Confused about gender..

Discussion in 'Gender Identity and Expression' started by Snowy, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Snowy

    Snowy Guest

    I was wondering if someone who has/had gender identity issues could help me..? I guess I'll just say stuff about myself that's been confusing me..

    1. I like the word she a lot more than he.. she to me sounds nicer.
    2. I sometimes wonder what I'd look like as a girl.. Like, I already have pretty feminine features (appearance-wise), so that had sparked that question for me.
    3. To me, girls clothing looks at least 10x better than guy clothing.
    4. If this makes a difference, I shave my legs and underarms because of how much I hate body hair... especially on myself. I also shape my eyebrows..
    5. I also wonder what I'd look like with make up.. if I were home alone and I knew where my mom had hers, I would probably experiment with it..
    6. I don't know, the thought of being a girl captivates me a little bit..

    I guess what I'm asking is what made you feel like you were actually a guy/girl?
  2. PurpleDinosaur

    Regular Member

    May 30, 2012
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    well, for me I'd always known but I accepted it about a year and a half ago. I think what really makes me feel that I'm really a guy is this inner bottom-of-my-heart honest-to-god feeling that nobody could fake. I would say you should experiment a little, if you're not already very androgynous maybe try that. Also maybe introduce yourself to new people as genderqueer or female and see how it feels. Good luck mat, keep us updated (*hug*)
  3. Snowy

    Snowy Guest

    The thing is, I don't really have the freedom to experiment with that.. my sister is home from college and my mom doesn't have a job yet as we just recently moved here.. Also, I'm pretty sure that I'd die if I ever had to introduce myself as so.. not to mention I have an awfully deep voice...
  4. PurpleDinosaur

    Regular Member

    May 30, 2012
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    hmm well then I would say test yourself; like I said-and I think this is true with a lot of transgender people that you have this feeling and you've known forever that something wasn't right even if you've just put your finger on it now.
  5. Snowy

    Snowy Guest

    I wouldn't say I've known it forever... But recently whenever I see a reflection of myself I can't help but think what I'd look like different. Also, whenever I think about it, I get kind of a pit in my stomach..
  6. J Snow

    Full Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    Ames, Iowa
    Holy poop, are you me? I've even considered requesting to have my account name changed from J Snow to Snowy O.O

    I don't have a lot of advice for you. There are a lot of trans people out there who will say "real trans people have known since their earliest memories" or "Trans people hate their genitals" etc. etc. I think that's a bunch of malarkey. Everyone's experience is different. If possible I would advise trying to go to a support group or a trusted counselor to discuss your feelings about the matter.

    Best of luck, and you can message me on my wall any time.
  7. MariRawr

    Regular Member

    Jul 23, 2012
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    Netherlands, Dordrecht
    Sexual Orientation:
    Not exactly capable of providing knowledge from experience, since I'm currently in a similar spot, but then as a female who likes the sound of "he" a lot better than "she", though "she" doesn't actually bother me, it just seems kind of... unfitting next to "he".
    Anyhow, I'm figuring this out at this very moment, so I kind of know what you're going through, a bit.
    (Would like to comment, PurpleDinosaur is right in my case at least. The feeling of knowing you actually knew all along is pretty typical. It was there when I figured I'm a lesbian and it was there when I figured this out too.)
    You might not be able to physically fit into the female thing because of other things than down-there areas. Such like you having a deep voice. I know that makes you feel kind of... disappointed or annoyed because you can't really show who you are or feel more comfortable as, because of something like that. However, as someone with a similar problem, I've learnt that getting annoyed over those things isn't going to help you. It's better to either accept that you can't change it and try not to worry about it... or... plan to change it. I've chosen the first option and... I'm doing pretty good. I feel at peace with that part of it.
    And about the other part... the confusion. It's still bothering me. I know it's weird not knowing exactly what's going on, but I think the best thing to do is to take your time to figure it all out. Don't try to rush it and don't get too worked up when you don't have to.
    Hang in there. I hope I at least helped in some way, though I kind of doubt it.
  8. Snowy

    Snowy Guest

    No, you did, it's always nice hearing someone else's story :slight_smile:
    And thanks everyone else too :icon_bigg :icon_bigg
  9. seeksanctuary

    Full Member

    Sep 18, 2011
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    As I tend to say with all posts... you could be transgender, rather than transsexual.

    Transgender only means that you are outside the gender norms. Does that mean you could "be a girl inside a guy's body" or transsexual? Yes, but it could also mean that you identify as a cross dresser, a feminine man, as both genders, as neither gender, as genderqueer... etc.

    If you woke up tomorrow as a woman, in body, how would you feel?
  10. CelticRae

    Full Member

    Jul 8, 2012
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    It has taken me a while to realize it but over the last few months I finally understand that I am agender. I understand why you could be confused. I though out my life I have never felt like I could relate to either gender. In fact the idea of categorizing myself as male or female is completely foreign to me. I think of myself as genderless even though I am obviously from all appearances a women. I kind of just think of my self as blah. I know that seems weird. I don't go out of my way to look androgynous. I also don't try to look masculine or feminine. I just wear what is comfortable. I guess what really made me realize I am agender is that I wouldn't care if I woke up tomorrow in a man's body and had to stay that way. I also have no problem with my current body. I guess you have to ask yourself these questions. Do you feel comfortable in your current biological body? If you woke up in the body of the opposite sex tomorrow would it bother you? Do you need to change your current body to feel happy? Also gender expression is completely separate from gender identity. Just because you want to dress more feminine doesn't make you any less a guy in your own mind. It's all up to you really. Despite not relating to the female gender, I have no desire to alter my body. Also I sometimes like to gender bend. I don't do it often but it is fun. There are so many opportunities, But you have to figure it out for yourself
  11. Snowy

    Snowy Guest

    Yeah, I don't think I'd really ever be transsexual. If I were to wake up as a woman tomorrow, after getting over the initial shock, of course :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: , I'd probably be kind of happy. I mean, I don't really feel like I fit in that well with the male gender.. Of course, it kind of changes from day to day. One day I'll be fine as a guy then the next not so much. It varies..

    Um, in regards to changing my body to feel happy, I'm not quite sure about that. It'd be an interesting experience to wake up in a different body for a day just to see..