Narcism and Buddhism.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SupremeEmperor, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. In Buddhism does being narcissistic get you bad karma? I'm not actually Buddhist so it's not a big deal, but just in case they are right I'd rather not come back as a grasshopper. Also in meditation what are you supposed to do? I spend a large part of the day thinking about how great I am, does that count? And if not, would it constitute narcism? And if narcism is wrong, should I change my name to SereneEmperor?
  2. silkfrog1292

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    Dec 29, 2011
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    1. The correct term should be narcissism. Sorry i'm a pedantic about these sort of stuff and it just drives me crazy

    2. Yes, one spoke of the "eighth-fold path" is the concept of samyag-dṛṣṭi, which is translated as "right view". Of this one of the view that holds central is the need to appreciate that every action would have karmic effect on all other things in existence. If one only thinks about oneself, how can one appreciate the effects of one's actions on others?

    Furthermore, Buddhism essentially views the concept of "self" as a fiction (诸法无我) we are the construct of many forces, including Karma. Hence "I" as an objective existence do not exist.

    3.) Meditation is about coming to a sudden point of realisation after concentrating on the philosophizing of a single point. In other words, the aim of meditation is to create a moment of absolute truth/clarity, which in the Buddhist viewpoint brings peace and happiness. (hence the term "enlightenment"). If you think about how great you are (which I presume is a pre-positioned conception) this does not bring about any truth, as your mind has already come to a pre-determined conclusion. This in Buddhism would be Raga (attachment). This would only tether you further into your "self" and thus make it even harder to gain enlightenment.

    4.) You said that your primary concern is not wanting to come back being a grasshopper. In this case, meditation or even learning Buddhism is not necessary. All living beings are constantly revolving in the wheel of reincarnation, which is dictated by Karma. By doing good things you will naturally receive good Karma, and thus increase your chances of being born as a human or even as a deva in the next life. Buddhism'd ultimate goal is to break free from the cycle of life and birth, gain enlightenment and become a Bodhisattva or Buddha.
    #2 silkfrog1292, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013

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    The goal is ego loss. Or at least healthy relationship with the ego.

    l'm not sure if it would get you bad karma but it's pretty much the opposite of he teachings.

    l kind of do the same thing but in a way it's because l don't view my "self" as something real anyway so l'm both on the path to enlightenment and being an asshole.

    The discussion about the self in buddhism is interesting because as a kid l thought there was something very wrong with me (and there probably is) due to not really understanding what a "self" is.

    l like what buddhism teaches but think it's only because l don't know any better, l'd never want to be the opposite of what l am but l'm not sure that losing the self completely is always the most beneficial outcome.
    #3 OMGWTFBBQ, Feb 20, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2013
  4. (!)
    So if SupremeEmperor only does good he does not come back as a puny grasshopper? SupremeEmperor does good for all of you just by existing. SupremeEmperor will not be a grasshopper.