Help with parent?

Discussion in 'Coming Out Advice' started by Lady Gaga, May 6, 2010.

  1. Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga Guest

    I know this is strange and not your ordinary help question. I am looking for a suggestion on what to do, not an answer to what it is. I cannot stress that any more.

    For the past week I have been constantly nauseousness and I am getting to the point where I cant keep down anything. I have been blacking out, and I keep getting sharp pains at the bottom of my skull that make my entire body cringe. I am constantly tired and moody.

    The sharp pains and blacking out have been happening for a few months now. And every now and then I get a migraine, however the pain is literally emanating from a hard bump I have near my hairline on my forehead.

    I am not asking for what it is. What should I do? I have told all four of my parents (I have two step parents) and all just tell me it's nothing. It doesn't feel like nothing. Nothing feels like nothing. I've tried to make them take me to the hospital but none will. I am in constant pain.

    All my parents are the exact opposite of a hypochondriac. They think everyone who is sick is faking for attention. My mom thinks me step mom is faking Rheumatoid Arthritis. :|

    What should I do? I can't just walk into a hospital and say "LOOK AT ME"

    It's starting to affect my daily life now, I can barely concentrate in school and all I want to do is sleep, even though I get nine hours of sleep every night.

    (!) My life is so awesome right now.

    Help :frowning2: Suggestions?
  2. Lexington

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    Dec 20, 2007
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    You're blacking out, and your parents are saying it's "nothing"? Does your school have a "school nurse" that you can see? If so, I'd go see her right away tomorrow.

    If not, do you have a regular doctor you've seen for other issues? If so, call him up and discuss the issue with him. He'll presumably ask you to come in so he can take a look. At that point, feel free to say "Well, my parents say it's nothing, and they don't want me coming in."

  3. beckyg

    beckyg Guest

    Mar 19, 2007
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    You need help ASAP! This could be a very serious problem and for your parents to blow you off like that is child neglect in my opinion. Talk to your school nurse, your teachers or any adult you can trust. You need to be seen by a doctor right away.
  4. KaraBulut

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    Mar 1, 2008
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    If you have a family doctor or pediatrician, call and make an appointment for an exam. Tell the doctor what you said here. Let the doctor know that you're there by yourself because you haven't been able to convince your parents to have the issue checked out. If the doctor feels the problem is serious, he will tell your parents that the issue requires further tests and treatments and that they need to take the problem seriously.

    The symptoms that you are describing are serious. It may be migraines but it could also be something more serious. If your parents aren't acknowledging the need to see the doctor, then you will have to take it upon yourself to do so. At age 17, you are old enough to go to the doctor by yourself.
  5. padre411

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    Jan 30, 2010
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    Yes, you can.