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Being Born Gay

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by TroubledRyan, Jun 5, 2012.


Have you had eithere three?

  1. I have been abandoned

    1 vote(s)
  2. I was sexually molested

    6 vote(s)
  3. I grew up without a father figure

    11 vote(s)
  4. A combination of two or all three

    4 vote(s)
  5. None of these have happened to me

    110 vote(s)
  1. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    I have to say CHIP, you should of all people on here NOT be hating on Christians! That is not cool.

    So...Im an ignorant Christian?

    How old are you?

    For somebody likely not a doctor and not a theologian and not a therapist, you sure made it well known you are completely right, or you will kick ass of anybody who says otherwise.

    ---------- Post added 11th Jun 2012 at 10:48 PM ----------

    From another thread, about denial and questioning and wondering if we made it all up in our heads, here is MY thoughts reposted here cuz I hope it will help...and I do not want anybody to HATE on me afterwards...because IM PROUD I LOVE JESUS AS MUCH AS YOU ARE GAY! So hate your puppy, not me.

    it is curious..and i do like to ponder a good mystery...
    several of us have wondered if we thought ourselves into an alternative lifestyle, not realizing the permanent effects.


    so lets look at all the possibilities here:
    1st we have maybe i saw or read something,
    then thought a lot about it,
    then read about, or watched movies about it,
    then wondered what it would feel like to do it,
    then fantasized about participating/initiating it,
    then began to masturbate and watch porn and enjoyed living in the fantasy of it,
    then began to wonder if i was one in shock,
    then began to force myself to say it to myself that word,
    then began to fear i was in denial for years,
    then felt depressed and scared and alone,
    then sought support/answers,
    then found EC...

    Another alternate possibility:
    1st we see/hear about people who are weird/bad/scary and are careful to stay our distance,
    then we realize one day stuff we have though and did in private/with friends is similar so we are weird/bad/scary too and we begin to feel the need to hide it,
    then as we get older in our daily lives we try to fit in and watch how others act/talk so we won't be found weird/bad/scary and then hated/shunned/abused,
    then we realize we continue in our minds to think weird/bad/scary thoughts cuz we like it and it scares us cuz its not "normal",
    then we hear others say we are weird/different and sometimes ask if we are gay and we fiercely deny,
    then one day we get brave and ask ourselves if ifff we could be wrong about being like them and really truly be different,
    then our mind refuses to let us ignore that thought it forces us to dig down deep for truth it wants us to be set free from the lie cage,
    then we go crazed seeking information and help online and ask lots of stupid and scary questions,
    then we are scred/angry/frustrated/sexually revved up/unable to sleep/can't concentrate on other vital things/are late/miss importent things,
    then we accept yes i found the truth i am happy now,
    then we question again are we certain we got this correct cuz its going to change our lives forever.

    ok, here we are.

    I think our minds are kind, they try to protect us like a mom. It wants us to carefully weigh it all out, look at every facet, and not miss anything. If we make a mistake, it says, we will have a hard time getting it all go back right again. Our minds are just making sure we cross all the Ts and dot all the Is, before we make the big move of our life...to come fully out as us.
    #41 Deaf Not Blind, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  2. samizer0313

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    Feb 23, 2012
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    The sexually molested one happened to me but I am bi, I mean I can see the psychological issues of all three but they don't influence if you are gay or not.
  3. TroubledRyan

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    Nov 14, 2009
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    Here is what I got from everything.

    I'm tired of being sad.

    I understand what the bible says about being gay. So I understand that it is wrong. Whether or not what your religion is, it is wrong to mine. However, I'm not going to let my wrongfulnes take priority over my life. If I meet a woman some day in my life that I really like, connect to, and find sexually appealing....then awesome! But until then...

    I mean everyone sins, but that does not mean I shouldn't try to improve.

    I'm not going to go look for someone to love, because that just happens. You can not find that. I went ahead and talked to this family friend again, and we talked about Adam and Eve, about creation, it was just really interesting.

    I feel very intune with the religious aspect of my life when speaking to him. Obviously he isn't for being gay, but he is far from rude. He is a very caring, cautious man.

    I realize some of you shun Christians, or other religions like so, and I can not blame you for that. Some people are assholes. But you can not let some ones blind rage affect your opinons of other Christians (or religions), because let me tell you, this man is awesome. He doesn't doubt me, or say I belong in hell. He doesnt call me a satanist or an abomination. He is just really cool, and I think he is the proper Role Model of what a Christian should be.

    I believe that the hardest part of my life was the lack of a father figure. I met a very masculine man, someone that made me feel really safe - unlike other people I have met. Then when he left, I felt so, incredibly...alone. So I believe that it is because I looked up to him as a father figure, because that is something that everyone needs, A male role model. I just picked the wrong one, how ever I'm over that.

    It is funny how the mind works, I must admit. Befor coming out to myself, several years ago, the women genitalia never digusted me as much as it does now. It is kind of like my mind bought into the whole gay thing. Don't get me wrong, being gay is where I feel...secure, in a way. Just interesting to think about.

    ---------- Post added 12th Jun 2012 at 12:20 AM ----------

    Also, Chip, I want to address something you said earlier.

    You said that a majority of people have gone threw one of these threw their lifes, gay or straight.

    So why do so many people say they havent? I talked to my mom about this as well. She said that some people do not even know, their mind covers it up.

    She then went on to give me and example that a child molesters can do the deed without even knowing it, due to the power of the mind. It really is quite an interesting thing.

    So is it possible that this poll is extremly flawed, without people even knowing that they are making it flawed? Because what they may think is a truthful answer, in all actuallity, is not, due to the covers of the mind.
  4. toremi

    toremi Guest

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I feel like whatever conclusion you may come to about your sexuality, how you ended up there and ultimately how you decide to live your life from here on out will be fine as long as in the end you are truly happy. Don't compromise happiness.

    I myself, associate with bisexuality, do not believe I was born this way. I also don't believe it was due to a result of any of the above mentioned issues that I arrived here. I think there were so many biological, environmental and everything in between parts that lead me to where I am today and I am happy with that conclusion. For me I reject the born this way notion because it doesn't fit me... not because I don't want to accept it but because I don't FEEL it. That's not to say it is wrong or right, if someone else feels it than that is for them to decide and live.

    I haven't even whole-heartily decided how I will live my life -- straight, gay, or bi... I am waiting until I know what will make me ultimately happy and then I will decide.

    My best piece of advice would be don't try to fit yourself into anyones box. Take all the information in, really consider it subjectively and see where you come out!

    Cheers buddy! :slight_smile:
  5. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    Ryan, no offense, but if it was, in fact, sexual abuse, there's no such thing as "nothing serious" sexual abuse. Even a single incident, happening at a young enough age that the child has little conscious memory, can be incredibly devastating. There are all sorts of side effects, including a sense of isolation and aloneness, depression, difficulty with relationships, confusion about sexuality, and at least 50 other symptoms. And, particularly with men, there is a very strong tendency to minimize the aftereffects and insist it wasn't a big deal... which is nearly never the case.

    I take it from your non-response-response to Ianthe's question that you have not had any therapy for the issue. My strong recommendation is that you consider seeing a therapist. Sexual abuse issues are much easier to unpack and unravel if dealt with at your age. People who wait and try to bury the issue (as an overwhelming number of men attempt to do), often find that in their 20s or 30s , they have a lot of difficulty sustaining healthy relationships, or attracting dysfunctional people, or both. And it is much harder to fix at that point because so much of your adult self has been defined by the behaviors that arise as a result of the abuse.

    So I encourage you to think about getting some help for it.
  6. Ryukotsu

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    Mar 25, 2012
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    I would always argue that being gay isn't a choice or result of some trauma, it's just who we are. But then... I was abandoned :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  7. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    I was going to answer you in PM, but since you decided to go off-topic in a thread having nothing to do with my feelings about Christians, I'll momentarily continue the off-topic discussion:

    If you bothered to read my posts in threads relating to religion, you'd find that I am not only very supportive of Christians (that is, real Christians, who understand and are filled with the love that God gives them), I also often stick up for them in threads where others bash them. I happen to have spiritual beliefs that have much basis in Christian belief and theology, and find a lot of commonality of belief between much of (enlightened) Christian thought and other religious traditions. I have met some of the most beautiful, amazing people in the world who are Christian people. For that matter, I've found overwhelmingly that Mormons are also, almost without exception, very sweet and kind and wonderful people.


    There is a subset of people, who also call themselves Christians, who are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet. These bigoted, small-minded, ignorant, judgmental asshats have caused unimaginable pain and suffering to many, many good people, because instead of reading and interpreting God's word in the way He intended it... you do konw that "Gospel" means "Good News", right? -- these people are full of anger and judgment and (as much as they claim otherwise) hatred for people who aren't like them. And these people, for shorthand, I refer to as "crazy Christians" or "ignorant, asshat Christian crazies" or something like that. But in my book, these people aren't Christians; they are angry people who couldn't possibly have God's love in their hearts, or they wouldn't be so angry and judgmental about everyone else's business, they wouldn't be interfering with gay people being able to live and love and marry, and they'd get some of the most basic tenets of Christianity about loving one another instead of intentionally lying their asses off, and knowing they are doing so, when they misrepresent studies and research to further their agenda of bigotry and hatred.

    Yes, these people make me really angry... not due to any slights I've experienced personally, but because of all the pain and guilt and shame and suicide that they have directly caused. But... these people aren't really Christians in my book, and true Christians certainly aren't the ignorant asshats that do this sort of crap.

    As to arguing points that are well documented in the psychology literature against ignorance propagated by these asshats... yes, I'm going to argue I'm right, because I'm speaking directly from the credible research that's out there. These asshats are not. That's not even an issue of debate among anyone credible in that field of study, so no, I'm not going to sit back and let somebody propagate nonsense in a community where there are a lot of impressionable people who could be hurt by furthering that sort of ignorant bullshit.

    Now... if you have any further discussion on this, I'm happy to discuss it, but it needs to be either in separate thread, or in PM.

    But I hope you can understand the difference now between my shorthand for the dumbasses I've described above and real, genuine, kind and loving Christians.
  8. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    If you're talking specifically about sexual abuse, a substantial portion of people who are sexually abused before about age 7 or so are able to completely repress it, to the point that they literally have no memory of it the following day. (This is a contested point, with some arguing that it is not possible, but most of the clinicians working with abuse survivors agree that it does happen at least some of the time.)

    Additionally, for men, being sexually abused is probably the most shameful thing that can happen to them. In their mind, it robs them of their masculinity, of their sense of control, of their innocence, and many other things. Accordingly, particularly for straight men, it is very, very difficult to talk about. We don't know for certain, but we do know, based on the number of later-in-life reports, that the numbers we now believe as accurate may be grossly underreported.

    As far as I know, that isn't possible. They may deny it to the hilt and absolutely convince themselves that either it never happened, or that what happened wasn't abuse, or some other such nonsense, but I've never heard of an abuser actually being amnesic about an abuse event. The one possibility I'd wonder about is someone who has DID (multiple personality disorder), but to my knowledge, there is very little if any evidence of people with DID being sexual abuse perpetrators.

    Well... if you look at the details of the actual study and what they were looking at (which had nothing to do with what your friend said it was studying), it's not a bad study. The researchers did attempt to address a lot of potential issues of bias and accuracy of recollection and so forth, so I think we can safely say that the data is probably reasonably reliable. But whenever you're talking about issues involving shame (being gay, being an abuse survivor, etc), there's always a possibility that the subject doesn't feel comfortable disclosing the truth to the researcher, so any research involving self-reports will always be subject to some underreporting.
  9. TroubledRyan

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    Nov 14, 2009
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    Thanks you Chip, also did you get my private message? I had to ask you something some what personal, just was not sure if it sent.

    If not I really have no problem posting it here. Seeing as it is relitivly conspicuous to give out personal stories.

    ---------- Post added 12th Jun 2012 at 11:49 PM ----------

    Also, I was not talking about the professional study. I'm talking about this poll I created, my own study.

    Is it possible that this poll is extremly flawed due to peoples own mind covering their past?
  10. Chip

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    May 9, 2008
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    Sorry, I overlooked that part of the message, I'll respon in PM.

    ---------- Post added 12th Jun 2012 at 11:49 PM ----------

    Also, I was not talking about the professional study. I'm talking about this poll I created, my own study.

    Is it possible that this poll is extremly flawed due to peoples own mind covering their past?[/QUOTE]

    Well, there can't be any statistical validity to, or anything meaningful to draw from, this poll because:
    (1) the sample isn't random (i.e., people who read EC aren't a representative sample of the population in general, or even the gay population.)
    (2) Of the subset of people who read EC, the poll reflects only those who chose to vote on it, further skewing the sample;
    (3) The questions themselves are heavily biased by the explanation you gave with the poll, likely encouraging those who know the basic premise your friend gave was bullshit to vote more so than others;
    (4) The questions themselves haven't been tested an validated so there may be bias within the questions

    So all of the above introduce enough bias between sampling and design that you couldn't pull any reliable data out of it. As to whether suppression of memory plays a major factor, honestly I'd doubt it, but I wouldn't be able to tell for sure as we don't have any baseline about the EC population to be able to know if those who chose to answer are representative.

    I know it's just an informal poll and not intended to be valid statistical research... which is perfectly fine for a site like EC, and makes for interesting conversation. My problem is that this is exactly the sort of crap you see the Christian reparative therapy apologists doing... slapping together a poll, doing no methodological analysis or validation, collecting the data, massaging it to say what they want, and then publishing it as a valid study.

    So, honestly, there's no way to know if the results of your poll have any valid data in them without a lot more preparation and research.