Republicans - Vote for RON PAUL!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Indiana Juno, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. Indiana Juno

    Regular Member

    May 20, 2011
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    Ron Paul's the only candidate that doesn't have a corporate hand in his pocket, and this includes Obama. They're all funded by banks and lobbyists and they'll all keep things going the way they are. We're being prepped for war in Iran next - they're talking about Iran as a threat, and having nuclear capabilities the same way they spoke of Iraq in the months leading up to our invasion.

    Don't let our government be the muscle that the corporate interests use to bully the world.

    You can even see it in the debates (in which they almost ignore Ron Paul entirely). Paul speaks from his heart, from his mind. The rest you can tell are just spouting off sound bytes.

    Paul is the candidate our nation has been waiting for. He wants to pull us out of these foreign wars which do nothing but bankrupt us. He believes in complete personal freedom at home - that we have the right to do as we please so long as we don't infringe on other people's right to do so. Even if this man believed personally that every gay person is bound for hell in a handbasket, he would still stand up to protect our rights to choose, because that's what freedom means.

    If you're not a Republican, switch parties to vote in the primaries. You have to switch 3 months before the primaries in your state.

    He's consistently #2 or #3 in the polls, but gets no mention for it. The fact that the media ignores him should tell you something. The elite, who want to keep things as they are, fear him. If you want real change, he's our only option.

    Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney are corrupt to the core. All you have to do is look up their political scandals. They don't even mention Ron Paul because there's nothing to attack. If there was, they'd at least give him enough coverage to properly discredit him. But they can't discredit him, so they ignore him.
    #1 Indiana Juno, Dec 8, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2011
  2. NickT

    Full Member

    Sep 6, 2009
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    ...You know that rule that says every internet forum thread eventually has someone mention Hitler? I think the same holds true for Ron Paul. Everywhere I go, even if the topic is something like space, someone goes, "Ron Paul likes space. Vote for him!"

    And quite's ANNOYING AS !@#$
  3. RedState

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    Aug 24, 2008
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    The Southeastern Conference
    It's a strategy that the Ron Paul campaign used in 2008 and again for the 2012 primaries...flood any message boards that someone may be a member of with pro-Paul talking points. They all basically say the exact same thing "Lock up the Fed", "The Media ignores him because he speaks the truth and and scared of him" "No wars" etc, etc.

    Paul supporters are passionate, I will hand that to them. I had one (who was all of 5'6" and maybe 140 lbs) want to fight me because I called Paul "kind of a kook" at C-PAC last year.

    I agree with Paul on some things....but he's really out there on some of his issues.
  4. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    lol, Ron Paul is a huge corprate shil... who do you think he wants to take over when he dismantles goverment? he basically wants to auction off all the goverment responciblities to the highest bidder.

    but since this is a LGBT rights forum, he thinks it is constitutionally sound for states to be able to discriminate against LGBT people if they choose, even though the federal constitution that trumps states says equal and due process under the law.

    There... now we are back on topic.
  5. Indiana Juno

    Regular Member

    May 20, 2011
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    This thread was mostly for Republicans. To the poster who's annoyed by the Ron Paul messages - IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT. When I see the name "Ron Paul", and "Ron Paul" annoys me, I don't bother clicking on a link with his name in it. You haven't schooled anyone, you've just annoyed yourself.

    I'm not part of his campaign, I don't make money off promoting the man. I'd rather have the Republican in office who believes gay marriage is a personal issue and that the Federal Government has no right to say what Marriage IS and ISN'T. Do we need that kind of government in our lives?

    Better that Republican than any of the other 5 candidates who believe their job as President means passing a "Defense of Marriage" Amendment. At least Paul wants to give individual states the rights to choose and take marriage out of the Federal Government. ALL the others want to strip you of your rights at the Federal level.

    I've only ever seen Ron Paul defend gay rights as he defends all other manner of personal freedom. [If you can prove me wrong on that, I'll retract that statement].

    Sure, he believes we have a right to use drugs if we so choose. How is that, in any way, "OUT THERE"? It's reasonable in a free society that we have the right to do things which affect us personally and might be bad for us, and which hurt no one else. That's what freedom of choice is about. Some would rather have a Nanny-State telling them what they can and can't do (because obviously if they legalize pot, everyone's going to go out and do it).

    I don't think he'll try, or even be successful, in getting "pro-choice" with drugs and all that. I think he'll be focused on bigger issues.

    You want to know where your money goes? Look up the Federal Reserve. Even the president who implemented it (Woodrow Wilson) recognized it as the perfect way to put a nation in debt. The Federal Government has the power to print money on it's own. Why then, do we BUY our money from a private central bank at interest? It's absurd.
  6. J Snow

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    Aug 8, 2011
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    Ames, Iowa
    I'd be lying if I didn't admit he first got my attention for wanting to legalize marijuana >.<

    He is likely the best republican candidate for gay rights too. He himself doesn't agree with gay marriage, but he doesn't agree the national government should have any objection to it, and think it should instead be entirely left up to the states.
  7. Ridiculous

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    Dec 8, 2010
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    New Zealand
    Count yourself lucky that you're actually in the USA. The other 99% of the world's population is just like "Le sigh" whenever we're assumed to also live there. Oh well, we're used to it now...
  8. Drowzee64

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    Oct 24, 2011
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    Houston, TX
    Eh, I'll vote for him in 2016 if there aren't any good Democrats.