Feeling Unsupported

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Dare2bProud, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. Dare2bProud

    Full Member

    Mar 27, 2009
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    I'm sorry that every time I post on here I always have a problem or something to complain about. I'm sorry I'm not real active or in tune to other discussions. I always turn to this site when I need a sounding board. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm whining ... ugh ... this week I was 3 1/2 hours away from my hometown in Indiana. I was in Wisconsin and I really wanted my parents to come and see my show. They made up all these excuses why they couldn't. Than next week, I have a week off, I was going to go home and the person I was to road trip home with couldn't take me back when I needed. I discussed her taking me to Indiana and than I would ask my parents if I could travel back to MN in my car. I am twenty-six and my mom told me that there is a lot of traffic to take my car all the way that way but to talk to my father. Than my dad called and told me that I should just stay in MN and not worry about driving all that way just to come home for a week because taking my car would be unpredictable and what would I do if it broke down or something? So its just best I stay here. Ugh. I just feel so hurt right now and I don't know why .... I'm suppose to after August go home for three months to spend time with them until hitting the road again. Now I'm doubting that decision but not sure how I can get away from having to go back home before my next contract starts (if that makes sense). Ugh. I just feel like crying now because I have all these feelings and thoughts going through my head!! :tears:
  2. (*hug*)

    I know how you feel, man. It's awful. Just remember that others feel the same way every day. It's comforting to know that.

  3. gaz83

    gaz83 Guest

    okay, well for a start you said its your car. so why do you need permission to drive it? infact your 26 you shouldnt be asking for permission. if you have never driven that kind of distance before it may seem a bit daunting. maybe thats why your parents are concerned. but you will have to do this at some point. i suggest taking out an aa pack. (thats if usa have the aa? its a breakdown service!!) also check your car is in good condition for a trip like that for things like water, windscreen stuff, im sure you know the basics lool. make sure ur mobile is charged up too!! then tell your parents that and it should re-assure them.

    i wouldnt get too down about them not visiting. there could be a simple reason why they didnt go to see you. tho i dont see why they wouldnt want you to see them for your week off. a 3.5 hour drive is nothing really. it would be different if it took a couple of days lool. maybe they are going away or something. id just ask them the reason why they didnt want you to go.

    well thats my input lol.