
Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by BeautifulStranger, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. BeautifulStranger

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    I don't get sick often, but when I do... If it's gonna rain, it's gonna pour. I'll just put it that way.
    So, some background...
    Last week, I was ill with a lot of different things. Constant fever and headache, sore back and neck, nausea and general fatigue. To give you the best idea, I had all of the symptoms of meningitis. I went to the doctor, and he prescribed some meds. So I took those and now I'm feeling great.
    However, halfway through recovery the slight sore throat I had became more severe and my sinuses started draining. I began coughing up a lot of phlegm and sputum and eventually, it started to affect my sleep cycle, I was coughing so much. After about a week of this, I decided that this was NOT normal so I returned to the doctor. (I waited so long to go back to the doctor because I assumed my throat wasn't improving because I hadn't been doing anything to help it, aside from drinking hot water. I was too sick to go to the store and buy tea/honey/lemon). He took a chest xray and it ends up I have some fluid in one of my lungs.
    Due to general miscommunication and a language barrier (I'm studying in South Korea) I can't tell if it's my right or left one, but that's kind of irrelevant.
    The doctor did the same as last time. That is, prescribe me meds (this time, antibiotics) and send me on my way. (However, he did tell me that if my condition worsened, I should return right away and I would probably end up going to the hospital)

    My question is this: Do antibiotics typically make you tired?

    I got 10 hours of sleep last night and when I woke up, I was awake.
    I ate my breakfast and took my morning pills (I'm supposed to take them 3 times a day for a week) and shortly after, I was exhausted and so I took a nap.
    Once I woke up, I ate lunch and took my afternoon meds.
    I'm exhausted again.

    I don't get sick often. The last time I remember being legitimately ill, was 9th grade and the time before that was 5th grade.
    Even when I would get this sick, my symptoms were never doctor worthy... So I don't think I've ever antibiotics before. I have zero knowledge on this subject.
  2. Gerry

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    Jan 17, 2008
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    I'm no health expert at all, but I don't think antibiotics should be making you tired, at least not as tired as it's making you. That seems pretty extreme and unusual that antibiotics would do that. Although with all the symptoms you're having, it may not be that farfetched. I'm sure a health expert will reply to this thread. Wish I could be more help but I definitely wish you a speedy recovery! :slight_smile:
  3. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    Some patients report that they do. There has been a few studies that looked at the issue and the conclusions have not been consistent. The issue is that infections can cause fatigue, so when you're treated with antibiotics, it's hard to tell whether it's the infection causing the fatigue or whether it's the treatments that are responsible.

    It sounds like you have a pretty significant infection. It is not unexpected that you will need more rest. The basics of respiratory infections apply here- drink plenty of water, eat, keep your fevers below 101F and get plenty of rest.

    Do you have any one who can go with you to the doctor and help translate?
  4. Bi As A Kite

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    Jul 7, 2011
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    Something worth considering is probiotics: antibiotics apparently kill off 'friendly' bacteria in the gut which are essential for good overall health.

    Probiotics are basically a dose of friendly bacteria in pill/powder form. Although I'm taking some myself and am unsure about how they get to the gut without being wiped out by stomach acid :l
  5. BeautifulStranger

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    Yes, I went with a Korean speaker both times, but they didn't say anything to me either. I'm doing my best to keep my head about this.
    I mean, if something super serious had occurred they definitely would have told me, since it is my health on the line. Right?
  6. TraceElement

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    Jan 31, 2011
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    I had an infection in my foot last year, and when I was put on antibiotics, it did make me very tired... to me it's a side affect that some people have with the medications.

    Also, there is an app for a phone (not sure what company its through) that has a translator. May be worthwhile to look into for a situation like this.

    I would suggest that if you have fluid in your lungs, push the fluids, get rest, and take a Mucinex type med with your prescribed meds that has a cough suppressant and expectorant.
  7. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    It's a little difficult to say without knowing what the diagnosis was. It sounds like you've got the flu and this year, the flu seems to be striking early. Being in the far east, you're in ground zero for influenza.

    Based upon your symptoms, you might have a secondary lower respiratory infection- pleurisy, acute bronchitis or a pneumonia. All three can be persistent and can take a couple of weeks to recover from (and even then the cough can persist for a month).
  8. BeautifulStranger

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    The antibiotics have been working very well, from what I can tell.
    They've pretty much eliminated the tickle in my throat that made me want to cough all the time.
    And now, just about every time I cough, I bring up some phlegm. So that means I'm clearing things out, which I'd imagine is good news
  9. BeautifulStranger

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    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    Sorry for double post, but I have another quick question about antibiotics...

    The most frustrating part about them is that I have to take them with food.
    Now, I don't have body dysmorphia, so it's not like I don't want to eat because I'm afraid it'll go straight to my hips or something... but I'm simply not hungry 90% of the time.

    What happens if I take antibiotics without food?
    I've heard everything from they won't work to they'll screw up my insides...

    I've been eating with every pill I've taken, but I'm curious as to what would happen if I skipped a meal.
  10. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    Antibiotics have a tendency to upset the stomach. Depending on the antibiotic, it can also cause a mild nausea if taken on an empty stomach.

    You don't have to have a complete meal. You can have a snack and then take it- just as long as your stomach is not completely empty.

    And another note, it's generally not a good idea to drink meal or eat dairy products with antibiotics. The calcium in mild can interfere with the function of some antibiotics. So, eat any food- just no milk, cheese, ice cream, etc.
  11. BeautifulStranger

    Full Member

    Aug 26, 2007
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    Jukjeon-dong, Yongin-si
    That's fantastic! I'm lactose intolerant, so I avoid those foods anyways :slight_smile: