Would a guy/girl go out with a closeted guy/girl?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Gazza123, May 30, 2012.

  1. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    I only ask this just get some people's view on it. Now I know that someone who is closeted is going to be somewhat of a problem with not being out. What I want to know is has anyone either dated a closeted guy/girl or been the one that isn't out.

    If so how did you meet and did it go well, etc.

    Would it be a good idea if your closeted to try going out with someone?

    All views and opinions welcome.
  2. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    There are not necessarily two mutually exclusive states, "in the closet" and "out." I would date someone who was only partly out, but I would have a hard time if I literally wasn't supposed to tell anyone.

    And, I think I would want the person to plan on coming out someday, at least to most people.

    It's very hard to keep secrets all the time. It's hard to have to pretend like your relationship is less than it is.

    I guess I'm not really going to say "absolutely not." But rather, "it would be hard."
  3. Deaf Not Blind

    Apr 13, 2012
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    WA DC
    i agree with Ianthe on this one.
    maybe it is oregonian thing, but i not care if a person is closeted, as long as they don't hurt me, you know, dump me or make fun of me when trying to overcompensate with being around others.
  4. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    Yeah. As I thought really... Guess I'm just trying to think how I can't explore or at least see what I a gay relationship is like cuz I'm not out. But then again I;m just creating more problems than need be
  5. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    For a casual thing it would probably be fine, but if it gets serious, a guy who is out will probably at least want to be able to introduce you to his family and friends, and might eventually start to feel bad if you keep hiding him from yours.

    This is really a much bigger problem if you are talking about a serious relationship, where you are in love and together long term. If you are just talking about a casual "exploring" thing, it's probably fine. If you are in love, you are past the exploring stage, and your boyfriend is going to feel more like you should represent him to people as your boyfriend.

    If your exploring leads to a serious relationship, would you still want to stay in the closet?
  6. secretguyX

    Full Member

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Long Island
    Well I never have gone out with someone completely closeted, but I definitely would if I liked them enough. It wouldn't matter to me, because I know how hard it is in the beginning to come out. I don't see it as much of a problem, unless you make it into one. If it ended up getting more serious, I would like them to at least tell a few people though. I'm not completely out, but I could easily come out to everyone if given a good opportunity and enough courage, but that's after quite a while of being scared.
  7. Route466

    Route466 Guest

    My boyfriend is out to his friends, but not to most of his immediate family. It hasn't been much of a problem for either of us, considering we're both adults completely independent of our parents. I told him I didn't want him to feel obligated to talk about it with them just because I came into his life.

    He recently changed his Facebook relationship status and linked my profile, which meant a lot to me because he didn't do that with his last boyfriend, and they were together for nine months, and we've been together for less than four. Granted, I'm not sure if his family members who have Facebook are blocked from seeing that information, but it was a sweet gesture and a step in the right direction.

    Like Ianthe, I would have a very difficult time being with someone completely in the closet and being forced to keep my love for them a secret.
  8. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    No. I wouldn't really... I guess I;d just feel like "Yeah. I really like this guy and I want my family to know that I do" but I know that it ain't gonna happen cuz how the hell is it gonna happen.

    Just one of those I'll have to wonder over :rolle:

    ---------- Post added 30th May 2012 at 08:11 PM ----------

    Yeah I can agree with that. Like I said it's a just thought, it's never gonna happen for me. I'm gonna be stuck in this closet for a long time (might as well bolt the door shut)
  9. shy

    Regular Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I would. The only problem is: would a closeted guy go out with me? I just can't imagine he'd go out with me in the highly improbable case I'd ask him out...
  10. King

    King Guest

    If the boy I was dating had every intention of coming out relatively soon, then why not. But I agree with Ianthe - if I literally could not discuss anything about it to anyone, then no, I certainly wouldn't.
  11. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    Yeah I mean with certain friends I could possibly be with the guy and not care but with family it would be a no... until maybe later

    But as I keep repeating. How hell I'm I going to find a guy like that:rolle:
  12. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    It makes a difference how much time you spend with people, too. If you aren't out to people that you spend a lot of time with, that's a lot more difficult. I mean, if you aren't out to your family but you only really see them twice a year, that might not be a problem. But if you have dinner with them three times a week and they tend to turn up at your place unexpectedly, that would be very problematic. And if you live with them, that would be the hardest situation.

    The more involved someone is in your life, the more problems will be caused by your not being out to them.

    If you mean in regards to "how are you going to meet a guy like that," if you mean, "how am I going to start dating a gay guy without letting anyone know I'm gay," you can't. In order to date a guy, he, at the very least, has to know you like guys.

    You mentioned friends that you could possibly "be around" with your hypothetical future boyfriend. Can I presume these are good friends of yours? Would it be possible to talk to one of them about what you are going through?

    The very first time I came out to someone, I was still kind of vague about it. I didn't use the word "questioning" myself, but the exact nature of my sexuality was still in the realm of uncertainty in my mind. (Really, I was in denial still.)

    But my good male friend from high school had called me up, and the night before I was supposed to see him, I had this really weird dream, where I was running really late and he was waiting for me at a gay pride event of some kind. And when I woke up, I felt sure that this dream was my unconscious telling me to come out to him.

    I knew that I would never do it in person, so I wrote him a private facebook message, which he unfortunately didn't get until after we had hung out. (During dinner, we had an awkward conversation about why I'm not sure I'm going to have kids, and I totally failed to come out to him during it.)

    But later, he got my message, in which I told him my entire dream I'd had in detail, and told him I was queer--a word I chose specifically for vagueness, because I wasn't clear on things. And he wrote me back a very nice accepting note.

    And when I read his note, I thought, "Wow, what have I been thinking of? I'm a lesbian. Of course I am!" My life suddenly made sense, and I stopped feeling confused--and I had been in a serious state of confusion for at least a year. But after that, I didn't have any doubts any more, ever again.

    So, I think it's possible that telling even just one person will make a huge difference for you. I'm not saying it will clear up all your questions like it did for me, but I think it will at least help.

    Once you have made some progress in accepting yourself, you will not be so uncomfortable putting yourself into situations in which it would be possible for you to meet other gay men.
  13. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    Well less good friends more like good friend. But it's complicated... I sorta came out to him on facebook a while back and then decided no I wasn't so told him I was straight. Then recently I told him maybe I'm bi. He's gay btw. Anyways I don't wanna talk about it with him cuz I'd feel like I'm burdening him in some way.

    I mean I rarely have any friends. I know social life is on the blink and this friend I rarely see. just mainly chat on fb sometimes. I guess it's just he is gay that I feel he'd understand better but like I said I'd feel like I'm burdening him in some way. I mean I do have a friend from University which I might be seeing again sometime soon but I don't know how he would take it.

    And I live with my parents so like you said it would be hard
  14. timo

    Full Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    This is basically my thoughts. I'm not completely out yet (but slowly working on it haha), and think I could date a guy who isn't 100% out either. Completely closeted wouldn't be a problem at first but I'd like to be able to talk about it later on.
  15. Chimera

    Full Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Pacific Northwest
    Gender Pronoun:
    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Out to everyone
    Ugh, this is my dilemma right now too. I'm trying to make friends, and am open to the idea of dating, but I don't want to come out until I am 100% sure of my orientation. However, I can't be certain of my orientation until I get some exposure... but the catch is being closeted appears to be a turn-off for many people. Oy!

    On the other hand, I feel it would be unfair to your future mate to come out AFTER you start dating, because that will put a lot of awkward pressure on them, if not outright blame for your new "lifestyle".

    I do agree with Ianthe and others though. I'd be ok dating someone who is closeted, as long as they planned on coming out at some point. I can only hope to meet people who will feel the same way about us.
  16. TheGreyMan

    Full Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    Celebrities do it all the time, don't they? They just hide it until they come out.

    I guess it's fine. As long as you're sure they actually like you and aren't trying to screw with your head there's no problem.
  17. kizza111

    Full Member

    Sep 18, 2009
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    Cambridge, UK
    I did it once, only for a few weeks so I never really think of it as a relationship... We were both mostly in the closet, out to 1 or 2 people each. It was ok... I'd give it a shot.
  18. midwestgirl89

    Full Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    Sexual Orientation:
    Out Status:
    Some people
    I agree with Ianthe. I'd date someone who was closeted but eventually wants to come out (to most people). One thing I'd want is to be able to tell my gay friends (and possibly my mom) about our relationship. I'd have a very hard time hiding it from them. I would be okay in the meantime if my gf wanted to keep it a secret from her family and friends. I'm partly closeted too so it might make things easier if we are both a little uncomfortable with telling others. It depends on the situation.
  19. Ianthe

    Full Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    What made you think you were burdening your gay friend? Did he act like it was a burden?

    Based on what you said you told him, he already knows that you are kind of mixed up. Not because you said you are bisexual, but because you keep changing your mind. And because of the "maybe."

    He's your friend. Burden him. Friends are for burdening. Send a text message like: "Help! I can't figure out my sexuality and it's EATING MY BRAIN!!!" Ask him to hang out soon and tell you about how he accepted his sexuality, and also to talk about hot guys until it feels normal.

    I really doubt he'll mind. He probably likes talking about hot guys.
  20. Gazza123

    Gazza123 Guest

    I actually just came out to another friend, a friend from university and he was totally accepting.

    I decided I am gay. I just could hold it off any longer and it was just eating away at me and building up till I was about to explode. I told him and he was like "Ok, I'm cool with that, I had friend in school who were and I know someone in my family who is"

    So I was like :icon_bigg