I don't want to get older awkward being I'm young

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Alexander69, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. counterspade

    Full Member

    May 1, 2012
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    I used to think the same way. I obsessed over my imagine to the point where it was borderline obsessive when I was 17-18. One day I just looked at myself in the mirror using hair conditioner on my face to cleanse my pores and thought, 'what the hell am I doing?'

    It's great to look attractive, but it's not everything. I believe I still look great at 22 even with thinning hair, horrible eye bags and an ankle that pops every time I walk (the joys of being a makeshift parent to your siblings, taking on the stress and 'wear and tear' to your body), not to mention other issues. To me, they're not worth obsessing over anymore.

    With age comes wisdom and a change of thought. You'll look back on yourself at the age of 40 and think you were crazy. I know I'll do the same, and so will many others I'm sure. Enjoy being you, and enjoy living in the now, the youth of your life. You'll never get it back. Enjoy your life's prime when you reach it, then enjoy middle age, your golden years, and eventually those 'I shouldn't have trusted that fart' years. :slight_smile:
  2. leer

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    grt Manchester
    You worry to much mate . I bet you will look just as fabulous when your 35-40+ I know guys in there late 40s who are just as horny as a 18 year old and are getting just as much action .I think the main problem you have Alexandra and i dont think its a massive problem it`s the stuff inside you like confidence, believe in yourself, trust yourself (*hug*)
  3. FranklinK

    Full Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    I look forward to getting older. I think it will be cool to see what kind of changes my body goes through. I look about 16 or 17 and I'll be 24 in March so I'm sure I'll age gracefully my entire family looks young. I'm excited for what tomorrow will bring if there even is a tomorrow. You never know if tomorrow will come for you so appreciate what you have and don't worry about the future too much. Especially the things that are out of your control - like aging.
  4. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    LOL Botox is a miracle for my family...... My mother has no fat in her face so she gets gaunt if she doesn't get injections to tighten her skin she got collagen in her lips not like a lot it actually suits her better she also had her tits done 4 or 5 years ago also had her nose done like not the tip of her nose but the bone it curves now its hard to explain..... Ya plastic surgeons love my mother...... Although Botox is great ill get it done someday to!
  5. FranklinK

    Full Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Sounds like you have been brought up to believe that you aren't beautiful unless you are young and that you can always make yourself look better ): that is a shame because what really counts is what is inside.
  6. leer

    Full Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    grt Manchester
    whatever happened to the phrase growing old gracefully .
  7. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    LOL my mom would disagree she Taught me to not care about the inside of people...... I remember I brought a friend over when I was in grade 7 ya grade 7 it would have been anyways my friend was a lesbian and she knew she was a lesbian at that age anyways I used to taxi home from school because my mother would always be out and my dad would be god knows where in buisnes anyways I get home and my mother was actually home she sees my friends and she isn't skinny and she had a shaved head she stares her up and down and tells her to leave and that I was not allowed to talk to such people. My mom is a bitch I love her but I can't stand her at the same time she is so argumentative and controlling its not funny..... The only time I hear her talk to my father is when she wants a new car or is leaving for vacation somewhere. I barley see my parents together only on family vacations are we ever together. And it's hard for me to change my views on people I hate I'm a mean person sometimes I HATE IT but I can't help it it just slips out :frowning2: to me looks are important because while I was growing up I spent more time with my mother then with my father and her ideas of the world are crazy everyone is Beneath us. When I was suffering from my ED when I was younger she treated me better then when I was healthy and chubby she was embarrassed of me and would tell me she was and that it was a shame I was so handsome but so fat that it could t show. So I then lost all the weight and got skinny again an she treated me so well said how proud she was of me. She ha no clue she's the cause of my ED's I just want her to be happy with me :frowning2: anyways ......
  8. lxlJDlxl

    Full Member

    Jan 10, 2013
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    My parents told me that 40 is the beginning of life. LOL.

    Don't know, maybe you'll change your mind when you finally accepted that there is nothing you can do to look like 20 at 40. xD
  9. FranklinK

    Full Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    Just know that looks fade. Personality, intelligence, and love don't.
  10. Alexander69

    Full Member

    Sep 20, 2012
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    West Vancouver Canada
    That sucks cause I'm not smart I don't have a great personality but I am lovable :grin: ...... I think I am working on my personality
  11. FranklinK

    Full Member

    Dec 18, 2012
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    I think you may be stuck on some insignificant things, but I don't really know you all that well so my observations are moot. However; I don't want you to ever say that you aren't smart or that you don't have a great personality. Those two statements are incredibly unfair. I think you are intelligent through your wording and how you conceptualize your thoughts.

    Not only that, but, there are three different types of intelligences: Social, Emotional, and General. Everyone is good at something and everyone shines in one way or another.
  12. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    If you don't smoke, and you stay out of the sun for the most part, that will make a bigger difference than any skin care regimen.

    That's my best advice re: aging well. Tanning may look nice today, but it's hell on your skin down the line.

    Not to mention tanning and smoking are both known to cause cancer. That's mostly why I avoid them.
  13. Connor22

    Full Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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    Norn Iron
    This just made my day XD
  14. MichaelB

    Full Member

    Sep 8, 2012
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    I wouldn't ever sacrifice my happiness or sanity for the sake of appearance.

    I do what I want primarily, and make myself happy. My appearance usually just suffers the consequences haha.

    I've had many piercings that I've taken out for example, and I have scars now as a result. Do I care about the scars? No because the piercing brought me joy. :slight_smile:

    ---------- Post added 27th Jan 2013 at 02:19 PM ----------

    Oh and also -

    You can't blame your parents for everything man, I'm sorry but you have to take some responsibility for your own actions and ideology.

    I myself come from a very catholic and conservative family. I was taught from a young age that black people are evil, homosexuals were disgusting and people from other religions were heathens and deserved to die. I remember hearing my father say once that he sympathized with the Nazi's over the holocaust. Yep, it was that bad.

    However, the moment I remotely became aware of the world and how old fashioned and so so so out of place their opinions were, I sought out my own values and morals. This led to me becoming independent and my own person, instead of an extension of their own persona.

    We're the same age, literally weeks apart. I don't see why you continue to hold onto the indoctrination while I rebelled against mine. And honestly, 100% truthful, changing your attitude is very very simple and easy. You're holding onto what you've been told to believe because, to a lesser extent, you still believe it. You still believe it because you probably want to believe it, and that's your own responsibility and not your parents.

    You need to accept responsibility for things to change man. Just trying to help you. :slight_smile:
  15. Lewis

    Full Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    United Kingdom
    If your skin looks like a 15 year old's, I want skin-care tips from you! I have combination skin that is oily in some areas and dry in others. I don't think it's wrong to look after yourself, just stay away from the extremes such as surgery.

    What products do you use on your skin? I know this is off the topic of ageing, but I'm curious. I bet you have a whole bible of products! :thumbsup:
  16. FallenAngel

    FallenAngel Guest

    I'm kind of the same way. I'm turning 22 in two weeks and I already miss being 19. That's such a fun age. But don't freak out about being old. You're still so young and you have a long way before you're 40 (which is still young in my opinion) or 50 or even 80. You have a long life to live so enjoy it! If you find someone along the way, I bet they will love you and find you attractive no matter how old and wrinkly you are :slight_smile:
  17. Level75

    Full Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    New Jersey
    Some might say you can't be one without the other.
  18. SlickyPants

    Full Member

    Oct 6, 2007
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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Coincidentally, those are great ways to cure aging.
  19. Caleb93

    Full Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    Looking older can work to your advantage, especially when you're in your early years. When I was 16 I was about the only guy I knew who had a beard (when I say beard I mean a full beard, not little patches of peach fuzz). I've actually had people ask me if I'm my younger brother's dad. But people tended to treat me more like an adult instead of a teenager. In most situations people will respect you more if you seem mature. And, like it or not, people's impressions are influenced by your appearance. I don't mean that you should try to make yourself look older than you are, but I just wouldn't worry about trying to look young. Just be yourself.

    Personally, when I think about getting older I'm not so worried about how I look as I am about whether or not I'll still want or be able to do the stuff I like to do.
  20. kem

    Full Member

    May 24, 2010
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    Kerava, Finland
    I want to get older, looking forward to it. I want to be fit and look and feel well, but I don't care so much about looking young. I want to preserve my cognitive skills as well as I can though. I'm trying to concentrate on exercising, meditating, eating well, not smoking and drinking too much. I hope by the time I'm older they'll be able to upload a mind to a computer and I'll live forever.