I sort of came out at work as trans. A bit. (long)

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by PurpleCrab, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. PurpleCrab

    Full Member

    Mar 10, 2012
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    Sherbrooke, QC Canada
    Well as you see on the left, I'm out to everyone except for work :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

    At work I keep to myself and, well, I work. haha.

    I've thought that it would be easy to be who I am there without anybody thinking anything of it because of our gender neutral uniforms and the manual, more manly nature of my work. This is a kitchen I'm talking about, by the way :smilewave

    BUT some things came to change my view on this and led me to believe that I should slowly come out... well, prepare my coworkers, at least;
    1-I'm a dad, soon to be a dad a second time (for march 2013). My daughter calls me dad. Inevitably, she will call me dad in front of my coworkers, which will confuse them if they're not prepared/aware.
    2-I don't want to forever be distant from my coworkers. I'd like some of them to actually be friends so I started a Facebook for that purpose, where I state myself as a bisexual female. My real Facebook has me stated as a bisexual male. If they hang out with me out of work they'll figure it out for sure, though, how will it come out? Gossips run fast.
    3- I have some sort of crush on a male coworker there :icon_redf which is OK because I am in an open relationship/marriage with my wife. He kinds of already guessed about me being trans... he said: So you're the man in your marriage! and I said yeah.

    I said kind of... he seems pretty open to those things. I didn't bluntly spurt it out though. You know, when you feel like you're an inexperienced young teen again? :bang: I'm usually very self confident so this little "crush" has me doing all the wrong things; awkward conversations, blushing, looking away all the time least he figures out my attraction for him. Darn-it.

    I'm not yet to the point of no-return though; I could go back to keeping to myself completely at work and just have friends that I'm not working with :grin:

    I guess that's been in my minds a lot. Needed to share. What are your opinions/tips?
  2. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Unfortunately, I don't think this means he thinks you're trans. He thinks that you are "the man" in the relationship, not that you are a man. As in, "I'm a lesbian. This is my girlfriend." "So, which of you is the man in the relationship?"

    Overall though, if you don't think you'll be discriminated against, I think you'll be happier if you are out at work.
  3. PurpleCrab

    Full Member

    Mar 10, 2012
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    Sherbrooke, QC Canada
    You may be right, I'm not sure if I'll openly be discriminated though I know I would be discriminated in my back; witnessed it too many times to ignore.

    Thank you for replying though. Means a lot to me.
  4. Miss Emma

    Miss Emma Guest

    I was recently outed at work. I'm pre everything MtF and work in a factory running a chrome plater operation. Masculine work, right?

    So yeah. I understand what you're saying about discrimination behind the back.people talk. Always will. I can relate with the kids too. I have 4. And a wife without a gay bone in her body. I've told her that we're in a mixed-orientation marriage, and that she's gonna have to realize this. It won't likely work. Unless we make it a parenting partnership. I dunno. We've all got our problems when we're anything queer. Good luck and all the best! Emma