Is it "gay" to wear white flip flops?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by cmullins, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. cmullins

    Regular Member

    Jun 2, 2012
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    So I am 16 and gay.. I just got white flip flops from Hollister and I like them, but I am afraid they might look "gay". I am not out at all, but I want to look great and not look that "gay". Thoughts?
  2. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    :slight_smile: suuuuure its gay. pfft! nah! if it is a signal, tell me and ill see about tossing all my white clothes too.

    Just don't wear flannel, cuz the girls will think u lesbian. :wink:
  3. Lewis

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    Mar 31, 2012
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    Not at all! :confused: it's gay to be attracted to the same-sex, and that's the only thing that is! It's a piece of clothing....
  4. Messed Up

    Messed Up Guest

    That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Wear the damn flip fops. WHAT!? Straight guys wear pink flip flops and sunglasses all the time. It’s just a colour.
  5. TwoMethod

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    Jun 7, 2012
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    Guys, I think we all know that the only thing that makes you gay is literally being attracted to the same sex.

    But, I think cmullins wants to know if people will think he is gay if he wears white flip flops...

    And my answer is: no. I don't think so. Where I go on vacation, a lot of guys where white flip flops and it never struck me as looking particularly gay at all. They are not the most manly, either, but definitely not gay.
    #5 TwoMethod, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  6. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    now, if ya wanted to look gay...i betcha we could come up with some ideas! like wearing some bright pink tight shirt saying in rainbow flowery letters, gay pride!
    sorry i just got a big funny bone.

    how much your flip flops cost? i would get white shoes but id get em dirty fast.
  7. This post made me LOL! Dress how YOU want to dress, there is no such thing as homosexual or heterosexual clothing. If anything I think more straight men purchase items from Hollister than gay men. (This is just based on guys I knew in school who had girlfriends, but wore the branded Hollister t-shirts. I dunno...)

    And, it probably wouldn't cross my mind if I saw you wearing white flip flops that you were gay.

    Seriously though, you like the white flip flops, wear the flip flops. ^_^ Don't be concerned how other people perceive your clothing. Wear it with confidence, not judgement.
    #7 frozenandbroken, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2012
  8. insidehappy

    Regular Member

    Jan 27, 2012
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    its so funny you posted this because when i have seen guys with white flip flops on i have wondered if they are gay. this also goes for those who wear white belts. of course clothing does not make you gay but when i see those two things it does run through my mind. its not "gay" off the bat but it has made me look at them more closely to look for other gay clues. however, i no longer look at these things or care. but yes, some people may think you're gay or wonder because of them. if a masculine guy wears them, it makes me wonder. but dude, the key thing you said was "i like them". so if you like them wear them and wear them confidently. its not like you're running around in rainbow flag flip flops. they are just white and im sure they look good on u. when i was younger i used to stay away from wearing things that other guys (straight) wore because I thought on me it would look possibly gay or that people may think i was gay. so i didn't wear fitted clothes at all becaues i did not want people to think that. i would avoid some colors or styles of clothes because maybe it was "out of regular average guy" would wear or maybe it was too stylish. but you know what, i started to say "who gives a bleep". i started to try fitted clothes and different types of clohtes that may be more trendy or stylish and that looked great on me. and you know what happneed....? people started to give me compliments. girls started to become more attracted to me and i would get more attention from guys too. they would ususally compliment me on my clothing. so more and more i feel more comfortable in my own skin, i can wear what i want to wear and if someone thinks i am gay because of it, that's their problem. yes, some girls have wondered if i was gay because they said "your clothes are together too nicely so you must be gay". but these types of people have limited reasoning skills so i do not live my life trying to dress to please them.
    #8 insidehappy, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  9. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    yes you get more compliments dressing nice, but i got a white pffft!
  10. coastgirl

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    Jun 19, 2011
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    never heard of that at all. I'd never look at white flip flops and think the guy was gay. but that's just me.
  11. Ianthe

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    Feb 3, 2011
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    Why would white flip flops make you look gay? There's nothing femme about them. And they certainly aren't high fashion or anything.

    What about white flip flops is making you ask if they'll seem gay? Are manly men not supposed to wear white now? Because I think my dad would be really shocked...
  12. awesomeyodais

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    Jun 1, 2012
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    Soon-to-be-frozen again White North :-(
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    Just don't wear them after Labor Day :wink:.

    (nod to the movie Serial Mom lol).

    Seriously I'd say it's probably more a question of do they work with the rest of the outfit than anything.
  13. insidehappy

    Regular Member

    Jan 27, 2012
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    just wear them. the worst that could happen is someone may think you're gay. the best that can happen is that person thinks you're gay and hot and wants to be your new boyfriend. honestly no one is really going to care or look at your feet like that. you bought them, you like them. WEAR them.

    a lot of basketball players are wearing pink pants and preppy looks now. are they gay? some may, some may not be but it's just fashion trends and after the trend if over they'll move on to something else. when kayne was wearing scarves everything thought that looked fem. now really hyper masculine men wear scarves and noone says anything.
    #13 insidehappy, Jun 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  14. ilayis

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    Its all in the eye of the beholder...I wear them all the time
  15. alexi12

    alexi12 Guest

    I would never suspect based on flipflops :lol:

    I would definitely not worry :icon_bigg
  16. Pain

    Pain Guest

    Hi :slight_smile: I'm going to be honest here.
    When Old Navy has $1 flip-flop day, I'm there. I get like four pairs in different colors each time I go :wink: Not once have I gotten a white pair for that very reason you fear. My brother, on the other hand, who is indeed straight, decided to get a white pair once. He wore them to a car wash, and several people thought he was gay because of his flip-flops. I don't mean to dissuade you or anything, but that's just an example I can provide. Everyone has already said here that "Oh, people won't care, they're just shoes!" But people aren't that immaterial. Some are totally gonna judge you when you do wear them, just because they are an article of clothing. But if you want to think altruistically, wear them and say to yourself that no one's gonna even wonder about you because they're just white flip-flops. Sorry if that was too much of an answer... But wearing them might actually aid to your cause! Make your job a little easier, ya know, if you plan on coming out at all! But do you yourself think that wearing them is "gay?"
    #16 Pain, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2012
  17. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I'm serious, I actually want to know where the idea came from that white flip-flops make you look gay. It makes no sense.
  18. Doctor Faustus

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    Oct 13, 2011
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    What? Um, no! Sounds like comedy sketch material tbh :lol:
  19. Brenny

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    Apr 2, 2012
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    White flip flops?!? I have pink shorts. I still wear them. These days people question just about everyone's sexuality at some point. If people are going to question you, it is going to be because there are multiple signs, not just one tiny item of clothing like flip flops.
  20. insidehappy

    Regular Member

    Jan 27, 2012
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    i was at a musuem once and there was this absolutely hot guy there by himself walking around. he was really attractive. he looked masculine but he was really "pretty" looking so straight away i thought he could be gay. his haired was "too styled" and clothes were a little to "stylish". they did not look gay but it did make me think "ok maybe he is". then i looked down and saw him in the white flip flops (the thin plastic types like from old navy). when i saw them i thought "ok, given being alone in the musuem, the stylish clothigns, the attractive face, and the "white flip flops" i mean, the guys is probably gay. so i went up to him and made some comment about the piece of art he was looking at. we laughed and talked for a minute and he gave me his business card and told me to stay in touch. however when i did follow up, he turned "straight" again and somewhat blew me off and i never heard from him again.

    white is not a gay color at all, but something you just do not see guys wearing that are straight. white shoes...ok, sure, white flip i can't explain it, i can't give you facts, there are no statistics but it just potentially looks gay like other types of clothes. doesn't mean you are gay for wearing it, but does mean that there's a chance someone may assume you are given other factors about yourself and the situation.

    also, a good rule of thumb is that if you see a lot of effeminate gays wearing a style or a color or a particular article of clothing, people may assume you're gay too.

    here are some other things that i think look gay on guys:
    the new craze of wearing jeans/khakis fitted and rolled up (high water) with no socks and dress shoes on.
    white belts
    man purses or messenger bags worn with teh strap worn across your chest like a woman.
    scarves on men when it is not cold outside
    sometimes the new bow tie craze can go this way too if you're not wearing it to a work function
    the new loud color pants/shorts craze (the neon/loud color look)
    excessive man jewelry (many sterling silver rings on a hand)
    guys that wear headbands on their hair (these are guys that have longer hair and wear a head band about 2-3 inches from the front of their hair line....see this a lot at the gym. usually headband is like a fabric rubber band material).
    guys that wear very tight shorts or jeans and have big butts.
    white jeans can possibly go in this direction too

    the bottom line is you have to wear what you want to wear because you like it. we all have things in our closets that may look gayish to someone. but what does that mean, should you dress like some carbon copy of everyeone else? NO. dress how you want to dress. i know sometimes some things i wear may look a little too preppy and people may assume it's gay, but that's there issue. i also know that some clothign choices may invite questions from people. you just have to know when and where to wear things. if you could be around potentially homophobic people or environemnts it probably is better to not wear things that could invite negative remarks.

    also remember that it is hard to tell who is or who isn't gay. sometimes wearing things things that potentially look "gayish" or could be perceived as such on a masculine man is also somewhat a way to let other closeted or masculine unsuspecting gays know that "hey i may be gay". i mean, if a guy is wearing pink shorts, white flip flops and a fitted tight polo, i can't assume he is gay but i can assume he is may be relatively tolerant becuase i am sure other people have asked him if he is gay or not before in that outfit, so striking up a conversation may not as intimidating as doing it with someone wearing a fitted baseball cap, baggy jeans that are sagging, boots and an oversized jacket.

    the reality is the guy in the more urban outfit coudl indeed be the homosexual one and the guy in the preppy outfit could be straight, but you would feel less intimated striking up a conversation with someone (by appearance) may look more potentially gay.

    since you are self conscious about the white flip flops, dont wear them. you are goig to be paranoid about it everytime you wear them. maybe hold off on them until you feel more at ease. but the reality is you just have to do and be you. i used to wonder if people would think i was gay because i did not like sports and i would lie and say i liked and followed sports. now i stopped that. when guys talk to me about sports i just say i do not follow sports at all. yes, some people may think im gay for it and i get a lot of strange looks but i am doing me right now and don't care.
    #20 insidehappy, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012