What age is too young for intercourse ?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Olivier, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Olivier

    Full Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Not necessarily saying I want to have sex but other guys in my year (keep in mind they're straight) have had sex. Are the rules different for gays? Is 17 too young? If so what is a good age?
  2. Pat

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    Oct 12, 2012
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    Woodstock, GA
    Oh my, well.. most of my sexual experiences were between the ages of 5 and 16. The effect I can say that it had is that.. It pretty much distorted my reasoning. There's some other post about gaydar I responded to, I don't have one because I come into every situation with a guy thinking he's gay. lol. When you had a 95% success rate with any boy you've known in your childhood, that kinda happens. So i'd say it made my relationships more difficult with guys. Made me pretty much treat girls like they didn't exist. And other than that, it really gave me a sense of innocence that doesn't exist in men anymore unfortunately :/ they can be deceptive and play games now.. lol. Back then, those little boys would be my best friends, they told me everything and didn't have guards or anything of the sort. So that's the thing that's hardest right now, is that I want to remain with a positive outlook with guys right now, but because of the way men are.. I had to develop some sort of guard against them and the possibility that they could be out to hurt me in one way or another. I think the appropriate age for sex really is 18 years old. You're old enough to know what you want, and then act on it.
  3. ForceAndVerve

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    Aug 17, 2012
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    Whatever age is legal??? Hmm I guess it's not so black and whie though. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  4. caughtbywitness

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    Oct 29, 2011
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    Nah, I jest. It's up to you really, legally, at least in Britain, it's 16.
  5. Pain

    Pain Guest

    If you're ready to deal with any consequences of sex, then you'll be ok. Otherwise, wait until you're at least the legal age where you are so as not to put yourself or others in jeopardy.
  6. Olivier

    Full Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    The legal age is 16 in Australia, so I'm just legal! And what r these consequences u speak of?
  7. Pain

    Pain Guest

    STI's and emotional fluctuations, mostly. If you are with someone below the age gap/limit, you could be arrested for statutory rape.
  8. Pat

    Full Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    Woodstock, GA
    Sex makes things pretty complicated. It's a lot easier when you're dealing with a guy that you like a lot. But it does kind of does solidify your feelings for the other person, or at least it can in their minds. And of course, STDs and things of that nature. You have to be careful because guys will say anything to get you in bed. Do your research on them and get to know them first.
  9. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    There's also pregnancy, if you're in a straight relationship.

    Though I think it's just as important to acknowledge that a person who is going to be sexually active has to be just as aware of the responsibilities as they are of the consequences. And that includes:

    - getting yourself tested for STIs regularly
    - being prepared to be in a relationship
    - knowing all about safe sex
    - doing all the awkward things in order to have safe sex (i.e. awkward talks, buying condoms, etc.)
    - the repercussions of having gossip spread to other people
    --> this also definitely ties into whether or not you're closeted and whether or not this would "out" you
    - being open and honest with your partner

    Of course there are others, but those are the biggies I can think of off the top of my head.

    But like others have said, if you aren't prepared for the responsibilities and consequences, you aren't old enough to be having sex. Age doesn't matter in that case (though of course anything below legal is off limits).
  10. aeva

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    May 13, 2012
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    New York
    As long as it's above the legal age, it's really up to the individual. There is no "right age"- it's different for everybody.
  11. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    Binghampton, NY
    Below age of consent. Consult a lawyer for the age in your jurisdiction.
  12. Caudex

    Caudex Guest

    Since 42 is the answer, I'm going to go with that.
  13. Mad Man L

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    Jul 31, 2011
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    Brisbane, Australia
    It depends. Assuming a stable relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend who isn't taking advantage of the other person (read: the 17 year old guys who go out with the easy 14 year old girls), 15 is probably an appropriate age. While not necessarily legal in some places, I think 15 is alright provided one is in a long-term relationship.

    17 years old isn't too young for most sexual activities imo.
  14. HatterMad

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    Sep 13, 2012
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    I think you can't put a age on this sort of thing and haev it be the same for every person.

    It really depends on your stage of development, emotional and physical and on your reasoning. I don't think you can throw out a number and say "at 17 everyone is mature". Think of all hte idiot adults making idiot choices out there.... haha

    like mentioned, when you can deal with the possible STIs and the emotions and so on.
  15. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    Female (trans*)
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    Some people
    It depends on the maturity level of the individuals involved. Unfortunately we have and have to have some laws that prevent predatory behavior. I say unfortunately because that inevitably means that people who are mature enough to have sex but who are under age will be treated unfairly.
  16. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    physically? pre-puberty... emotionally/mentally, that depends on the person, but I wouldnt say rush out to do it the moment you get your period/pop your first boner.
  17. PurpleCrab

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    Mar 10, 2012
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    Sherbrooke, QC Canada
    haha, what's funny is that when you're young and full of hormones (teenage years) it feels like you know what you're getting into and that you have full control over yourself.
    And that's a false impression.
    Just like when you're drunk and you feel Ok to drive...
    It's THE time you should avoid it the most.

    Think about the statistics... they are scary, what was it, 50% of people have a STD and lots of them don't know/ don't care about it? 50% or close anyway.

    Do you think you can follow the rules for safe, responsible sex?
    -Always wear a condom/protection (like a dental dam if you're a girl)
    -Always be honest with your partner
    -Always assume your partner is not telling you all the truth.
    -Consider that a condom might break and you may get a STD/pregnant anyway
    -Consider that if you're a guy in lots of places you can be accused of rape after sex, even if it wasn't rape.
    -Oh and, if you care about your reputation, it may get tricky.

    ...but Oh! sex is soooo good :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Otherwise responsible adults who are fully conscious of the responsibilities and risks wouldn't do it. Everyone would avoid it. What's taboo is that a healthy sex life is part of a healthy balanced life.
    Maybe you're still at the stage of masturbating though. It's an important step to discover your body and its potential for pleasure before actually having sex. And for one, masturbation is the safest sex there is.
  18. brocub

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    May 18, 2012
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    Hamilton, ON

    Age of consent laws differ between straight sex and gay sex or don't even consider lesbian sex. You can be below the age of consent and be mature enough to handle sex or you can be over the age of consent and be too immature to handle it.

    Sorry to use your post, but it was the first one that I saw.

    And OP, if you're 17 and ready to have sex, go out and find someone who wants to have consensual sex with you. And remember the golden rules: you do not physically force someone into having sex with you, you do not guilt someone into having sex with you, consent is a sober action, and you need to ask at every step of the way if your partner wants to proceed.
  19. starfish

    Full Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Hippie Town, Alberta of the US
    Honestly if you have to ask you are too young.
  20. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    It does have a lot to do with maturity, mindset, and expectations. And as such, it's tough to put a number on it. I'm assuming there exist 13-year-olds who actually have the maturity and "life skills" that would make a full sexual experience a positive one all the way around...but I'm also assuming they're WAY in the minority of that age group. I know at least two 14-year-olds in my year who were sexually active...because one impregnated the other. (Thus proving neither one was mature enough to be having sex.) I'm also assuming that for each year added, a higher percentage of teens will fit the bill.

    How do you know you're ready? If you can think with the upstairs head more than the downstairs one. :slight_smile: There are several questions you should ask yourself first.

    "Have I read up on safe sex procedures? Do I know which sexual practices are 'high risk' and which are 'low risk'? Do I know how to put a condom on? Have I practiced putting one on? Do I have condoms and lube handy?"

    "Do I know what sexual acts I want to try? Do I know which ones I do NOT want to try at this point? Can I be assertive enough to make sure that these ones don't happen? Am I assertive enough to insist on the safe sex practices, even if my partner is dismissive of them?"

    "How do I feel about my potential partner? Am I aware that sex can alter a relationship significantly? Do I know that sex can sometime make me feel closer to somebody...and sometimes (by removing a potential sexual interest) make me feel less strongly about somebody? Am I remembering that sometimes these feelings aren't the same for both participants? Am I prepared to deal with any potential changes, both mine and the other person's?"

    "Am I ready and willing to do my utmost to make this a great and positive sexual experience for the other person? Will I remember that their sexual enjoyment is just as important as my own, and make sure that their wants and needs are met (without crossing any lines I've determined I won't cross)?"

    It sounds heady, and like a rather heavy list...and in a sense it is. It's like driving a car. It's a rather large responsibility (with some catastrophic results if you're not careful), and the first few times can be nerve-wracking and a bit hesitant. But after a while, you can just getbin the car and go. Or yank off your pants and go. :slight_smile:
