Just Came Out

Discussion in 'Coming Out Stories' started by ArcAngel96, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. ArcAngel96

    Regular Member

    Aug 8, 2012
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    So, I've finally decided to start coming out and let people know the real me. To put things in context, I've had a very close friend for the past 6 years now. We were both attending a summer school for gifted and talented kids at Georgetown and had to dorm in the same room for a month. Apparently, I was yelling out a name in my sleep, and he found it very odd. So, he asked me if that name meant something and I told him it was a guy that I had had something with for a little while. My friend was shockingly completely comfortable with it and told me that it doesn't matter what I am. He also said that he was surprised because I'm masculine and don't really fit the "type." After this I decided to come out to some other people in my group, and they all held the same opinion. I feel as if 100 pounds of weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Now, all I have to do is tell my parents, which is really hard for me. I hope that they'll accept me but I don't know if they will. Any suggestions? Regardless, I am having quite a lot of luck with the people I've already told.
  2. ToTheCeilingFan

    Full Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Somewhere over the rainbow...
    That's awesome, dude! WELCOME OUT!!! (*hug*) As for advice, everyone's coming out process is a little different. That said, it might be a good idea to "test the waters" with your parents before you come out to them -- try to get a hint of what they're opinion of homosexuality is. You could mention something about gay rights that's been in the news lately, or say that your friend recently came out to you and you're not sure how to react -- and then see how your parents respond. If their response is overtly homophobic, it may not be a good idea to come out to them until you're financially independent. However, I think most parents (even the ones who are initially freaked out) eventually come around and learn to accept their chidden for who they are.
    Good luck hon, keep us updated! <3
  3. Bobbgooduk

    Bobbgooduk Guest

    Jul 19, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Congatulations! :smilewave
  4. ArcAngel96

    Regular Member

    Aug 8, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Thanks! I really am excited to tell my parents and I do think they'll be accepting. My aunt is a lesbian and my parents go out with her and her girlfriend a lot so I think they'll be cool with it. I'll definitely keep you posted and here's a (*hug*) right back to you.
  5. TalkDTalk

    Regular Member

    Aug 4, 2012
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    why did it happen that the crush i had on a male friend didnt eventually work out today after all my effort?

    Hello Guys.
    I found that the crush i had on a male friend of mine didnt eventually work out today. Am a guy in love with another guy. Am in my 30's and I've kept this feeling for so many years, but decided to come out and I've just told a guy I am really crazy for, who am not sure if he exactly is about me.He likes my company a lot;always very excited when we are together, but dont really know why things didnt work out as I prayed fervently that it will.In one vein, he sounds completely straight, but his smooth and tender moves and the fact that as introvatic as he is, anytime I want to see him, he spends his last fare to meet me virtually anywhere.

    I had been nursing it for months now, but sadly he didnt respond the way i wanted.
    Today was the decisive day.
    We were in m private office alone.
    I asked him to kiss me,which he politely refused,chuckling.
    He didnt say no, but he just refused while laughing.
    And things just went back to normal,like nothing ever happened.
    He leaves town soon, and I miss him a lot
    It was like throwing away what i have nursed for so long.

    I'm home feeling so sad

    Pls advice me!