Guys are less choosy than girls?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Stridenttube, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Stridenttube

    Stridenttube Guest

    I was watching a video about the science behind the "friendzone" on youtube and what caught my attention was he said women are more choosy the men on who they choose to date by nature. Do you guys agree or disagree with this? Just curious because to me guys are really easy to get along with and girls are generally difficult. (Until they find out I'm gay, the they won't leave me the hell alone :thumbsup:)

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    Oct 9, 2010
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    hmmm. it's weird because while l agree with men being friendzoned for reasons l find trivial, l see soooo many women with guys who are below their league in appearance or in general.

    l've had lots of straight female friends with very damaged boyfriends, it's like they wanted to fix them.

    So l don't know lol.
  3. Cecil

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    Jan 24, 2013
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    I actually remember that!

    I think it's actually a 50-50 thing. Mostly since I have met some guys who are very choosy.
  4. Just Jess

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    Jan 19, 2013
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    I think what it is, is when a guy has a chance with a girl, and he doesn't take it, he's already "coloring outside the lines" a little. If a woman approaches a man, rejection is socially a little different from when a man approaches a woman.

    But the flip side is, I think women have more social pressure on them to be in a relationship. A guy can just say he has bad luck and pursue his own goals to his hearts content. But I've seen a lot of women jump from one relationship to another to avoid this fate.

    So yeah I say it's 50/50 here too.
  5. Acobi

    Acobi Guest

    From an evolutionary stand point I believe it. Pregnancy is a burden on the woman obviously. Men are free to wander so it is in the best nature of the male to be with as many partners as possible. This is PURELY an evolutionary fitness thing not saying this is how modernized societies behave. Men are looking for quantity. "Spread their seed as much as possible" to put it blatantly.

    Women have to bear the child so it is in their best interest to find the best possible suitable mate who has the best genetic make up. They are looking for quality.

    Again, just a science argument. Makes sense for animals haha ><
  6. Eatthechildren

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    Dec 9, 2012
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    Urgh I hate the term "friendzone". You're not really a nice guy if you think girls are obligated to give you sex.
  7. Stridenttube

    Stridenttube Guest

    I agree with this. So then I would be under the impression that this would be different for gay and lesbian people. Seeing how there isn't any reproduction happening. Am I wrong here?
  8. NickTsuki

    NickTsuki Guest

    Gotta agree here. The term kills the possibility of girl and a guy being friends for...being friends, no, you're her friend because she doesn't want you as something else.
    On the other hand, it puts the girl into a position which she's evil when she doesn't give a chance to her oh so nice friend willing to sleep with her. It's not that easy when it comes to emotions.
  9. Acobi

    Acobi Guest

    I think you would be right. Although, it could be argued that these "instincts" are in all of us innately. Although its not really instincts in humans. Its hard to describe. But I believe that these ideas are somewhat prevalent in society. Its why guys tend to brad about how many women they sleep all the time as a status thing.

    I imagine for gay and lesbian people this does go out the window.
  10. photoguy93

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    Dec 27, 2012
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    I think that guys are less picky as to who they sleep with, and women end up being less choosy on who they settle down with.
    Obviously, that's a very small portion. But just my opinion!
  11. Thieves

    Thieves Guest

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I agree with this, too. And for this reason, I don't like the term 'friend zone' at all, as it comes off as if the person using it believes that the person they desire somehow owes it to them to give them what they want, or otherwise, they are seen as putting that person in a position against their will -- when obviously, this isn't the case. If a person you don't like doesn't see you in a way which is romantic or even sexual, and therefore only sees you as a good friend, then the person who has been rejected needs to learn how to act like an adult and make a decision. I've seen the opposite happen a lot, especially with men.

    I'm focusing more on men in this situation, as I literally cannot count how many times I've encountered dozens of (straight) men's experiences where, because a woman they were interested in wasn't into them romantically or sexually, from that point on they seem to always comment about how they became 'friend-zoned'... as if they're being forced to be there and to continue being that woman's "friend" forever. Obviously, this isn't true. This can happen to anyone of any gender, though, and often does.

    I understand that being rejected hurts, and it's not exactly the best ego-booster in the universe, as I've been there before, but every person wins some and loses some. Like I said, we're all (or most of us are) adults who can make the decision whether to stay in a person's life or not (if you feel you can't handle being only friends.) But I feel like the term 'friend zone' is overused nowadays, and is especially used to make certain women look 'evil' or wrong just because they rejected someone.

    As for men being less choosy than women? Somewhat true, somewhat not. I've met some very picky men who will also pass up several people because they feel they're not 'at their level' looks-wise.
  12. Stridenttube

    Stridenttube Guest

    My best friend is like this. He always complains about how he is always friendzoned and that women don't like him because he is ugly. I just don't get how men think every woman owes them sex. Seems illogical to me. My friends all tell me they wish they were gay because men hit on them all the time and guys are easier to get along with. I just sit and laugh my ass off as they spew their garbage.
  13. justinf

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    Jan 3, 2012
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    I think girls pay a lot more attention to the small details. They're way more picky than guys, if you ask me. I don't like a girl because of her hair, or her perfect nose, or her nice lips, or whatever.. I just like a girl when I like her, for the whole thing, not for all those details. I feel like guys see the whole picture, girls see all the small details; that's why they always find something that's wrong.
  14. Yogabear

    Yogabear Guest

    Jan 24, 2013
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    I definitely agree that women are more chooser with whom they mingle in relationships with. I've had it told to me by my fiance that women are looking for genetic and psychological traits to be the providr. There is some story that in evolutionary sociology that women picked out berries, so chose the best for the rest of the family. This heightened over thousands and thousands of years till they can discriminate the weaker species to not breed with then he successesful dominant alpha male types.
  15. Gen

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    May 20, 2012
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    I disagree.

    In my opinion, it isnt that men are entirely sex crazed, dont care for relationships, or are less choosy with their special someone. Its that the mental biological clock for men is often much, much slower than in women.

    Statistically, men wish to settle down, get married, and have children just as much women do.(Not all women want the traditional lifestyle either, however, it is usually far less acceptable for a women to not voice a desire for marriage and children.) Its just that men tend to wish to pursue this section of life 5-10 years later than the average woman. The average woman wants to have her first children between the ages of 21-24, while most men wouldnt want to have children before atleast the age of 27. This could be a result of the historic pressure of men to be the sole providers of the household. It fell on the man to be able to have a stable job by the time children began coming. Another factor could also be that on a reproductive level, males often reproduced till death. Which is why men often have a much longer fertile period.

    So I dont think that men are any less choosy. They are just less likely to be picky in the first stages of their life because they will often not see their first loves as thier soul mates as quickly. Women, who tend to want to settle down earlier, are more likely to search for their "Mr. Right" at younger ages.
  16. Revan

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    LOL that's funny, gay men less choosy than women. What a joke. Definitely not my experience given how many times I've been rejected.
  17. Hot Pink

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    Apr 23, 2011
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    I'm pretty damn open-minded when it comes to girls. My preferences are very slight and can be fixed easily. Example: if a girl is stinky, she can take showers, wear deodorant, or something to fix it. Not a big issue. A girl can have big or small boobs, I don't care. She can have long or short hair. Big or small. Tall or short. I really don't care. Most of my preferences are rooted in mental and emotional compatibility rather than physical.
  18. SWAGboy

    SWAGboy Guest

    Jan 27, 2013
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    I do not agree, I am extremely choosy which is why I am still single haha