smilewave
    #3 Winfield, Apr 5, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2013
  4. LD579

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    First of all... There's nothing wrong with never having had a sexual relationship when you're 24. That's quite young, still. If it makes you feel better, you could watch the 40-year-old Virgin again. (!) I'm just kidding, but really, still, nothing wrong with being slightly older and inexperienced. It either means lack of opportunities, interest, or that you value your virginity (Ugh, I totally don't mean that to sound like similar to Cinderella the blond, chaste virgin with birds chirping outside, friend-to-all-living-things, etc.).

    Secondly, I understand what you mean about supporting LGBT things and all, but not being able to accept it for yourself. I can say this: it's a struggle for many people. You likely won't be able to accept it within yourself without 2 things: a) exposure and b) an 'aha' (Like Oprah! (!)) moment (I'm kidding, but not really).

    Exposure can be gained on these forums, readily and easily. A moment of clarity can be gained at any time, really. For me, it was when I had to explain to my mom that I knew for sure that I was gay. For you... Who knows when it'd happen, but it likely will happen one day. You've got to keep engaging these thoughts and feelings, though, for this moment to likely happen.

    I'll say this: feminine gay guys are the 'most' noticeable. In some cases, the flamboyancy is played up, either because it makes them feel comfortable with themselves and how they're expected to act, or because they don't 'know' any other way to act. There are plenty of gay guys who are just 'normal' guys.

    There's no real way to know if someone's gay or not, even feminine guys. The 'best' way to know is either to ask / bring up the topic, or to see if the person checks out other guys. Even then, the latter option may be ambiguous and may yield unfavourably indecisive results.

    As for being a better dad than your father, and being a father, in general... This might make you feel a bit more at ease: Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka. Gay people can be wonderful parents, too. Really, gay parents are practically the same as straight parents, but sometimes a bit more thought has to be put into having children.

    Don't hide that you're gay. It'll just make things messier and more tumultuous down the road for yourself and perhaps even others, as well.

    I hope you can find the clarity that you may need and desire here. You weren't dramatic. You wanna see dramatic? Here.

    Heh. More seriously, I hope things turn out nicely for you. EC is here to support you, too.
  5. Dakine

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    Dec 26, 2012
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    I've been drinking so I don't have much to offer, but this is why I really hope those 4 NFL players come out publicly...to get rid of that stereotype that gay people aren't manly. Dude I'm one of the most manly people I know. You say the only gay ppl u know ACT gay, this could sound rude so sorry if I offend, but I think the gay ppl that all of a sudden "act gay" are just as insecure as the people that stay in the closet....just be yourself and be happy
  6. Hitch

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    St. Louis
    Thanks guys for your support. Nice to know there are other people around you who know what you're going through. This is something that is going to take a long time for me to get use to. Definitely going to take it slow. I don't see myself comfortable dating another man for awhile. It's kind of weird, I've always been a full supporter of gay rights but now that it is me I'm sort of embarrassed to say it or even a little ashamed. This definitely isn't just a life style choice. I'm a gay man who doesn't want to be gay. I'm sure over time i will be happy with who i am.

    I think I'm going to tell my mom this weekend. And she'll probably just tell me that she has always known. She has always been the one person i could talk to and I really am tired of living as someone that I'm not. But thanks again guys. You have been a huge support for me.
  7. Dublin Boy

    Dublin Boy Guest

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Hi Hitch :welcome: to EC :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ride: :goodluck: with telling your Mom :icon_bigg
  8. JPC

    JPC Guest

    Welcome to EC!

    What you've said mirrors quite a lot about my life. When I was in school, all of the other gay guys lived up to all of the stereotypes and everyone seemed to think we all put on pumps and a party dress and head out to see musicals, when in reality the gay community is just as diverse, if not moreso, as the straight community. Gay men have types too, some prefer feminine guys, others prefer masculine guys, etc. That is perfectly normal. It can be almost impossible to tell if a guy is straight or a masculine gay guy, that's why we have things like gay bars.

    I had a crappy dad too and I have always wanted, and still want, to be a father. I always wanted that ideal life of a wife, two kids, a golden retriever and a house with a picket fence. That was the hardest thing for me to accept about being gay. But the reality is that will never happen. That doesn't mean you can't be a father, though. There are so many options like surrogacy and adoption. You don't have to give up on your dreams, you just have to adapt them around your reality.
  9. AKTodd

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    Feb 9, 2013
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    Well, you're right about the wife part. Technically speaking everything else on your list is perfectly doable:slight_smile:

  10. Hitch

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    St. Louis
    well, i came out to my mom. Jeez where do i start. We were driving down the road and she noticed something was wrong with me. I was hesitant about telling her, even though the whole point of me going was to tell her. She then says that no matter what it is there is nothing we can't talk about and i will always love you. So eventually i tell her, mom i'm gay.

    She then proceeds to shoot across four lanes of traffic to get off at the nearest off ramp. Pulls into the closest parking lot and slams on the breaks. At this point she is just staring at me like she is in shock.
    Mom: Are you serious
    Me:Ya(tears just streaming down my face)
    mom: Don't mess with me about this
    me: Mom, i'm being serious.
    mom: I don't know what to say
    me:I thought you said there isn't anything that we couldn't talk about
    mom: We are talking. Now i need you to get out of my car.
    me: What? mom you can't be serious.
    mom: yes i'm serious, now get out of my car.
    I proceed to get out of her car and she pulls away. I walk 10 miles home to find all my stuff out in front of the house. I put all i could in my little car and head to a local motel where i am right now. I'm so glad we could talk about it.

    Actually, i'm just messing with you. It went as well as i thought it would. I knew it would go well but for some reason i just couldn't say it. She guessed it on the first try and still trys to tell me that she really had no idea. Ya right. She's completely supportive of me. What an awesome person. Now my dad on the other hand. Well, this may take some time.
  11. Dakine

    Regular Member

    Dec 26, 2012
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    Jokes on us yah jackass
  12. The Dude

    Full Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    My jaw was literally on the floor reading your coming out story Hitch...I felt terrible lol.

    I'm glad it went well though, congratulations! I bet it's a huge relief
  13. JPC

    JPC Guest

    I almost bought that for a minute :eusa_clap But then I realised no sane person who didn't have a death wish would ever come out to their mother in a moving vehicle.

    Good for you that it went well, congrats :slight_smile:
  14. theMaverick

    Full Member

    Nov 15, 2012
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    Oh man, you actually scared me there for a minute.

    I'm glad it went well...
  15. Dublin Boy

    Dublin Boy Guest

    Feb 12, 2013
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    Congratulations :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:ride:
  16. Tokgay

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    Apr 3, 2013
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    Wow, reading the fake coming out story gave me a little scare, haha. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
    Just wanted to pitch in: I'm another gay guy who is just a normal guy (at least I think so). I don't think I'll suddenly turn more feminine when I come out (whenever that happens). I never thought about the ideal future until I really started considering my ambivalent feelings towards girls. Then I started to think, what if I'm gay? That would change my future!
    This still scares me, and makes me wish I wasn't gay... but on the other hand I'm very happy I understand myself better, and can finally give my feelings a place.

    I would say, give yourself happiness now, and find out where the road leads! Happiness and being content will lead to an even happier life, and the rest will come. Don't stress about the future, that only leads to futile wasting of effort. :slight_smile:
  17. Hitch

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    St. Louis
    Sorry about that story guys. But i figure the best way i can go about this is with a sense of humor. The weird thing is, i played out all types of scenarios like that, and basically just the worst things that could possibly happen in that moment. When it went the exact opposite of that. We even had a few laughs. But my mom realized that i am still me. But just gay.

    I did talk about still wanting a family and stuff. That she didn't say i wouldn't support it but she was a little hesitant about the thought. But i think once people start to realize that gay people can be just as good at parenting as straight people she will start to warm up to it. I do understand her ignorance on this seeing how it really is her first time around a gay person.

    I agree about the future thing. It is a little scary thinking about the future. I think i'm going to use this as an opportunity to see who really loves me for me. If somebody doesn't like the fact that i'm gay, whatever i don't give :***:, i don't need them in my life that badly then. I'm still going to be careful and go slowly about this whole coming out process.

    But thank you guys for all your support. You really have made this so much easier on me. I would still be lost and confused without you guys. You guys are awesome.
    #17 Hitch, Apr 6, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2013
  18. Anomander

    Regular Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    I am in a similar situation... funny how this forum really shows us that ehh? I am 23 and have never had a real relationship of any sort due to being in the closet. I am a pretty masculine normal "straight" guy in every regard except for the whole not liking girls thing. This has made it particularly hard for me because I feel extremely isolated from my peers and feel like I do not belong anywhere. On one hand I am gay, despite how deep I am in the closet, and when I look at the stereotypical gay culture I do not see anything I can relate to. The feminine fabulous fashionable queens that run around the streets of Chicago in their underwear make me feel like I do not belong with that culture at all... and yet I am gay. By the way I don't mean to offend anyone at all by that last sentence in any way shape or form. I love you all.

    Anyway I then look at all of my friends whole are straight normal guys... yea its strange how I really have no friends who are girls... only one. Most gay guys have the opposite with a bunch of girl friends right? But I feel like I do not belong in this group either... While I have almost everything in common with most of my friends and we do many different things together like lift and play video games ect the fact that picking up chicks is such a prominent thought and goal for all my friends all the time and that I do not share this makes me feel like I have no real "group". This of course leads to isolation and depression and just being so alone, even when I am not. Granted I always tell myself that if anyone I love whether it be friends or family or co workers would find out that I am gay they would reject me and I would loose everyone... which does not help.

    And of course as you said you just cant walk up to a straight looking guy and try to flirt them up... you will get a fist in the face at best. Especially where I go to school... But at least you have gay friends who may be a good place to start helping you with support. I have no gay friends and only one very distant gay uncle who is the butt of all my familes "light hearted" jokes.
  19. Hitch

    Regular Member

    Apr 5, 2013
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    I know of the gay guys but don't know them. So i don't really talk to anybody that is gay. The problem is all the gay guys that i know are really feminine and when i think of these types of gay guys, i think of someone that is really gossipy. There is no way I'm going to tell someone this who likes to gossip. But they might also be the most understanding. Also, just like you, i don't have many friends that are girls. You really wouldn't know i was gay by anything that i do. But I'm also not "straight acting"(i really hate that phrase). I love sports, play poker, work on my car, and give all my clothes the smell test because i haven't washed them in a while. The only difference between me and a straight person is the fact that i like dudes. My guy friends have nothing to worry about either. They've been friendzoned.

    I also have a cousin that everyone suspects is gay. But he works in the catholic church and would never come out. But i hear all the jokes and laughs that he gets just because everyone thinks he is gay. It just makes it so much harder to come out as a gay person.
  20. doors

    Full Member

    Mar 25, 2013
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    WOW, your story is SO similar to mine.

    Only differences are that I'm bi and 18.

    Anyway, I know what you mean that you don't like feminine gays and you don't want to be categorized with them. I'm the same. I don't find them attractive, but I obviously respect them. And just like you, I don't want people to consider me like them, because unlike them I'm masculine and like everything a straight guy would like. You're a blues fan, and I'm a HABS fan. GO HABS GO!

    When I came out to my friends, they acted weird at first but they then realized im the exact same person, and they had no idea I was bi before. Everything went smoothly and they're still my friends and don't treat me any differently.

    Good luck to you! :slight_smile:
    #20 doors, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2013