School Homophobia, kinda scared :(

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by wonderingdave01, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. I feel like I'm getting pushed further and further back in the closet by these extremely homophobic comments that people have been making at my school.

    We've been reading a story about men in prison and there was a part where one prisoner made homosexual advances to another prisoner and all you could here that class say was "he's a faggot" and "that's so gay".

    Later in the story, openly gay men came into the prison. And my teacher said "you know how openly gay men are" (to give the kids a sense of how the characters act) and one kid said "yeah, faggots"

    Today, in class somehow spongebob came into the conversation and a couple kids were talking about how spongebob was controversial because a Christian group thought spongebob was gay. Sometime in the conversation, one kid said "we don't want our next generation to be gays!"

    Has anyone else been in a situation like this?
  2. WilliamM

    WilliamM Guest

    Yeah ive heard all those things. When a friend of mine found out i was gay he felt really bad for making stupid comments like that. But he was just trying to be funny and wasnt truly being hateful. Most the people in that class were saying things like that because they were wanting to be hateful. Its a sad thing indeed when people act like that. Your teacher should of sent them to the office for being disrespectful.
  3. koilfong

    koilfong Guest

    honestly, there are people like that in world, and it seems most of them come from the same school i go to... but at the end of the day their only preparing you for the outside world which is much, much worse... especially my family.
    but before any of my friends knew, they would make stupid little remarks and kinda still do, but not with the intention of hurting me just for the laughs.
    but i dont know if thats relevant to anything or will help what so ever...
  4. MickiNinaj

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    Jun 13, 2011
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    Bitch I'm from Louisiana
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    Funny this post comes up, just today some guys in my class were talking about how they would kill their son if he was gay.
    Now sure they don't have sons yet, and I doubt they'd go that far. But it still can make a guy worry!

    But don't worry, most of the hate (especially in high school) is just talk.
  5. Given To Fly

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    Jul 22, 2012
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    Unfortunately kids are cruel. That's how they are. Do they mean to be hateful? In most cases, certainly where I'm from anyway, probably not - they do it because it's expected by their peers, and it makes them feel superior.

    I'm ashamed to admit I was the same in school. I was bulied pretty badly, so anything that made me feel better than someone, even for a moment, was worth it to me. :frowning2:
  6. People like that should be neutered.
  7. Luke Matt

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    Jul 25, 2012
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    Don't worry, we're still here for you :slight_smile:
  8. Awwww (*hug*)
  9. vani

    vani Guest

    Yes at lunch somehow dads came up and my friend said "I hate my dads" and another kid said "wich penis did you come out of?" but then again- he got knocked down a couple of knotches. .ω.

    ---------- Post added 7th Jan 2013 at 06:40 PM ----------

    Also kids are attention whores! They just want to be 'cool' and make bad comments on everything. Don't pay attention to people who say fuck every ten seconds have a shitty taste in humor
  10. Mariall

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    Dec 20, 2012
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    I actually have a pretty good group of gay/bi friends at my school. The ones who aren't as supporting are really mean. I have one though, and she's a legit friend, but she's homophobic. One time we we started talking, don't even remember how it came up, but there's two girls at our school who're dating, and she said "Yeah, I'm kind of a homophobe so.." I didn't tell her anything about me but it was disappointing.
  11. TKM

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    Nov 15, 2012
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    Hahaha made my day :roflmao:
  12. Ticklish Fish

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    Sep 23, 2012
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    I don't watch Spongebob, but I am still angry at certain christians for calling POKEMON... DEMONIC?!?!?!?!


    and i am not a hardcore HP and DND fan.. but Pokemon? WHAT
  13. TSN2012

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    Jan 8, 2013
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    My school is "kind of" open when it come to homosexuality. Well, they do not know that I'm gay yet but there's a couple of gay students at my school and sometimes we would talk about them and my friends would be like "Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it." These are however my female friends. I don't know what my male friends think though, one of them keeps saying "I know it's kind of bad, but I am a homophobe man" then the next day he would be like "I don't support gay marriage but i'm not against it either." And he's not gay, that's for sure. But there are definitely homophobes at my school so I just decide not to have anything to do with them.
  14. amoore658

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    Dec 9, 2012
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    Thankfully, whenever I was at school (I finished it in June 2012, which Sixth Form here in the UK) people were generally very accepting about being gay. Some of the straight guys maybe found it a bit weird, but nevertheless they were always nice to me. There were, however a select few GUYS (I feel the need to emphasise that it was guys) who made comments similar to what you describe.

    Let me guess - it's only a select few that make those comments in your class? AND they're all guys? To be honest, there's more WRONG with the straight guys than there is you, and really we should feel sorry for them. That's because the straight who make homophobic comments do so, not because they are actually "phobic" of gay men, but they think it "proves" their masculinity and sexuality i.e. proves they're not gay. So essentially, it's an insecurity on their part. The best thing to do, is just ignore it and act like it doesn't bother you.

    But that IS why they do it - they think it makes them masculine and straight as a result of some insecurity/insecurities they have. But trust me - they DO have insecurities.

    I'm quite saddened to read that you're experiencing this in 2013. It's amazing that in the 21st Century - other men are STILL worried about where OTHER men put THEIR genitals...

    Be who you are - because, you're sexuality won't change. Live your life how you want to (but just don't intentionally hurt anyone along the way! lol)
  15. leer

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    Dec 8, 2012
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    I was out of school at 16 it got a bit rough and into a few fights not a nice time for me.
  16. hello1992

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    Dec 15, 2012
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    Not as explicitly, but theres always those times where people use homosexuality to bully others. Or liek people when annoyed would just say thing like ''omg why are you being gay''. People made it seem like gays were something to naturally dislike. This only happened at hgih school, its never happened at uni. I think people suddenly mature when they go to uni...
  17. Ticklish Fish

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    Sep 23, 2012
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    suddenly? what sorcery is this? lol
  18. Lux

    Regular Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    I haven't heard much of this. I went to a vey liberal high school and a pretty progressive college, so bigoted remarks at either location would have been really inappropriate and the person responsible would probably face some sort of punitive meeting.

    That said, the worst type of anti-gay remarks I've experienced have been far more subtle things. Subtle as they were, I'm still in the closet for a reason.
  19. vani

    vani Guest

    ARG I hate that I mean seriosly why!?! [probably started with reversed theme song... -_-]
  20. Just remember you are better then them