masturbation sin?

Discussion in 'Physical & Sexual Health' started by Connor22, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Johnnieguy

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    Jan 16, 2010
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    The Church considers masturbation a sin because it can't result in pregnancy and because the act is entirely meant to pleasure yourself.. During sex, in the eyes of the Church, you are meant to focus on the other person more than yourself...Oh, and not only is masturbation a sin, but even if you have straight sex and use a condom, or pull out before ejaculation, that is sin as well. :frowning2:

    Here's some food for thought: what if you go to a sperm bank and make a deposit there? That's can't be entirely sinful, since the sperm is destined for pregnancy! (Unless of course it's lesbians who want to make the withdrawl...joking here of course)

    In conclusion: there are so many contradictions..It is NOT, NOT, NOT a sin. It's even medically reccomended. If your church has a problem with it, ignore them, or find a new religion.
  2. Owen

    In Loving Memory Full Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    The idea of masturbation as a sin is a part of the system of beliefs known as "Christian Family Values." CFVs came out of the necessities of the agrarian age, aka the age when man lived on a farm and depended on the food he grew to feed his family. In this age, it was beneficial to have as many children as possible. After all, many children didn't live past childhood, and the more kids you had, the more help you would have out in the field. As such, any sexual act that couldn't result in having children (anal sex, using contraceptives, gay sex, oral sex, masturbation, etc.) was seen as wasteful, and wasteful evolved into sinful.

    If religion were to evolve to meet the needs of its people (as it should and is supposed to) rather than being stuck in the past, the belief would have evolved to be that masturbation, contraceptives, etc. are good things, since the world is overpopulated as it is, but humans will still feel sexual urges, so any way you can sublimate those urges without producing children is a good thing. The Christianity of the past frowned upon masturbation, but if Christianity were fluid and evolving, rather than rigid and unchanging, it would promote masturbation now, or at least admit that it is a better alternative than frivolous fornicating, a sort of middle-ground between abstinence and making more kids than the world can support.

    Short version: masturbation was a sin, but the world has evolved sufficiently that it isn't anymore.
  3. steve1

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    Jan 29, 2010
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    i used to feel quilty. now i realize ALL guys do it. i dont believe its a sin in any way whatsover
  4. Swimmerboy

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    May 29, 2007
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    Why would your god care about you jerking your meat? Just think, does god want you to live like a little wind up toy? Nah, or god would be here right now answering this question, and telling you to not masturbate.

    Just do it:thumbsup:
  5. Emberstone

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    May 26, 2008
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    So all you straight/bisexual men, remeber, your only done when she is!
  6. pianomike

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    Oct 10, 2008
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    New York they have a very good talk about it and the thoughts behind (btw, they say it's not)
  7. Kevin42

    Kevin42 Guest

    If your Catholic, this is what you believe:

    Protestants traditionally held masturbation to be a sin up until the mid 1900's until some denominations altered their view. Some denominations still don't allow it because it is lustful, but others consider it to be allowable.

    Islam generally considers masturbation sinful.

    If your Jewish, well I really don't know what to say there.
  8. Austin

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    Ask your church leaders. Different churches have different stances on it. Personally I think any church that says it's a sin is stupid. Btw even if your church says it's a sin, it's one of those things everyone does anyways.
  9. Holmes

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    Aug 19, 2009
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    No, don't ask your church leaders, because they might give you an idiotic answer. If you're Catholic, the answer they're meant to give is that it is a sin. Most likely they'll say it is, but that it's not something you should beat yourself up over, give you ten Hail Marys or something, because they know that EVERYONE* does it. Even though it's strictly a grave sin according to them, as is any form of sexual activity that has measures to prevent pregnancy. So oral sex, anal sex and protected sex are all out. A couple is allowed use the rhythm method, i.e. having sex at a time of the month where they're least likely to cause pregnancy, because I suppose an accident could happen. And a couple is allowed have sex when the women is beyond child-bearing age, even though that obviously can't result in pregnancy. So overall, their doctrines on sexual activity don't make sense.

    I'm not a Catholic myself. I was raised in a mildly Catholic family, and was confirmed at 11. Then around 13 I started going to Church of Ireland services, and at 20, I stopped going to any church, and became an atheist. Actually had a pretty bad time in school when I came out as Protestant, but that's another story.

    But, if you are Catholic, and for some reason I'm assuming you are, you should read what Andrew Sullivan, an English gay Roman Catholic Tory living in Washington, has said on this. He happens to have written a few pieces on this in recent blog posts: How Natural Is Masturbation? Ctd. Worth reading that one and the few previous posts on this, where he responds to the comments of some respondents.

    My objection to Catholic teaching on sexuality is that it ignores what we know of human nature. The Roman Catholic Church should get some credit for accepting the theory of evolution, but they don't in this regard. The male testicles produce far more sperm than we need, so it's natural to feel a need to get rid of the build up. It can also serve the purpose of relieving tension, or in my case, helps me get to sleep. All fairly benign things. The also ignore the benefit of sexuality as part of a healthy relationship between two people, apart from conceiving children.

    * Not strictly true. Women do less than men. But you're a boy. Probably about 99.99% of men since the genus homo sapiens sapiens evolved. Some animals do too, by the way.
  10. Peter

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    Oct 11, 2008
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    Roman Catholic and Evangelical Fundamentalists consider that masturbation is a sin, but then they consider that nearly everything is a sin (except being superior and telling everyone else they are going to hell). Largely they both hold views that are contrary to the teachings of Christ on most aspects, enjoying narrow, legalistic and unforgiving attitudes. They are the Christian Pharisees. Masturbation is natural and normal, God gave us pleasure, the Church gave us guilt!
  11. LostandFound

    LostandFound Guest

    My church always taught that while masturbation wasn't intrinsically a sin, the associated lust is sinful. Personally though, I never figured out how to separate the two ;-). There are some big Church leaders who do support it though. For example, I think that, for as much as he's against everything, James Dobson supports masturbation as a way for people to get sexual release.
  12. pbmlhm

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    Jun 22, 2011
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    Yes masturbation is a sin according to the Catholic dogma

    it is a sin not only because you are preventing new life but an orgasm is reserved for a man and a woman to have express their love together , and not every time husband and wife have sex do they have to produce 'more Catholics' they do however have to be open to the possiblity of new life coming as a result of their expression of love, hence why masturbation, pulling out and contraception are all mis-using our power as humans to create new life .

    it instead becomes a means of creating (and having to facilitate) an addiction that we once never had, a very powerful addiction I must add which has taken me around 4 months now to (sort-of) get over...

    It is perfectly natural to become erect during the day, and think lustful thoughts , it is part of being a human being and if you do not experience these thoughts whether your buddhist, muslims Catholic or satanic, your a liar, because every single male does , its just the way we're wired. And wet dreams go hand-in-hand with that for that matter ! ever since the fall of man, we have been succeptible to temptation but luckily for us a sin is not a sin if we have no control over it (no conscious ability to stop or prevent it ) so if in your dream adriana lima is in your bed and something goes on it is NOT a sin ...

    But even if you're not a Catholic and for whatever reason dont believe that sex is for reproduction, why would you create for yourself an addiction that you must facilitate, we all know the man isnt the guy who masturbates 10 times a day, but the real man is the guy who can become lustful in thought 10 times a day and refuse all times, that's the man with self control 'for we must conquer ourselves before we can conquer anything else' the words of a devout non-Catholic =]
  13. ToTheCeilingFan

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    Dec 14, 2010
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    Studies show that men who masturbate are less likely to get prostate cancer. It also relieves stress, helps performance (sexual, not tight-rope-walking or whatever) and improves immune system functioning. In my opinion, a sin is anything that prevents love in some way, and so masturbation doesn't fit the bill. Why would the Goddess/God give us fingers otherwise? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  14. Connor22

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    Nov 17, 2009
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    heres a thread I thought died...
  15. SecretColor

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    May 26, 2011
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    From St. Louis, MO; go to school in Philly
    The question of this thread has pretty much been answered, but as a fallen Catholic (I stopped practicing after it came out that the Church turned a blind eye to some priests molesting kids) I'm pretty sure that in the story of Onan (fun fact, 'the deed' used to be called Onanism), Onan was commanded by God to impregnate his sister-in-law because his brother died, and he refused. God, being in Old Testament BAMF mode, smote Onan for wasting his seed. Somehow, this translates into 'masturbation = :eusa_naug.'
  16. theWorldisYours

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    May 13, 2011
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    The whole masturbating being a sin thing is based on the ancient belief that the male sperm alone grows into a baby. It was believed that sperm grows into a baby and the female simply acts as an incubator, without contributing DNA.
  17. Zontar

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    Oct 22, 2010
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    The Catholic church condemns masturbation, however, the Bible does not. Onan's sin was failing to knocking up the chick...not spilling his seed. As far as the Bible goes, you can spill all the seed you want as long as God didn't already tell you to put it in her snatch.

    The prohibition on masturbation is purely an ecclesiastical law, that is, "man made." Ecclesiastical law is made from interpretations of the Bible, not from the Bible itself. For example, the Magisterium extrapolated the jack-off sin from "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Take what you will from that. It comes down to whether or not you think "God's word" is more important than "man's word."
  18. RedState

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    Aug 24, 2008
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    Well, if it is...on top of my drinking, gambling, cussing, cigar smoking and sometimes being a slut.. I feel sorry for the person in line behind me during Judgement Day.
  19. Tiny Catastrophe

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    Jun 15, 2009
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    LMAO I'll be that person behind you in line because I'm almost just as bad XD
  20. dl72

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    No it is not a sin. Do what you feel you have too or want too.