In need of advice for losing weight

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by miguelm, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. miguelm

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    Oct 8, 2011
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    Hey :smilewave

    So I am mexican american. I am a sophomore in college and i work part time. Lately i do not like the way i look so i want to change and make myself healthier. This week i will start going to the gym but i need some advice. I want to lose weight but how should i go about it? What exercise should i do? What should i eat? What shouldnt i eat? :help:
  2. Mogget

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    Mar 12, 2010
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    Losing weight is really, really hard. As in the rate may be in the 90% area (the figure of 95-98% commonly cited by Health At Every Size activists is questionable, but not the overall fact of very high failure rates). And no, that's not for fad diets, it's for all diets. And so-called lifestyle changes. And for diets combined with increased exercise. Often dieting results in a temporary weight loss which is quickly regained, sometimes leading to an overall weight gain.

    This is not to say that a change in diet and an increase in exercise are bad ideas. They aren't. Eating healthily is always a good idea, and so is getting lots of exercise. Just don't expect them to lead to weight loss, especially not permanent weight loss.
  3. Kidd

    Kidd Guest

    When I wanted to lose weight I stopped drinking all pop, and I started running regularly, and now I've started to get tighter on what I allow myself to eat. I'm down to below 165 pounds now, from 220, and I've kept it off for the last three years. Make changes to your life gradually, one at a time. Don't jump into a bunch of new plans right away because you're going to feel overwhelmed and want to quit.

    As a general rule, one pound of fat is 3500 calories. That's how many you have to burn to lose 1 pound of fat. Look at it like a math equation. If you burn or consume 500 calories less each day, seven days a week, you'll lose one pound per week. Do more than that, and the weight comes off faster. If you do too much your body will go into ketosis or starvation mode and then you'll eventually end up gaining weight again, which is why most diets don't work.

    If you're looking for an exercise program though, I always recommend Couch to 5k. I did it, and now I'm running 18 miles a week. I've recommended it to a few other people on EC and they said that they loved it as much as I did so, just something to think about. ^_^

    Cool Running | The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan

    I have to agree with Liam too though. It is really, really hard and it takes a long time. At best, you're looking at around 2-3 pounds a week, if that. But you have to stay dedicated and stick with it because eventually that adds up and you'll get there.

    EDIT: Consider taking a vitamin too, because it really does make a huge difference. You'll look and feel way healthier. I take One-A-Day Vitacraves. You can get a 2 month supply for $13 at Walmart and they're amazing!
    #3 Kidd, Oct 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2011
  4. Danny19

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    Jul 27, 2010
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    Like these guys have said, it is hard. trust me i dislike my body a lot. I fell into a kind of depression thing but it wasnt serious so i just ate my feelings. Now i have gotten overweight and i hate it. So for the past month i have changed. I cut out soda out of my life. And this seriously works. If you want to lose weight slowly that works with exercising. lol. Anyways all i drink is milk and 2 Liters of water a day and sometimes coffee. I also go to the gym 5 days a week and i do 30 min cardio and weights. And i have cut out some junk food out too like chips, sweets, fries. and all that. So far thats what i have and people tell me im losing weight. However since im not feeling it ima do more next week. More nutritious and hardcore kickboxing lmao.
  5. lowdownweather

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    Sep 8, 2011
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    This will sound kind of strange, but, turn down the thermostat so that you're colder. Compared to exercise, most of the calories you burn every day are used just to maintain your body's temperature. Make it work harder doing that, and....
  6. RaRa

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    Nov 30, 2008
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    It's not as hard as people make it seem.

    Eat less, move more.

    That's all there is to it.
  7. BeautifulStranger

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    Aug 26, 2007
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    Eat Korean food... I've lost 40 lbs this summer.

    What I've found is that when beginning a diet, cut out all fruit for the first two weeks. This has always helped me lose weight.
    So, for breakfast, I would drink a chocolate protein shake with half a banana cut up into it (which totally contradicts what I said above, but go with it).
    I stop making sandwiches with bread. Instead, I use a little bit of miracle whip on some lettuce leaves with some lunch meat. That's my typical diet lunch, and dinner is a normal sized, but healthy meal.
    If I ever felt snacky, I'd eat a protein bar or cheese stick. Or pepper slices.

    I also run 4 miles everyday and if I have energy afterwards, I'd do a P90x workout video. The important thing when it comes to running is go for distance... not time.
    2 hours of jogging is vastly different than 2 hours of walking.
    Seems like stupid advice, but you'd be amazed by how many people don't realize that.
    Doing that at the beginning of the summer helped me lose 15 lbs in about 2 weeks.
  8. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    Losing weight is indeed difficult, but your health needs it.

    I went from nearly 230 pounds to 171 pounds, and I'm continuing to lose the remainder of the weight.

    A lot of professionals will balk at my method, but I only eat one meal a day and vigorously exercise. For the end results, it works amazing. I dunno how such an extreme diet will affect you but I was able to do it. You will lose about 3 pounds a week at this rate, and you'll be constantly hungry, but if you have the mental fortitude to do it, do it.
  9. malachite

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    You must EAT...but healthy!

    People think that by eatting less that will help loose weight, but that is a misconception.
    Think of your metabolism as a coal engine, you have to keep putting fuel in it to keep it going.

    You should try to eat decent sized breakfast a early a mid-morning snack lunch an afternoon snack and dinner.

    As for exercise cardio help boost your metabolism. Weights will help build muscle.

    Sleep!!! you need 8-9 hours of sleep a night, this when your body will repair the damage you've done to your muscles.

    If you're sore take it easy for a day or two, do some walking or light running until your muscles have recovered and you'll notice you're not as sore each time you dive back in.
  10. KaraBulut

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    If you're starting at the gym and you have never worked out before, ask if your gym offers personal training. The trainer will orient you to the gym, do a fitness assessment on you and help you set some realistic goals.

    Most people need to start with getting their heart and lungs back into shape. This is what we refer to as "cardio"- walking, swimming, running on a treadmill, etc. Next you begin working on getting the muscles back into shape- core exercises that strengthen your spine, abdomen and legs so that you don't injure yourself when you start getting into more strenuous exercise.

    A lot of people think that a trainer is expensive or that you have to work out with them for weeks. You don't. A trainer should get you started with a few sessions and then you should work out on your own until you are ready to "up your game"- at which time, you setup another session, update your goals/training plan and then work out on your own until you're ready to meet with the trainer again for a new plan.
    #10 KaraBulut, Oct 10, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2011
  11. Austin

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    Everyone is so positive here....

    Weight loss is possible. Cut out all the junk foods. This includes foods high in sodium, saturated fat, sugar, low in fiber (if they have high in other carbs), as a general rule...

    Oh and do eat fruit. It's amazing.
  12. Messed Up

    Messed Up Guest

    You know what you should do? Take a picture before and a picture when you’ve felt you’ve lost a lot of weight. The difference (IF YOU MAKE ONE!) will show and push you even harder to lose weight and get sexified! :slight_smile:

    But, I have one question...why was your race (Mexican-American) relevant to the conversation? LOL I lol’d! Why is that important to this? LOL
  13. BeautifulStranger

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    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    Yeah... just cut it out for the first two weeks.
    I didn't say stop eating it entirely.

    Also, if there's an asian/Korean grocery store around where you live, buy some kimchi and eat it with every meal. Literally every meal.
    The capsaicin in peppers helps burn fat. That's why I think Koreans are so skinny.
    #13 BeautifulStranger, Oct 11, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
  14. miguelm

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    Thank you to everyone. I have so many options now so if one fails, i can start somewhere else lol

    ---------- Post added 11th Oct 2011 at 11:13 PM ----------

    Thats sooo true. sometimes u dont notice ur changing unless u have before and after pics.

    lmao your right but i feel like all i eat is mexican food 24/7. rice w. chicken, beans, tacos, etc. I think this is part of the problem for me because my family just eats like theres no tomorrow. it could be 8pm and we could be having dinner. its a culture thing i guess

    ---------- Post added 11th Oct 2011 at 11:15 PM ----------

    Thanks! I cannot wait to start the exercise plan. It seems easy to follow and its a place to start. :icon_bigg

    ---------- Post added 11th Oct 2011 at 11:19 PM ----------

    Sleeping is one thing that i dont do as much. Since im in college and run an afterschool program im always running around trying to get things done. i usually sleep about 5 hours or less. Hopefully i wont burn out. Thanks :icon_bigg

    ---------- Post added 11th Oct 2011 at 11:21 PM ----------

    lmao i would but i dont want to get sick... i cant afford to get sick but ill try to sit next to the window when im in class lol thanks :icon_bigg

    ---------- Post added 11th Oct 2011 at 11:22 PM ----------

    I love fruit! but at school its expensive so i dont buy it much. Ill try to buy it more often. Thanks!:icon_bigg

    ---------- Post added 11th Oct 2011 at 11:26 PM ----------

    another thing- mon-fri i mostly eat a sandwich in the am, then for lunch, and again for an afternoon snack followed by dinner which is sometimes rich. Is this bad? Its mostly because im always on the run.