Does Anyone Use Something Natural(ish) for Allergies That Works?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by OMGWTFBBQ, Jan 29, 2013.


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    l have to go back off my rx meds for them because of the weird side effects(anxiety, major concentration issues). Same thing from all the OTC meds.

    Already today l feel better. but had a minor sneeze attack and now the headache is creeping back in.

    l do use the neti pot which helps but it's just not a cure for me. Maybe a supplement or something?
  2. FranklinK

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  3. musicgeek13

    musicgeek13 Guest

    If you get local honey and eat, I think it's a table spoon per day, it helps relieve symptoms. That is, of course, if we are talking about a pollen allergy.

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    Thanks Goldenseal is one l hadn't thought about.
    The thing that sucks with natural cures is that so many don't work. lol.

    l've tried a lot, that's kind of why l'm giving up and asking people. But maybe l need to try like 5 natural cures at the same time xD

    ---------- Post added 29th Jan 2013 at 11:35 AM ----------

    damn. no, l suspect a mold allergy. l live in a sublevel apartment and though it's been checked for mold, l still seem to react mostly when at home.
  5. 4AllEternity

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    Well it depends on how you define "works". Some herbal remedies may or may not help with some symptoms, while having less side-effects simply due to being weaker than synthetic medications. However, anything herbal that has the same efficacy as a synthetic drug will produce the same side-effects. That's simply how medication works. For example, for depression, St Johns Wort can help, since it's a natural Seratonin Reuptake-Inhibitor (SSRI). Some people also have less side-effects, probably due to it having lower amounts of the active compound per gram, than a drug typically does. However, it may not be as effective as something like Prozac, due to being less concentrated.

    However, despite that, herbal medications can often have even more side-effects than drugs, due to the fact that drugs are designed to act selectively, to effect only the mechanisms related to the disorder. Certain plants may have a variety of active compounds, which is good in the sense that they can be useful for many things, but bad in the sense that you have to deal with the side-effects of every active compound within them, whether or not you actually need all of the beneficial effects the plant provides.

    So if your only reason to use herbal approaches to your allergies are that you worry about side-effects, well you can settle for indirect treatments that won't actually help the allergies themselves, but lessen some of the effects (such as helping with an irritated throat). Or you can use the drugs related to allergies, which are less likely to have as much side-effects as their herbal equivalents.
  6. NickTsuki

    NickTsuki Guest

    I don't know if it'll work with you, but it works with my sister and she's very allergic. It's very simple actually, it's just you wash your nose when you feel like you'll sneeze. It was a doctor who suggested to try and if it worked then no need for medicines (my sister was also getting side-effects), but Idk, it's more a suggestion than a real advice. I think it's worth a try.