Going insane (crush)

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by DanA, Jul 13, 2012.

  1. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    So my best friend just got back from California... well, let me back up.

    I've had such a crush on my best friend for a long time now. It began in college really. I used to beat myself up over it big time. I could see nobody but him... nobody. I've always wanted to be with him. We are very close... very very very close. We confided in each other things that nobody knows (not even his brother). I've grown very attatched to him to the point that I can't imagine my day without him. Hell, I can't imagine my life without him. Whenever he is gone, I'm sad. When I'm alone, I wish he was with me. When I go to sleep at night, I want him next to me. When I wake up, I want his face to be the first thing I see. I want to hold him, kiss him, love him in every way I'm capable of.

    However, I've grown a tough skin because I knew it could never be. He's straight, end of story. My wants mean nothing if his needs aren't me. That's that, I wash my hands of my unrequited love and try to move on.

    He got back from California on a short 10 day vacation and told me something I did not expect... he had a sexual experience with another man. Not just sexual... intimate and passionate. I got all the gory details. I put on a mask and smiled but I was hurt, betrayed, and depressed. I wanted to grab him and say I AM RIGHT HERE!!! I'M RIGHT FUCKING HERE!!!! He said he'll always remember it fondly and he loved it.

    Then, a girl came over he wants to date. He told me not to mention anything and they flirted and talked and laughed together. I excused myself and went home. I cried, I got angry, I zoned out, and then I cried some more.

    I'm confused. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. Now those feelings of love that I let go of came flooding back and I know I have a shot now at him but I don't know what he wants anymore. I just don't know. This sucks.

    Should I make a move? I want him so bad. I want nothing but him, I don't know what to do.

    I've never felt this way this strongly about another guy other than him.
  2. Gravity

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    Normally I wouldn't advise acting on a crush on a friend, but in this case, not only does it sound like you have been nursing this for a long time, but now he's had this experience with another guy and is telling you about it - is it possible he's sharing it with you because he believes you won't judge him and that you're the only one he knows who will appreciate it (I'm assuming he knows you're gay)?

    Obviously if he's been in CA for a while, you've learned to live without him on a day to day basis - what is your closeness based on now? Are you prepared to deal with at least some short term rejection/distance if you don't hear what you want?

    Otherwise, and all else being equal, I say talk to him - put your cards on the table. You never know - this could have been his round-about way of expressing some sort of interest in you (this is a stretch though, especially not knowing him, so don't quote me on it), and if it helps, in my experience it's difficult being someone's first gay contact if you want to actually date them long-term. Even if it doesn't work out, do you want to sit around and watch him do this with other men in the future, or watch him date other women while you keep his secret?

    Hope this helps - feel free to PM me if the "going insane" part isn't an exaggeration and you want to talk. :slight_smile:
  3. cscipio

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    Jan 17, 2012
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    Did he have the experience while he was in CA or was he just saying he had one (perhaps years ago)?
  4. RueBea85

    RueBea85 Guest

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I'm Canadian eh?
    I would suggest to act on it, the best way to get over a crush is to go for it and if you get rejected, hopefully you can get over him. I always find if I have a huge crush on someone and ask them out but nothing happens, or they say no then it's so much easier to get over them!
  5. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    Well, it was only ten days... and I texted him 5 out of those 10 days or he texted me. He lives basically down the street from me permanently. I also don't think I can deal with him being out of life right now... I just can't. I can't imagine it.

    It was literally four days ago at this point.

    But I don't want to lose him as a friend... I'm afraid of that. I'm afraid that if I share my true feelings with him I'll lose him. He is my best friend. He's one of the few that really understand me, gets my humor, shares my interests. He centers me. I'm afraid of the person I'd be if I didn't have him to tether too. It's hard to explain but I need him... romantically or not.
  6. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    Sharing it doesn't seem to be too terrible an option in this case, compared to most crush stories where it's almost always a blanket "DON'T TELL THEM". I can't tell you what I think is best though.

    I will say though, if you do tell him, I'd tread carefully. I'd actually suggest waiting on it maybe slightly. You didn't tell us all the context of his experience, so I don't know if it was strictly sexual or something more... but if he's even remotely questioning his sexuality you don't want to scare him off by adding this onto his plate. I think if you can fish around a little bit and see where his head's at, that'd be better.

    On the other hand, I think you need to evaluate (if you're telling him) whether you're going to tell him you like him and see what he does, or tell him you like him and attempt to make a move. Again, if it's the latter, you very much run the risk of scaring him, not to mention losing your friendship. Not to mention I think declaring your love for him right after he explained to you how he was sexually with a man almost makes him... a sexual object to be desired by you, if that makes any sense. Your feelings for him are clearly more than just sexual, so I think that distinction needs to be made.

    A couple other things (hopefully this won't take too long): Of course, there's the obligatory "you need to be prepared to lose the friendship" thing. Even though he's clearly cooler with gay guys more than the average guy... having your relationship change with someone that close to you over the course of 5 minutes can make way for some really emotionally charged reactions.

    The other thing I'm thinking is that even though we all have our unobtainable crushes, most of us never actually get them. I gotta say, I think there's some element to an unobtainable crush that makes them more desirable ("hard to get"). That's not to say he'll be really boring or something if/once you start dating him, but I think it's possible that with crushes, we easily look at them through rose-coloured glasses. If it is at all possible for you, it might be worth taking a look, a real objective look, at who he really is and if he's something you're interested in.

    Overall though, good luck, and keep us updated if you can! I'm curious to see how this pans out.
  7. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    Hmmmm, I think I misspoke when I said "make a move." I meant it as in telling him I like him, not I want him for sex only. He isn't some kind of sexual object to me. He is so much more.

    We have hung out almost every day for the past 5 years. Although, we've been friends for a little over a decade. Like, you know those friends that are inseparable and when you say one of their names, you think of the other one as well? That's us. I know everything about him and he knows everything about me. There are no secrets between us... cept my crush.
    #7 DanA, Jul 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  8. BudderMC

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    Jun 8, 2010
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    I see I see. I know I threw that point in there somewhere, but it was mostly just to cover all the bases... it didn't really sound like you wanted him that way :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. What I did mean is that he might see it as you only (or predominantly, at that moment) want him for sex. Of course, that's given his experience he shared was only about the sex. But I digress. In the grand scheme of things, that's not a big deal and easily fixed with some open/honest communication.

    What I meant by that quote was that we (or maybe it's just me) have a tendency to amplify our crush's positives and downplay their negatives - that "rose-coloured glasses" idea. Like I said, maybe it was just me, but I went through something similar with a friend over the course of the last year. We haven't known each other nearly as long as you guys have, but he's easily my closest guy friend, and we have a lot in common. But, I think once I hit this point where I intentionally picked out flaws in him, relationship-material-wise, he suddenly became less attractive to me. There weren't really that many either... I mean on paper, he's a great match for me in nearly every way, but there are little things he does that I don't think I could put up with if we were more than friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm still crushing on him, but not nearly as hard as before.

    But of course, I think it's probably difference with the length and depth of your relationship vs. my relationship. Might be worth trying out though?
  9. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    Oh yeah, that's how I got over him the first time around. He's a little selfish, he wants to party too much, he's lazy, he's a procrastinator, he's messy, he's unorganized. Unfortunately, none of his flaws are deal breakers for me but they did deaden my feelings for a while until he told me about his escapade.

    And to be clear about him spilling the beans on his trist, he wasn't ashamed but really glad. He mostly talked about how good he felt being held by another man... and now he knows what he's missing, he said, as he gave me a wink and a nudge.

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, if I ever find this California gentleman caller, I'll kill him. Not serious... but I would probably rough him up.
    #9 DanA, Jul 14, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  10. lilbitlost

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    Apr 18, 2012
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    Maybe you should try testing the waters a little bit first? Ask him his views on wether he would consider a serious realtionship with another man, that kind of thing. Maybe try adding in a slightly more flirtatious line (but not anything OTT) if the situation arises and see how he reacts. If its bad, laugh it off, if its good, try a bit more flirting :wink:
  11. Night Rain

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    Jun 27, 2012
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    This. :grin:

    Or just tell him everything. I mean, you two are very close, right? Then he won't suddenly hate you.
  12. Gravity

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    Gotcha - that makes a difference. I had gotten the impression he'd been there a while, my bad. In that case, though, even if you do discuss your feelings, I find it hard to believe that he would just walk out on you. So that's a plus.

    Well, let's save bodily assault for a last resort. :slight_smile: But, I do understand the feeling...

    With your friend winking and nudging you about this, I have to imagine - unless he's somehow secretly an asshole that you've managed to stay friends with forever (not likely) - that he doesn't realize how hurt you are from this.

    Question - do you think it's possible that your feelings for him now are coming just from jealousy? You mention that you'd had this under control until you heard about this, and admittedly the list of non-deal-breaker flaws sound like the kind of thing that could get under your skin after a while. This may not be the case, but I wanted to mention it at least. If it's helpful, do with it what you will, if not, forget I said it. :slight_smile:

    You've kind of hinted at this in the thread, but it could be possible to talk to him about these feelings without implying that you want to be in a relationship with him. You could even be explicit - "Even though I'm not sure I see us working as a couple (or "even though I don't expect you to return them"), I do have some feelings for you, so this is making me really uncomfortable and it would be nice if you could soften the flirtiness and keep details to a minimum for a while" - or you could just be diplomatic and neutral - "look, I need to tell you about some feelings I've been having, because they might make a difference in our situation here..."

    I have had conversations like this before, and it is possible to be respectful of your own and another's feelings, even when you don't want the same thing. It's just a matter of re-drawing a couple key boundaries (even if only in the short term) - unless you want to be neutral and see what he does with the news.
  13. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    This is really good advice, thanks :grin: I just need to be brave enough to actually pop a question like that.

    I was feeling pretty down yesterday and, like clockwork, I get a call from him and we toss a few discs, have a pitcher or three at our favorite dive joint, and then we were drunk enough that all we wanted to do was lay on his lawn and talk and joke. Pretty normal actually... we talk a lot (usually booze is not involved). We're both a little neurotic and we laugh at ourselves a lot. We're a very introspective pair when it's just him and me. Maybe next time we're laying on the lawn together or chilling on my balcony or hiking or out at the bar would be a good time.

    Here's another piece of the puzzle, though, that I didn't think of till now. Since I told him I was gay (he was the second person, after my girlfriend), he has been trying to date and/or sleep with every girl he sees. He tells me he wants a relationship really bad... sometimes using the qualifying phrase "with a girl" and sometimes not. He hasn't been successful in hooking up with the girls (trust me, I'd be the first to hear in the morning if he hooks up). Now he tells me how wonderful it was to have sex with a guy and be intimate with a guy... then he goes right back to girls. It's frustrating and confusing. I'm afraid he's going to be like "well, I'm bi, but only for sex... I could never see myself with man." That would break my heart.
  14. cscipio

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    Jan 17, 2012
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    I wouldn't let that break your heart. If he were to say that, it's probable the next thing he says as he's accepting himself is "I could try dating a guy to see what it's like."
  15. Gen

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    May 20, 2012
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    Wow, that sound terrible :/. Well atleast now we atleast know that he atleast enjoyed the sex. So I say that the glass is half full :slight_smile:.

    If I were you I would just begin testing the waters. Joke around a bit to let him know that you are an option. Maybe when he is talking about the girls, he is having a hard time getting, you could say "Well I'm always here" and smile lol. Basically show him that you would date him without coming across as obsessive. People dont usually react well when they feel like someone, they dont like, has feeling for them.

    So the perks of being alittle more flirty is that if he is open to the idea of being with you, he will take the comments as flirting and openings. But if he isnt interested in you he will probably see them as friends joking around.
  16. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    Tried to be forward about how I felt, got weird... been sleeping all day. Really down about it.
  17. Gravity

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    Aww, what happened? Did you get anything out, or does he have no idea what you were trying to say?

    Sleep if you need to, but if you can get up, try to take a walk, or take a bath, or go get a coffee at your favorite coffee place.

    Don't feel too down. Conversations like these are tough to have. You'll make it. :thumbsup:
  18. DanA

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    May 23, 2012
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    Well, this always happens to me. I'll tell myself I'm brave enough and I'll start to say something and then I choke. I can't attack anything head on... it's hard. I couldn't do it face to face.

    After I left his house, I was lying in bed wide awake and I texted him, "hey, are you going to be up for a little longer?"

    He responded "maybe a little, why?"

    I began to formulate my text when he called... I think he knew. I mean, he can read me like a book. I let it ring for a while and picked it up. I didn't say anything but he asked after a little silence, "what's up?"

    I hesitated and answered with something like "you're a smart guy, I respect you, so I'm guessing you know what this is about... it's just that, this is hard for me these days because ya know and like, I just need to know something. It's been confusing because you went to Pride with me and like we're closer than ever these days and now you're telling me about all this stuff you did in California and how it was eye opening and like I don't know what to think about us. I don't know if you're trying to signal something to me. I'm pretty thick, so I don't read signals well......................... I've had a crush on you; I just want you to know that."

    He answered with something like "that's what I did in California; I don't plan on bringing it here. I don't have those feelings, I don't want that. I want a relationship with a girl."

    It devastated me.

    We hung out today. He apologized for unintentionally leading me on... he said he thought about it, and he can see why I was confused. We're still good close friends and it's a little bit of a relief that I know for certain now but it's still, I dunno... it's like I lost my dream of him and me and it hurts.

    Love sucks and being gay sucks.... sometimes.
    #18 DanA, Jul 17, 2012
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  19. Gravity

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  20. cscipio

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    Jan 17, 2012
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    Sorry to hear about the outcome; but, I'm glad you had an amicable resolution to it.