"Feminism is Evil!"

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by LailaForbidden, Aug 29, 2012.

  1. LailaForbidden

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    Nov 19, 2011
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    This might be in the wrong section, but it relates to our rights in an abstract, insane way.
    And maybe I'm wrong for reading this website for the sheer entertainmenet value... but its so funny! I've never come across a site quite as insane as this one...
    Here's an excerpt:

    "There is great deception in America... civil rights. Many moral right's issues are deceitfully being labeled as "civil rights." Thus, many moral right's issues are being violated in the name of “civil rights.” Listen, just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the right to disobey God. For example: Being a U.S. citizen gives you the “right” to vote; but, it does not give you the right to be homosexual. I don't care what the Supreme Court says, the Word of God condemns homosexuality! America is filled with demented homosexuals and murderous abortionists who boast of being respectable citizens, who commit their sins with the government's permission; but, God will judge them for their wickedness (Romans 1:32). I am not trying to be unkind, I am taking a proper stand against a moral menace to society."

    What a self-rightious cow! But wait, there's more!

    "Feminism is not the same thing as women's rights. People oftentimes get these two confused. Feminism is a sin; but, human rights certainly are not. Human rights are granted at birth, and apply to everyone. In contrast, feminism is rebellion, i.e., rebellious women refusing to submit to their husbands (or refusing to marry because they won't be ruled over). Some feminists are so "militant" about their rebellion that they are referred to as "femi-Nazis." Feminazis like to destroy other people's marriages....Feminists CHOOSE to become lesbians"

    I can't get enough of it! oh jeeze... i know i'm probably being a huge hypocryte, but its addictive, i swear. Feminism is Evil! <<<---just in case you want to check out the fun for yourself
  2. everett

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    Aug 17, 2012
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    I...feel hesitant to say this but forgive me. I am not a fan of it either. Not the kind whom scream about it in my face all the time and make massive claims that are false. Some cases I do agree as long as thier intellegence and rational. I just hate the ones who join the bandwagon and have no clue what they are talking about.

    *hides behind blast sheild before he gets flamed*
  3. LailaForbidden

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    Nov 19, 2011
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    If they're rational... but listen, these people aren't rational in any way. Maybe you don't want to go to their website, but, if you do, you will see "women must submit to their husbands" while they show pictures of dead fetuses. (and, no, thats not entertaining to me). If these people had their way, their would be a second Reconquista. They are devoid of reason and have massive amounts of judgement. Curiously, they ignore the "judge not lest ye be judged" tenet.
    #3 LailaForbidden, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  4. everett

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    Aug 17, 2012
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    *hides behind you* Now I am scared.
  5. IllusiveRannoch

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    Jul 20, 2012
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  6. Owen

    In Loving Memory Full Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    And that's when I stopped reading.

    It's actually not as insane as you might think. Next to religion, the biggest cause of homophobia in our culture (against men, at least) is misogyny, although not misogyny usual sense of hating women. Rather, it's a new form of misogyny ("neo-misogyny", if you will), a hatred of femininity, of "womanly" things and concepts. It's incredibly pervasive in our culture, to the point where we're often blinded to it because we're so used to seeing it. It's been normalized, in other words.

    In the eyes of a homophobe who is motivated by such neo-misogyny, when a gay man "submits" to another man, he's taking on the "woman's" place in a relationship, and that makes it contemptible, the same way it would be contemptible if that man wore a dress.

    Really, when you get down to it, feminism, the fight for equal rights between the sexes, has its fingers in the fight for gay rights in some very deep ways. Acceptance of the idea that it's alright for men to do "womanly" things, which is a part of feminism, would go a long way towards getting ride of a lot of casual homophobia in our culture.
  7. Pain

    Pain Guest

    This is the mindset of people who haven't even read the Bible for themselves, but only follow *in*famous verses and teachings. Turd.
  8. AtheistWorld

    AtheistWorld Guest

    Aug 24, 2012
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    Not all forms of feminism are bad. In fact, I'd call the toxic types of feminism fake versions of it. So Radical Feminism, the very anti Transwoman kind isn't feminism. I consider RFs monsters because their hate for transwomen mirrors the hate that homophobes have towards us. Both of these groups want to target us for not conforming to their expectations.

    Other forms of feminism are bad, though nowhere near as bad as radical Feminists. Lipstick Feminism, for example, basically reinforces patriarchy by stating that woman should try to be sexy and dress very provocatively. But of course, this is exactly how patriarchy hurts women so much. A strong woman wouldn't have to diminish herself by selling out the the evil corporations that make a killing off robbing women of their self-esteem.

    On the flip side, there are a lot of positive kinds of feminism that don't try to strip others of their rights and aim to tackle the root of the problem. Saying Feminism is bad do to two awful currents of it is like saying a book is bad just because you didn't like the first page. To say it's bad is to miss the bigger picture.
  9. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    To see misunderstandings about feminism from men saddens me, and I feel the need to address it.

    I think it's extremely important for men, especially gay and bisexual men, to understand the importance of feminism to all of us. It became obvious to me fairly quickly, that third wave feminism is amazing. It cares about more than just gender. It's interested in race, class and the intersections of all three. It's quite male affirmative. I love feminists--especially radical feminists--because I know they have my back, and they have yours too.

    I think that all this fear and hate mongering around feminism results from two main misconceptions. One is that second-wave feminism is still going on, and it's the only show in town. The thing we have to remember about second-wave feminism is that it was only equality focused (and it was focused on equality of opportunity, which is as narrow as it gets). It benefited mainly white, straight, cis, middle class women. It was also annoying and believed in stuff like "women should never dress sexy or beautiful, because then they are objectifying themselves and reifying unrealistic standards of beauty." We have a new show in town. It's called Wave 3.

    And then the other one is so-called "radical feminism." This one kind of kills me, because just as feminism is not one monolithic belief structure, neither is radical feminism. Radical feminism is a collection of philosophies that make a small subset of all feminisms, and even radical feminisms have divisions. Not all radical feminists are anti-trans. Those are the lesbian separatists. I have yet to read of any non-separatist radical feminists who said or wrote anything offensive about trans people. Meanwhile, I have not read a single lesbian separatist who I didn't think was evil and a serious piece of work. They say hands down the most offensive things about trans people. My very favorite is the comparison of transwomen to rapists (you can't make this up.)
    #9 Pret Allez, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  10. Two things:

    1. as for the original post. I find the "logic" used in articles like that terrifying. But I totally understand the "addicting" nature that you speak of them having. Yeah. It's almost mesmerizing in its ridiculousness and horror.

    2. as for not liking feminism... what you're really saying is that you don't like SOME groups within RADICAL feminism, and no surprise. it's full of women-are-the-best, build the matriarchy, transmisoginy, and all sorts of nasty things.

    but that's a really small part of feminism as a whole. There are ton of types of feminism out there and largely, they're all pretty good things, just disagreeing here and there about what is best for women.

    so, if you think that women should have equal rights, you're a feminist. if you believe that women are just as capable and just as deserving of human rights as men, then you can't say that you hate/dislike/disagree with feminism. I'm sorry, you just can't because it's not true.

    While I understand COMPLETELY being afraid to label yourself as a feminist, because there have been some movements within feminism that have given it a bad name and some groups in society who need to keep women down to keep themselves up. Some of those things make it so that feminism became a dirty word with a negative connotation, when really--it's a movement that everyone should be on board with.

    Also, the feminist movement has done a lot for gay people, history proves it.
  11. AtheistWorld

    AtheistWorld Guest

    Aug 24, 2012
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  12. Pret Allez

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    Apr 19, 2012
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    I don't deny that there is a lot of trans hatred out there; in fact I readily acknowledge it, but I don't read every single radical feminist writer who comes along. I didn't mean to deny or minimize anything for you.

    Yes. I Blame the Patriarchy, a radical feminist, trans-positive blog. Also, the Westboro Baptist Church is an organization whose singular political goal is to make gay and lesbian sex a crime for which you get strapped to a table and injected with a lethal dose of muscle relaxant. While I invite being proven wrong here, I doubt that you could find me a non-separatist radical feminist group that is at the same level of hatred.

    Sure, but the internet is just Fuckwad Theory. I am used to reading radical feminists like bell hooks, who is not fundamentally misandric or trans hating, as far as I am aware.
    #12 Pret Allez, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
  13. AtheistWorld

    AtheistWorld Guest

    Aug 24, 2012
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    Here's what befuddles me. Firstly, you say that Lesbian Feminists are "evil". I can agree that their views are seriously repugnant.

    But you'd be taking a large leap of faith to embrace RF while also calling Lesbian Feminists "evil." So far, I haven't seen them calling for the extermination of men, just seperation.

    On the other hand, that blog you listed contains and endorses the SCUM manifesto, a text that argues for exterminating men, calling men biologically inferior and the source for everything wrong in the world. How can you accept this? According to RFs, men like you ho side with them are only doing so because you're either naive or doing it too satisfy your own ego.

    This isn't up for debate; RFs are an extremist hate group, whether you're ready to admit it or now. They're more of a hate group than Lesbian Feminists. I just don't see why you give RFs the pass that they so do not deserve.
  14. Ianthe

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    Feb 3, 2011
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    He didn't say anything about "Lesbian Feminists."

    He was talking about Lesbian Separatists. Lesbian Separatism and the Transsexual Empire
  15. Kerze

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    This is something I strongly agree with and think you would have to be a complete and utter batshit moron to disagree with. I would describe myself as a feminist (I even wrote my English Coursework on feminism last year and got full marks).

    Radical feminism is a whole different thing, and I don't even think they should call themselves feminists when they obviously couldn't give two shits about equality. I've been told by a radical feminist that the fact I have a penis makes me a rapist, no matter what I might think or say, and that given the opportunity, I would rape somebody because I'm male. - what the fuck is that shit? When feminism because a kind of reverse misogyny that presumes all men are evil and should be treated as such, I have a major problem with that.
  16. IrisM

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    Jul 8, 2012
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    This just makes me wonder to myself quietly, if there is a special school somewhere, where people are rigorously trained to achieve the very highest standards, to receive a doctorate in being a complete, bigoted waste of space. Those people.... well, I suppose I'd just sum up my response like this.

    Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon) - YouTube

    This. We need to put a stop to Misogyny and Neo-Misogyny if we're ever going to create a world where people of all sexualities and gender identities are accepted.

    As a proud Third Wave Feminist myself I am in complete agreement. Feminism as I see it is about equality for all women, trans, or cis, regardless of race, nationality, sexuality, or faith. It is about getting Females and Femininity the equal place in society they deserve, so that all people regardless of who they are, are treated with respect and dignity. Those people who practice bigotry against transpeople and call themselves feminists, aren't really feminists, they are a part of the problem. What Feminism as a whole really needs is cohesion, and that is what the Third Wave is all about, it's about Unity, Acceptance, and a common goal of equality, it's a beautiful thing.

  17. Ianthe

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    Feb 3, 2011
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    The word for hatred of men is "misandry." It is just as inappropriate as misogyny.
  18. Mango

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    Aug 19, 2012
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    Wherever two or more people are gathered together, there usually arises a leader. Most people enjoy leadership, rules, and direction. We also enjoy organization, teamwork, and knowing our roles within the script of life. The greater the responsibility that comes along with these roles, the more highly respected we become, in general.

    In many ways, adults are like children, we liken our leaders to be capable and strong leaders, upon which we can depend upon for our survival.

    Obviously this person is sadly mistaken since a myth has been taken so seriously. However, the importance of knowing one's role within any relationship is key to the very existence of that relationship, that team, that organization, that occupation, or that institution.

    We don't just say, there are X number of tasks and as long as they get performed by whomever, it doesn't really matter. I say this, because it does matter. If I am a member of the group, and I am made aware of my duties, or my role within my team, I then have greater reason to value my self-worth based upon how well I perform my duties.

    It's not like India's caste-system, because all roles are negotiable and subject to change at a moments notice. Any person unwilling to perform a needed task, can quite simply make this fact known, so that modifications can be made. We are afterall, a very civil people.

    Even amongst feminist, there are specific roles to play. Most enjoy playing those roles!

    If feminism is evil, I'll take two!
    #18 Mango, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  19. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    Feminism is all well and good when you're discussing the importance of each sex role. For example, I agree with many of you here that there is a pervasive misogyny problem in this culture which ignores the importance of women and femininity...causing terrible hate crimes affecting both men and women together.

    Unfortunately, the debate on feminism has entered an age where political correctness is doing its damndest to erase the biological, intrinsic differences between men and women. The debate on feminism has extended well past upholding the dignity of women, into attempting to "prove" things like all women are capable of doing things all men are doing (and vice versa). Nowadays, it's a seeming crime to admit women and men each have their own strengths and weaknesses, despite the fact that your high school biology textbook says otherwise. Far-left university professors are attempting to paint them together with the same brush as if they were races and not sexes. This leads to an entirely unrealistic view of both sexes and both genders; that is, their strengths and weaknesses can't even be considered logically when determining matters of policy.

    This is not a problem with feminism itself; this debate extends far into other areas of research and public policy. No matter what hotly-debated topic you're researching or determining policy on, be it gay rights or abortion or feminism itself, both sides will call a strong foul if they don't hear what they want to hear. An unfortunate 21st century tendency is to view emotions as important elements of public policy, which only serve to cloud what is a true picture of our mechanistic society and how it would operate most efficiently given the research we return. So naturally, if a piece of research suggests women are good at this and men are good at that, columnists instantly highlight every flaw of the study, many of which would exist in most studies if you subjected all of them to the same emotionally-charged scrutiny. Cultural sensitivities have made it utterly impossible to conduct any clear, unbiased reviews of sensitive topics, and when you view this from a scientists' point of view, it is very frustrating and very unfortunate.

    I think this is reflective of society's failure to respect the dignity of the feminine role. The problem is not viewing men and women as different, because they are, and no amount of emotionally-charged public policy will change that. The real problem is viewing women or femininity as inferior, and not as a dignified, essential role in society, acceptable to all who embrace it. I think if society learned to view roles, not people, as equivalent in structure, then we would not have an issue with hate crimes or misogyny/misandry in this culture...no matter what sex takes on whatever other role.
    #19 Zontar, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  20. AtheistWorld

    AtheistWorld Guest

    Aug 24, 2012
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    Fyi, wasn't talking about lesbians who happen to be feminists. Instead, I was talking about Lesbian Feminism, a ferociously anti-transgender movement that I don't view as actual Feminism. Just wanted to clear that up.

    Also, Lesbian Feminism does posit separation too. I'm pretty sure there's no big difference between the two.

    Anyways, this thread has gotten to be such a divisive and heated topic, so from now on I will refrain from posting in it.