I feel something is missing!

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by British Lad, Jun 27, 2010.

  1. British Lad

    British Lad Guest

    This is Just a rant.
    I really feel incomplete like I am missing something or someone but I know what It is but not how to get it, It is someone, namely a boyfriend, but i have no fucking idea how to get one. I have spent endless nights alone (well not quite alone coz i still live with me perents, but you know what i mean) wishing for one, but i have a couple of blocks, i need to get out more, but i have no money. I have no money and not job, and there are no jobs around. All in all i feel incomplete because I want a partner(I also have no clue how to flirt and the longest relationship i have ever had was 2 weeks 4 days in year 5 with a girl. (that was my last relationship as well))
    I am glade I got that of my chest.
  2. Ralivar

    Full Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    Sydney, Australia
    I have the same problem, I know what I want but I have no idea how to get it. I have never been a social person, and I've never had either a girlfriend (when I thought I was and then later was pretending to be straight) or a boyfriend (since I've begun to accept who I am.) I have no idea how to flirt and no idea how to learn.

    I guess this was my own little mini-rant, lol, but I suppose to also let you know you aren't the only one with the problem.
  3. Rikudo

    Full Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Sometimes the best thing to do is to not try so hard to get with someone. Just let things flow and it'll just happen.
  4. British Lad

    British Lad Guest

    I not trying hard, I just ranting thats is all, coz I want somebody to cuddle up to and share exprentice with who is about my age and is not a complete bastard and is caring.
  5. British Lad

    British Lad Guest

    why was this moved as I was ranting and I don't need help so could a mods move this post back please and delete this request after. Thxs
  6. starfish

    Full Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    Hippie Town, Alberta of the US
    You call that a rant, this is a rant.

    I am so with you. My social circle has pretty much disappeared as of late. Basically it was an age thing. There was an influx of younger guys and the group got too big and I was pretty much asked to leave. It happens I'll move on. Thing is now that I have to rebuild my social circle. So far nothing has taken. I am having trouble find a gay group that I fit into. I have found a couple of groups of breeders that are nice and that I get a long with. That is fine and dandy, but damn it I need some homo time. Even though I am out there are just things that I just am not open about with straight people. Mostly because they don't understand.

    Plus how the hell am I spoused to meet someone. I hate going to clubs, and I just don't want to hook up with my random guys on craigslist or at the bath house. And god damn it I am tired of going to funerals by my self. The funeral for a friends wife was last week and the memorial service for my great grand mother is in a few weeks. I am just so freaking tired of the having to be the strong person all of the time. For once in my life I would just like to be able to be sad and have some one hold me.

    Speaking of being the strong person. A coworker has become a royal asshole the last few week. He insulted one of my interns pretty badly, and I had to smooth that over. He has been making all kinds of homophobic remarks toward me. His speech has become very vulgar, and he pretty spends all day telling every one how smart he is and how dumb everyone else is. You know what the worse part is. That management knows and he has even directed this behavior toward them. Yet they do nothing, other than complain to me about it. Well I am tired of it. I'm putting an end to it next week. This is always happening, some senior member of staff gets pissed and starts acting up and I'm the one that has to take care of it. I just hope this guy realizes that last week I tired a guy that can replace him. Though it is just the old story of my life, I always end up the one holding the bag and has to take care of it.

    And speaking of holding the bag. I am so tired of the right blaming Obama for everything. If I hear one more time, Obama is lame he is doing nothing about the BP spill. What is he spoused to do, put on his speedos swim down and stick his thumb in the hole? For crying out loud we elected him president not Superman.

    And speaking of Superman. I went to thing last night called Geeks who drink. It is basically a trivia games. With the name "Geeks who drink" one would expect that the questions would be aimed to the geek and nerd audience. No. It was almost all popular culture. The name of Superman's father is a question that a geek would know, the name of some rap song is not something that a geek would know. The name of an actor in Dune is something a geek would know, not the name the name of some chick in sex in the city.

    And speaking of sex. I'm single have been for freaking ever and I want to get laid. Yet I have no idea of how to get a boyfriend. Yeah I could go hook up with some random guy, but I want more than that. I want someone that I can cuddle with and wake up with in the morning. I want to make cheesy jokes after a date. Like asking if he wants breakfast in the morning. When he says yes I'll say should I call you or nudge you.

    Thank you everyone, you've been a great audience. I feel better now though if you read this far you likely don't. I would apologize, but I don't make apologizes. I'm sorry but that is just who I am.
  7. dude99

    dude99 Guest

    Well you are lonely. Why dont you join some group or class where you can get to meet other people? It does not have to be an gay group. Even if it is not, maybe there are gays in the group as many gays are interigated into the general community, or the straight people there may know gay people who are single like you and can try to matchmake you and their gay friend? Maybe you can meet your future partner through this.

    For me I have given up looking for a boyfriend and only now after friends, even friends of the opposite sex. Do something, anything instead of allowing yourself to be home alone every night.
  8. george678

    Full Member

    Oct 13, 2008
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    Well your lonely but if you join the Gay youth Corner (not promoting) you might find somebody your age.