Boys Suck!

Discussion in 'Family, Friends, and Relationships' started by BoiGeorge, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. BoiGeorge

    BoiGeorge Guest

    Turns out the guy I like got himself a girlfriend over the weekend. I was so sure he was flirting with me. He WAS!! It was only last Thursday that he was telling me that he liked me and found me very attractive. And now today he was making out with this girl!! I felt like my heart was being crushed into pieces! I feel physically sick when I see him with her. Why doesn't love EVER work for me?! I should just give up on relationships all together cause obviously I suck dick at them! I don't understand boys! Why would he do this to me?! We are close friends. Can't he see what this does to me?! He's been acting like nothing has happened and he's treating me no different. It's almost like he doesn't give a fuck what this is doing to me! I told him all my secrets last week and trusted him. And what did he do? He got himself a frickin girlfriend over the weekend!! I don't even know why I like him so much, I just do. There's something so amazing and sexy about him, but obviously he's a lying, conniving asshole who doesn't give a fuck about me! I was excited all weekend to see him again, and I was telling myself not to worry that he may not have the same feelings because 'of course he would still like me like that!' YEAH RIGHT!! I tried positive thinking and he broke my heart. Now I'm listening to sad, heartbreak songs and trying not to cry! I thought he was 'it'. And I was so wrong. I want to slap him! Fuck him! Why did I ever think I could like boys?! Why couldn't I just stay gay?! He was the reason I turned bi! What a waste of time. But I want him sooooooooooooooooo bad as well. Oh my god. I am so fucking upset :tears::tears::tears::tears::tears::tears:
  2. photoguy93

    Full Member

    Dec 27, 2012
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    C'est la vie!'s life. This is the story we all have had for ourselves. I really have no sure fire way of handling it... it really just, happens.

    I've been doing it for about 5'll find ways to deal with it. It isn't the end of the world - stay strong.

    Also...just because he was flirting doesn't mean anything - isn't that the sad part? I used to think it meant he was interested - HA. It doesn't. It is so complicated!
  3. mojoe

    Full Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    I'm so sorry to hear this. Even as a boy myself I have to agree with you, boys suck. It really isn't fair. There's nothing worse when it comes to relationships than to have someone make you believe one thing, and then do the opposite. I think some people tend to forget that they aren't the only person with feelings. This seems to be the case for the boy you were talking to. I really do know how you feel. I've been dealing with someone that has been acting in a way that people only do with other people they really like. Only to then turn around and get pissed at me for thinking that he's gay. He acts like I have no feelings at all and refuses to acknowledge how his actions have me feeling hurt. Denial is a bitch... Enough about me though...

    Too often people in your situation will feel like they've done something wrong. Or that there's something wrong with themselves. Just know, it's not you. You just happened to get roped into an asshole. You seem like an awesome person, don't take it out on yourself. Don't let yourself get too down, and don't give up hope. No one deserves to be treated like that. There really are good people out there. don't get discouraged by one of those who isn't...
  4. BoiGeorge

    BoiGeorge Guest

    *sob* I feel like I'm going to be alone forever! Why doesn't anyone want to be in a relationship with me?! What's wrong with me?
  5. Winfield

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    May 23, 2008
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    lol sorry i shouldnt laugh but ummm your 18...

    love aint gonna happen striaght away... some times it can take years to find the right one... maybe you should move out of Tasmania? its a pretty small place and dont think you'll have a variety there...

    as for the guy... yeah, he's a douche... i'd punch him out if i were you lol... there's some tactics you can play here with the guy... as its a fresh relationship you can do something... do you want him as a lover? or just do the good ole tap and gap?
  6. BoiGeorge

    BoiGeorge Guest

    I really care about him. I want him as my boyfriend! I could get over just a horny crush, but I actually feel something for him that I haven't felt for anyone in years! I feel as though we have a connection and the fact that we are 'just friends' now really hurts. We have so much in common and I want to be with him. But seeing him with her makes me love/hate him at the same time! And I have to see him everyday because he goes to my school and we have philosophy class together and we are also in the same friendship group. I can't get away from him even if I wanted to! But everytime I see him, it hurts like mad
  7. Winfield

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    you can get him back... you do know that?
    man ive been playing this game for years... you just need to know him well enough for the plan to go through successfully
  8. photoguy93

    Full Member

    Dec 27, 2012
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    Just from experience - you are young, and are fairly new at the dating scene, right?

    You'll learn to find what you want and you'll become more able to see what's right/possible/not gonna happen.

    It isn't about you..... I'll walk down the halls and see obviously gay guys together who I think are just ... Well, blehh. But somehow, they found each other.

    Just give it time and don't be so hard on yourself, ok? I know, because I've been too hard on myself for years and it's really hurt how I see guys. I lost my ability to just enjoy guys.... I'm trying to gain it back but don't let it go away!
  9. BoiGeorge

    BoiGeorge Guest

    How do I do that?