Why SHOULDN'T I come out through text?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by King, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. King

    King Guest

    Wow, thank you everyone. I didn't expect to get so many answers.
    As far as what I would text them, it would most likely be relatively short, something like, "I've spent a while thinking of how to tell you, but I'm gay." and then launching into the standard "it doesn't change who I am" and "if you have any questions or want to talk about it, I'm open".
    And yes, as redstormrising said, I know my situation better than anyone else, but I still take comfort in others opinions.
    Thank you everybody <3

    King xxx
  2. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I'm late to the party, but same goes... since I don't know your situation, but it seems like you aren't that close with your brothers, if texting them is what you need to do to get it done, then do it. If they won't be too phased by the news, then all the better. If they don't care and you don't care there's no real need to make a big deal out of it.

    The only reason I won't text my family is because I feel like even though I'm not that close to them, on some level I still care quite a bit what they think of me and I know they care about me. Given that these are the last people I need to tell, and I've worked so hard through this process up until now, I don't want to "give up" (for lack of a better word) now and chicken out on telling them face-to-face.

    tl;dr I think the significance of the relationship is what determines the importance of the delivery of the message.
  3. jvn95

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    Jun 17, 2012
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    Texas. Yeeee haaaa!
    Do what feels right and comfortable, Personally, I think something like coming out to someone you love and trust should be face-to-face.

    You can't ever see their facial reactions that can't be replaced my a emoticon.
    You can't feel a supportive hug when you do it through a text.
    You can't truly know how they will feel if your'e not there.

    You just can't replace that special moment to answer your question "Why shouldn't I come out through text?", The confidence and courage it gives, the chance to not be afraid of who you are.

    But ultimately these are my views. Do as you feel like is best.

    And not matter what, always know that whatever reaction you get is a once in a lifetime chance.

    Good luck to you. :slight_smile:
  4. King

    King Guest

    It's just a hard situation. I look at jvn95's response and I think, "Well, yes, all that's true... Maybe I should do face-to-face." but then I look at our relationship and how it works, and I think, "Well, I don't need to do face-to-face... Their reactions aren't something I'm particularly interested in." It's just difficult. It's essentially:
    Come out NOW, for the better = text.
    Come out LATER, and hate myself until then = face-to-face.
    I'm just lost. A text is so much easier... But face-to-face is more personal.

    King x
  5. manofwar618

    Regular Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    There's nothing really wrong with text.
    When I came out publicly, I did it through Facebook. It was nice because I had to only say it once and then I'm done.
    However, family members deserve a bit more than that. You should at least try to make a phone call.
    Text is good for most people, but family is something you want to do personally.
  6. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    But, do you feel like you want to tell them in person (in any sense of the word)? Would you regret not doing telling them in person?

    If you'd regret it at all, I'd say hold out and push yourself to do it in person. Otherwise, just do it however you want to get it done; no sense in dragging it out any longer if there's no reason to wait.

    Fear of regret is the only thing I'm still weighing on in my situation; maybe it applies here.
  7. King

    King Guest

    I think the only time I'd regret it is if someone said something like, "How did you come out?"
    Me: "Through text."
    Them: "Oh..."
    Because it DOES feel like a wimpy way to do it. But I wouldn't regret telling them in the sense that I have no desire to be there when they find out for no reason other then I don't want to be, you know? I'm not worried about how they'll react, I think it's just easier to write it out. But preferably text, not letter.
    Thanks <3

    King x
  8. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I feel ya. I was talking with some friends a while back about how much I wanted to tell my fam and get it over with and blah blah blah, and mentioned just sending them an e-mail and getting it over with. It was pretty unanimous in everyone gave me that dumbfounded, "Really?" kind of reaction. And I know they don't mean it badly, since they're all really supportive, but that's stuck with me ever since.

    At the end of the day, I'm pretty sure they'd just be happy that I was happy it'd be done with. I'd probably hear about it jokingly once in a while though. The thing you need to decide is if that scenario comes up, are you comfortable enough with your decision to basically explain to the person asking you what you told us?

    Also, why not a letter/e-mail, or rather, why text? It doesn't have to be lengthy, but it does seem a little more personal than a rather "impersonal" text.
  9. King

    King Guest

    Neither of my brothers really use emails. I'd prefer a text because I'm most likely get an instant reaction, at least - I couldn't write them a letter and wait for them to talk to me about it simply for the fact that I don't live with one of them, and the other one and I don't have the same schedules (it's hard to explain).
    I don't imagine being asked how I came out much, but I mean... I don't know. I don't want my brothers looking too much into it. I don't want them thinking, "What a wimp, he had to text us".

    King x
  10. BudderMC

    Full Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    You could always use the "this was the easiest way to tell both of you at once" excuse so they (hopefully) don't read into it any more than they need to.
  11. RueBea85

    RueBea85 Guest

    Jun 17, 2012
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    I'm Canadian eh?
    I would think that telling someone through text or face to face wouldn't matter so much because either way you are coming out to them. It can be a difficult process so I would think they would understand!
  12. J Snow

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    Well, I came out to my parents using a hand written letter, and sure enough my mom was pissed about it. She felt cheated that I didn't have the courage to tell her face to face. Well she was right. And in a way I'm glad I didn't because she reacted HORRIBLY and that was like a week after she read that we finally talked.

    Some people love to tell you the best way to come out to people. I for one lock up with anxiety trying to say something that important in person. Its much easier for me to express it in written word, be that a letter a text or anything. That goes for talking to friends as well. I've had people tell me that I "owed" it to my parents to tell them in person. Well I don't think I did.

    Here's one simple rule that I think it comes down to with coming out. How someone reacts has everything to do with how they feel about LGBT issues and how much they care about you. It has ultimately nothing to do with how you tell them. Do it however you feel most comfortable, and don't ever feel guilty about it.
  13. Mercuree

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    Jun 21, 2012
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    Sorry,I guess 'properly' was the wrong choice of words. Proper would be whatever you feel is right for the situation. I could not tell you otherwise... But you now have a few arguments for and against. :slight_smile: If you feel a text is the right way to do it then go for it. I know the thing about suspense though! I recently came out to a guy I had an interest in over text. I spent the entire day close to tears, dreading his response. Only later in the day, did he respond and all was well (hes straight tho :frowning2: ). But as has been said already, only you know the circumstances and it is ultimately up to you to choose what you feel is the best approach. Good luck. :icon_bigg
  14. King

    King Guest

    Again, thank you everyone for your wonderful responses. I'm still trying to figure it out... I suppose if I'm spending this much time not texting them, maybe I should wait to do it face to face. I'm just bursting because I'm ready to tell everybody else, but I promised myself I would tell my family first...
    Thanks, and hopefully you'll notice my out status change soon enough <3

    King x