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Recreational Drugs

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by jaysuss, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. jaysuss

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    Oct 10, 2012
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    I was wondering what your thought was on them and the people that use them. I myself don't since I like to keep my body in good shape and away from toxins.
  2. kem

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    May 24, 2010
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    Well, I made a decision yesterday to stop drinking for an indefinite, but preferably long period of time; my experiences with alcohol have got progressively worse so better just stop. Moderate use is fun and okay in social situations, particularly if you're the introverted type like I am. I've smoked on occasion, but not a lot. It was sort of relaxing, but lung health > feeling of relaxation.
    I've had a little green as well... I think it's negative side-effects have been largely blown out of proportion, at least in Finland. People seem quick to deem it wrong because it's illegal without a second thought.
  3. I don't use them myself
    (I don't even like drinking soda x3)
    But I believe its ones right too them.
  4. Lance

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    Jul 26, 2012
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    No, I've never used any and most likely never will.
  5. gordilocks

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    Oct 19, 2012
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    nah, str8 edge 4 lyfe, man
  6. jaysuss

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    Oct 10, 2012
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    Lol someone told me that straight edge also involves being "straight"
  7. Caudex

    Caudex Guest

    I just don't want to because of two reasons.
    1. Let's drop all reason and pretend that marijuana defenders are right and it's harmless and not addictive. I still wouldn't use it because it's illegal, and I try to limit my illegal activities as much as possible.
    2. I do not and never will smoke, and I probably won't drink because a lot of my family members are alcoholics and alcoholism can be genetic. But that's not just because they're unhealthy. Oh no. They scare me so much because they are a special kind of unhealthy in that they're addictive and unhealthy. I subsist on a diet consisting mainly of sour neon gummy worms and several-year-old sodas. But those aren't addictive. I CAN QUIT ANYTIME I WANT! But seriously, I will always stay away from addictive stuff like coffee, smoking, and alcohol due to my family's history.
  8. HatterMad

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    Sep 13, 2012
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    My mom was an addict. I was born premature and addicted, and that was only beginning of the fantastic life my mother's drug use gave me.

    I want nothing to do with them, and I don't want anyone around me to either.
  9. Brenny

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    Apr 2, 2012
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    I have friends who once in a while will do a little pot. They think it is fine as long as you are careful and keep it very limited, like drinking. I don't really feel comfortable ever doing drugs like that because it is illegal but mostly because of health reasons. Maybe a little won't hurt I suppose but I'd rather avoid the risk. I'm pretty goodie-goodie. I will drink socially but I don't get drunk. I like having control over my actions and and I don't want to deal with hangovers.
  10. Ashley

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    Oct 18, 2012
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    My mother and my sister are drug addicts. I want nothing to do with drugs, both because it's illegal and I've seen what it does to people.
  11. bubblehead1230

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    Oct 8, 2012
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    This is such a sticky subject. I could go on and on about the pros and the cons. I tend to stay away from alcohol because I too believe it is in genetics and I have seen the nasty effects that it has on people first hand. On the other hand, I am a user of the more common recreational drug. I'm not making excuses for it, my reasons for using it are not "to get high". I use it as a better method than being put on anti-anxiety meds that are narcotics and can alter the mind in so many more harmful ways than pot. I understand people's reasons for being against it and I completely understand because my father turned into a drug addict as well.
  12. IllusiveRannoch

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    Jul 20, 2012
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    thoughts on drugs themselves? i actually did a paper on this for school long ago. as complicated as it is, i think they should be legalized for a number of reasons, most importantly to be safely regulated. it's not like the laws are really going to stop anyone from doing them, just like a constitutional amendment didn't stop people from drinking alcohol in the Prohibition era, and locking people up for it isn't going to make them or drugs go away. i don't think i would use them after researching the side effects that psycho-active drugs give.

    on a side note, i'd like to hear a real person sounding like Little Jacob:
    "Ya Niko? Der one me man Roman's bin talkin bout all dis time? Cousin Niko, gonna help Roman take over de world and ting?" :lol:
    #12 IllusiveRannoch, Oct 20, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2012
  13. ameliawesome

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    Mar 2, 2012
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    i like marijuana, ecstasy, lsd, dmt, and mushrooms. and i'm pretty open to trying anything that isn't injected or snorted. i won't say that people who refuse to use any drugs are wrong, and i won't say that everyone who uses drugs should use them, because the way drugs affect people is not so much the substance as it is the person. i've seen people turn into complete assholes when they smoke weed. it's the same with alcohol, some people are nasty drunks and some people just have fun. drugs can trigger psychoses (like schizophrenia), but only if the user is genetically predisposed to psychosis. so no, they're not for everyone, but they aren't pure evil either.

    i use recreational drugs because they help me feel real. it's always been difficult for me to relate to this physical world, like i just don't feel physically real most of the time. drugs alter my state of mind, they affect my body, so i must be physically real if i can be altered by substances. plus they're a lot of fun, and they even make sobriety feel like a drug when i take intermittent breaks from substances.
  14. FollowtheFreeman

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    Sep 10, 2012
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    I'm kind of strict against drugs. And drinking. And smoking. I have never taken them and I never plan too. I care for myself far too much.
  15. dl72

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    I have never even tried, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. And I never will. I don't see a point to any of it.
  16. Ruthven

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    Oct 9, 2012
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    Same here. But if others want to take this stuff I'm fine with it. Part of my whole view on life/people is hey do your own thing, just don't endanger/harm others.
  17. IllusiveRannoch

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    Jul 20, 2012
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    really? mmm, i guess i've only learned the negative effects of the hardcore use of some rec drugs like coke or heroin, or crystal meth. ha, maybe my listed perception of not wanting to use is born out of stigma & repeat stress of the negative health connotations growing up. the paper i did dealt primarily w/ the economics benefits of legalization & regulation of use, but not the quantity of what quality of which drug. i guess i never considered it before at that time.

    :bulb: since i try to keep an open mind, i shall now need to reconsider my position, and do far more thorough research to get rid of this now seeming ignorance & remove the rigidity left over from fearful upbringing on said matter. you've brought a very good xp based point of view.

    thank you ameliawesonfor the new perspective. (*hug*)

    ---------- Post added 20th Oct 2012 at 06:47 PM ----------

    what really grabs my attention is looking up info on LSD. i saw it in a documentary once, and it very much fascinated me.

    it's only occasionally occurred to me that 'light' rec drugs such as cannabis are far less harmful than currently legal products like, say, cigarettes. thanks again ameliawesome.
  18. ameliawesome

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    Mar 2, 2012
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    awesome, i'm always happy to alter perspectives :slight_smile: i totally understand why the negativity is stressed, but it would certainly be great to stress how rec drugs can be a positive experience. instructions on how/when/if to use rec drugs would be more effective than mandating that people keep people away from them. just like any legal substance (prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes) there are pros, cons, and exceptions.

    lsd is definitely nothing like what popular media depicts.
  19. Chip

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    OK, since somebody is trying to alter perceptions in one way, perhaps I can offer an alternative opinion.

    First off, while marijuana is not thought to be physically addictive, if you ask any therapist or healthcare professional working in the addiction field, they will tell you many stories indicating the complete opposite. Weed is certainly not as addictive as drugs like meth or heroin, but anything that alters dopamine and serotonin (which weed does) will have addictive properties, and withdrawal symptoms after regular use. Additionally, weed has recently been shown, in a very credible study, to have a significant, and apparently permanent, effect on cognitive development when used by teens in particular. Finally, there is lots of data that regular use of weed is highly correlated with a loss of motivation and increased lethargy.

    Ecstasy is a disaster for many people. It causes a dramatic oversecretion of serotonin (a neurotransmitter associated with positive mood) so you do, in fact, feel wonderful when on it. But then there's a severe crash that is described by many (including those suffering from depression) as the worst depression they've ever experienced. Worse, the serotonin flooding it causes can temporarily (for weeks or months) or, according to some studies, potentially permanently damage serotonin receptors, leading to long-term and, in some cases, apparently permanent depression. Furthermore, because the postive feeling of being on it is so strong, many people find themselves wanting to do it over and over, further damaging serotonin receptors, decreasing the availability of serotonin, and causing increased periods of depression that can often last months after you stop taking it. I know personally quite a number of individuals who have experienced this, and some of them were suicidal or very, very depressed for months afterwards.

    LSD, DMT, mushrooms, and other hallucinogenics are not, according to any data I've seen, addictive, and you rarely hear of people having even a psychological addiction to them... but IllusiveRannoch has substantially understated the downsides to them. It isn't just people prone to psychosis who are at risk; basically, a lot of people with no prior history of any sort of psychosis have had severe problems, including psychotic breaks requiring hospitalization, in some cases after a single use. While this experience doesn't happen to the majority of people, it's a foolish risk to take when there is little upside.

    The bottom line is, lots of people do all of the above and survive little the worse for wear. But one of the bigger issues is, you never know what you're buying. Even if you implicitly trust who you're buying from, they aren't making the stuff, and almost never know who is, so God knows what's actually in what you're taking. A group that, in an effort to make recreational drugs safer, used to analyze samples of illegal drugs they bought all over the country at various places from numerous sources. Only about 20% of the time did the drug actually have what it was represented to have in it, with no adulterants, and at the reported amounts. Something like 30-40% had none of the claimed active ingredient, often having other drugs instead or in addition to the claimed active ingredient. And sometimes the other drugs are things like heroin, methamphetamine, which are highly addictive, or other drugs that aren't even safe for human consumption.

    While I agree that there are plenty of dangers and risks with legal materials -- anyone who smokes cigarettes is an idiot, and alcohol is the cause of an enormous amount of heartache and pain -- that's a bullshit argument to justify making other drugs legal.

    Finally, not a single addict ever intended to become addicted. All were 110% certain that "it would never happen to them" and that "they could quit whenever they wanted." Likewise, of those affected by depression, psychosis, or other aftereffects of other drugs, all were convinced that *they* wouldn't be in the unlucky group that had a bad reaction.

    Basically, experimenting with drugs is something that a lot of people feel the need to do, and the brains of teens and young adults are (according to the newest research) apparently biochemically wired differently which makes it difficult for them to accurately gauge risk and make intelligent decisions.

    So... knowing all of that, it really is, from a logical and risk-analysis-based perspective, not a smart idea to start down that path. The potential upside is extremely minimal, and the many potential downsides can be really severe and life-affecting.
  20. needshelp

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    Sep 15, 2011
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    you know, it's easy to get high or drink for fun, to see what the effects are or to take you away from the stresses of life. it's HARDER to deal with things while you're sober. if i could go back in time, i wouldn't high smoked weed or drink.

    me, before i started getting high or drinking (don't do any of that anymore), i used to think that smoking weed would calm me down or make my life better where i'm happier and etc. it wasn't until i really experienced a full blown high that i realized that it wasn't made for me. when i was drunk, the same thing happened. i found myself wanting to go back to my soberiety when i was on a substance because it felt like hell even though i wasn't feeling good sober either.

    i would rather be sober while feeling all low and anxiety ridden than to be high experience psychosis episodes where i'm seeing things. it works for some people, it doesn't for others. it doesn't work for me. i do wish at times i could enjoy weed or could smoke again but i know what would happen. nowadays, i'm having moments where i'm experiencing the same psychosis feeling that i had when i was high. looks like i may have opened the door to something else. *shrugs*