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Scandal Stirs Legal Questions in Anti-Gay Cases

Discussion in 'Current Events, World News, & LGBT News' started by Dan82, May 19, 2010.

  1. Dan82

    Full Member

    Dec 12, 2009
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    Chicago IL

  2. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    Oregon, USA
    There is a problem with being a clincal therapist and a ex-gay proponant. The main one being that it has been proven by real clinical therapist and pschologist that reperative therapy is both unethical, and also down right fatalisticly dangerous. It is not supported by science, and has been discredited so many times by legitimate sources that it is not even funny.

    We need basically to outlaw it, as it has been proven dangerous and deadly. if they claim it infringes upon their religious beliefs, then we need to point out that religious freedom stops the moment it endangers others. You cannot use your religious beliefs to abuse and harm other people, becuase that infringes on their far greater civil right to safety and well being.
  3. Chip

    Board Member Admin Team Advisor Full Member

    May 9, 2008
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    I think we've had similar conversations before on other topics. Unfortunately it isn't that simple; the religious loonies insist that it's the people acting on their "gay lifestyles" that are being endangered. The APA has already taken the position (reinforced very recently in a conference they held) that reparative therapy is ineffective and often harms the individual. Yet even the APA hasn't been able to ban it outright, and I think any attempt to do so would run afoul of free speech protections. So the middle ground, which I think they've taken, is to say that it is unethical to offer reparative therapy. Over time, licensing boards will take up and support that position, and therapists will stop doing it, for fear of losing their licenses.

    But there are always going to be bigoted, ignorant parents who don't realize that they're harming their sons or daughters.

    So the best we can do is keep focusing on the science, stick with the facts, and encourage the licensing and professional bodies to further reinforce the notion. We have made tremendous strides in the last 10 or 15 years in this area, and I'm confident that as the old bigots die off, it will be less of a problem.
  4. jonny

    Full Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    That's classic. Lome like he is too deep in the closet to see what he is doing to his fellow ppl. This is a step in the right direction for us, they need to seperate the fact from fiction about the lives we live. The fact of the matter is we are ppl first who live the same lives the heteros do the only dif is we prefer same sex. We were brought up with the same values and moral conscious.